2026SU Full List


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

ACC-121 Principles of Accounting I (3 cr.) VT

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
An introduction to accounting terminology and concepts, and accepted accounting practices of analyzing, recording, summarizing, presenting, and interpreting business financial transactions of sole proprietorships and partnerships. Significant emphasis is placed upon practice and application.

ACC-142 Financial Accounting (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-053 or minimum math placement scores based on college assessment or BUS-110
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the use of?accounting in the decision making process.?Information will be presented with a bias toward?user orientation as opposed to preparer?orientation. Course competencies will be developed?in teh areas of: Identifying the role of?accounting in society, basic accounting and?business terminology, concepts behind financial?information, accepted accounting practices,?analysis and interpretation of financial?statements of sole proprietorships and?corporations.

ACC-146 Managerial Accounting (3 cr.) P AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course emphasizes financial statement analysis, including the reporting of cash flows, and managerial accounting as it relates to decision-making and to the manufacturing environment. This course serves as a foundation for other accounting courses for students planning careers in accounting, as well as providing for the needs for students in business administration.

ACC-237 Intermediate Accounting (4 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
The in-depth study of selected financial accounting theory and practices. Topics may include professional organizations, structures, financial statements, the time-value of money, inventories, and other current and noncurrent assets and liabilities. As time permits some other specialty topics will be looked at; such as the statement of cash flows, accounting for leases, and revenue recognition principles.

ACC-265 Income Tax Accounting (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in ACC-11, ACC-121, or ACC-142, or permission of the instructor.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an introduction to income?tax accounting for individuals and small?businesses. Topics include the fundamentals of?federal income tax laws, income inclusions and?exclusions, deductions, credits, and tax paying?strategies. Students will learn to prepare?accurate tax returns and apply critical thinking?to solve tax-related problems. This course is?designed to equip students with practical skills?and foundational knowledge for careers in?accounting and tax preparation.

ACC-332 Computer Account - QuickBooks (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:ACC-111, ACC-121, or ACC-142
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
In this course students will apply accounting concepts to keep financial records for small service and merchandising companies using the accounting software QuickBooks. Topics will include setting up a company, creating a chart of accounts, recording customer and vendor transactions, processing payroll, printing financial reports, recording adjusting entries and closing the accounting cycle.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

BCA-220 Integrated Computer Bus Apps (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:CSC-110 or CSC-116
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an advanced course in microcomputer software applications. Students will plan and create spreadsheets, databases, presentations, and word processing documents using integrated systems software that allows for data transfer among applications.

BCA-250 Desktop Publishing (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course takes the student beyond the basic level computing commands?while gaining knowledge and practice in desktop publishing by integrating both graphics and text. The student will learn advanced features of publishing?software, such as creating and applying styles, macros, and master documents. Decision making skills will be used to complete desktop publishing projects, such as letterheads, business cards, flyers, newsletters, brochures and certificates.

AGRICULTURE (Farm Management/Agribusiness Management)

Muscatine Community College

AGA-336 Forage Production (1.5 cr.) VT

NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
Forage Production is a study of the cultivation and production of grass and legume forage. Topics include identification of forage species, variety selection, seeding, fertilization, control of weeds, insects and diseases, grazing, harvesting and storage.

AGA-373 Integrated Crop Management (2 cr.) VT

The integrated approach to management of weeds, insects, diseases, and disorders common to corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa will be discussed and observed in the field environment.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

AGA-182 Intro to Soil Science (3 cr.) VT

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will help student understand soil function, texture, structure, formation, taxonomy, and other properties of soil. The course goals include using the principles and concepts learned to find soil science information, solve soil management problems, and communicate solutions to others.


Muscatine Community College

AGV-113 Canine and Feline Nutrition (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-118 and AGV-127.
236605MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:10AM-11:11AMTRALCHNI Cromer
This course highlights nutrition as an essential component of pet care. The student will learn basic nutrition and the nutrient requirements for feeding and maintaining healthy dogs and cats. This course teaches students to design optimal nutritional care for all life stages of companion dogs and cats.

AGV-149 Large Animal Diseases (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum of C in AGV-127, AGV-133, and AGV-146.
236604MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-09:00AMTRALCHNI Drahos
This course is a follow up to AGV 146?Large Animal Care. This course will describe issues related to diseases with large animal species. The disease process, clinical signs, treatments, and prevention will be discussed.

AGV-184 Lab Animal Medicine (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-119 and AGV-131.
236606MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2601:30PM-03:30PMTALCLAB Cromer
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2611:20AM-12:50PMTRALCHNI Cromer
236607MLL8205/26/26-07/16/2611:20AM-12:50PMTRALCHNI Cromer
MLL8205/26/26-07/16/2601:30PM-03:30PMRALCLAB Cromer
This course is designed to give the student a broad overview of laboratory animal medicine and technology. It will show the student how to utilize and manage various species in a research environment. Emphasis will be on the laboratory setting, regulatory guidelines, and ethical considerations, as well as information on handling, behavior, nutrition, lab, and treatment procedures.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ ANT-105 Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a comparative study of culture and social organization and the study of the effect and influence of language. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ ART-101 Art Appreciation (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the history of paintings, sculpture, and architecture. Emphasis is on the appreciation of well-known works of art in a variety of media. The artist and the creative process are explored. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

ART-186 Digital Photography (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed for the Communications?majors who focus on the visual arts. It is highly?recommended for those who concentrate their?students in advertising and graphics. The focus of?this class is the organization, optimization, and?manipulation of digital photographic images using?Adobe Photoshop software. Although some basic?principles of photography will be discussed, a?previous photography course is not a prerequisite?for enrollment and a cell phone is adequate for a?camera for the class.


Muscatine Community College

ATR-145 Intro to Industrial Robotics (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106.
236442MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:40AMRMITC120 Volkl
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:40AM-02:30PMRMITC120 Volkl
This course allows the student to explore the?history and evolution of industrial robotics, the?basic parts of a robotic work cell, robot motion?and input/output programming, safe interaction?with robot while programming, robot power systems,?and basic robot troubleshooting and maintenance?procedures. While in the lab the student will?program industrial robots to perform various?functions.

Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

ATR-145 Intro to Industrial Robotics (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106.
237481SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:00AMTRBTC211 Nelson
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA BTC211 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course allows the student to explore the?history and evolution of industrial robotics, the?basic parts of a robotic work cell, robot motion?and input/output programming, safe interaction?with robot while programming, robot power systems,?and basic robot troubleshooting and maintenance?procedures. While in the lab the student will?program industrial robots to perform various?functions.


Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

AUT-404 Automotive Suspension & Steer (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-115.
237034SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-01:30PMMWBELM3106 Arends
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
237037SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-01:30PMTRBELM3106 Arends
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course deals specifically with automobile suspension and steering systems. Specific skills needed for the development of competencies will be taught. Competencies are aimed for skills as an entry-level suspension and steering specialist.

AUT-704 Auto Heating & Cooling (4 cr.) VT

237039SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-01:30PMMWBELM3105 Bramhall
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
237041SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-01:30PMTRBELM3105 Bramhall
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides students with a basic knowledge in automotive heating and air conditioning. Basic theory, system diagnosis, and service procedures are covered. Students will be taught to troubleshoot, purge, evacuate, charge, and performance test an automobile or truck air conditioning system.


Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

✓ BIO-114 General Biology IA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053, MAT-065, or HSC-137.; Students should have placement into ENG-105 or take ENG-095/ENG-105 concurrently with this course.
237489SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-01:00PMMWBELM1315 Boulton
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2601:10PM-03:10PMMWBELM1010 Boulton
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2601:00PM-03:10PMTRBELM1315 Boulton
This course is an introduction to the basic?principles of biology. Topics studied include?chemical applications in biology, cellular?biology, bioenergetics, cell division, and?genetics.

✓ BIO-168 Human Anat and Physiology I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete BIO-114 or 1 yr HS biology within 5 yrs.; Complete CHM-110, 122, 165, 179, or 1 yr HS chemistry within 5 yrs.
237490SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:10AMMWBELM1315 Boulton
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:00AMTRBELM1315 Boulton
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:10AM-12:10PMTRBELM2002 Boulton
This course is the first in a two semester survey?of the structure and function of the human body.?The study begins at the cellular level and?proceeds through tissue and organ levels within?each of the body systems: integumentary, skeletal,?muscular, nervous, special senses, and endocrine.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ BIO-105 Introductory Biology (4 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the science of?biology for students who are not majoring in?biology or health-related fields. Course topics?include the scientific method, evaluating?scientific literature, basic chemistry, the?structure and function of cells and their?organelles, energy transformations, cellular?reproduction, genetics and inheritance, DNA?applications, evolution, and the classification of?organisms. This course is not intended to replace?or substitute for BIO 114?or BIO 115.

✓ BIO-114 General Biology IA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053, MAT-065, or HSC-137.; Students should have placement into ENG-105 or take ENG-095/ENG-105 concurrently with this course.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is an introduction to the basic?principles of biology. Topics studied include?chemical applications in biology, cellular?biology, bioenergetics, cell division, and?genetics.

BIO-115 General Biology IIA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Must have C or better in BIO-114;
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is a continuation of General Biology?IA (BIO 114). Course topics include evolution,?biological diversity, plant and animal anatomy and?physiology and ecology.

✓ BIO-125 Plant Biology (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-053 minimum math placement scores based on college assessment.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is an introduction to the study of?plants, emphasizing structure, function,?reproduction, and diversity. Topics include basic?plant anatomy and physiology and the evolution of?plant diversity.

BIO-151 Nutrition (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-053 or MAT-065
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course explores dietary sources, functions, and requirements of major nutrients for all individuals. Course topics include tools for healthy eating, digestion and absorption, the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, water balance, energy balance, food safety and technology, and nutrition during the life stages. This course will also include the role that culture, diversity, and socioeconomic status plays in nutritional health.

✓ BIO-157 Human Biology (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is designed for students who are not majoring in a science or health related field. Human Biology is an introductory course that presents the structure and function of the human body along with its chemistry, organization, and continuity. Students will study general concepts of life demonstrated by the major body systems with applications to health, disease, nutrition, and wellness. Students will also study the basics of genetics, evolution, and the origins of life. This course is not equivalent to or intended to replace BIO 114 or BIO 168, but satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences area. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences Area.

✓ BIO-168 Human Anat and Physiology I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete BIO-114 or 1 yr HS biology within 5 yrs.; Complete CHM-110, 122, 165, 179, or 1 yr HS chemistry within 5 yrs.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the first in a two semester survey?of the structure and function of the human body.?The study begins at the cellular level and?proceeds through tissue and organ levels within?each of the body systems: integumentary, skeletal,?muscular, nervous, special senses, and endocrine.

BIO-173 Human Anat and Physiology II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Minimum grade of C in BIO-168. BIO-168 must be taken within the last 5 years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the second course in a two semester?sequence. The content includes study of the?following organ systems or topics: cardiovascular,?lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive,?metabolism, urinary, and reproductive.

BIO-186 Microbiology (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:BIO-114 or BIO-168
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an in-depth examination of the?microbial world, with emphasis on classification,?reproduction, genetics, physiology, infectious?disease, and control. Laboratory exercises will be?directed toward the use of equipment and?identification of clinically and economically?important organisms.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

BUS-106 Employment Strategy (2 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course allows students to focus on their individual career targets, while developing successful lifetime job search skills and career management tools. Students will also learn job search techniques, such as completing employment applications, preparing letters of application and resumes, and participating in a mock interview.

BUS-161 Human Relations (3 cr.) AS

 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides a foundation of accepted?personal and business behavior in office?relationships. Personality characteristics with?relation to fellow employees and business?Associates are an integral part of the course.?Topics include motivation of individuals and?groups, contribution to a desirable working?atmosphere, adjustment to the job, stress?management techniques and other areas of human?relations.

BUS-167 Leadership and Professionalism (1 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop professional growth in the areas of leadership, community service, cooperation, patriotism and business knowledge. Students will be provided opportunities to demonstrate and refine leadership skills both inside and outside of the classroom. This course can be repeated for credit.

BUS-168 Leadership/Professionalism II (1 cr.) P VT

 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop professional growth in the areas of leadership, community service, cooperation, patriotism and business knowledge and is a continuation of Leadership and Professionalism I. Students will be provided opportunities to demonstrate and refine leadership skills both inside and outside of the classroom. This course can be repeated for credit.

BUS-180 Business Ethics (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course will introduce students to ethical principles and the application of ethical principles to situations relevant to decision-making in the professional and business world.

BUS-210 Business Statistics (3 cr.) P AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
Through this course students develop an in-depth knowledge of the following statistics principles: frequency distributions, cumulative frequency distributions, relative frequency distributions, histograms, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability, the Central Limit theorem, confidence interval estimates, methods of sampling, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, linear and multiple regression analysis, chi-squared test, time series and forecasting, statistical quality control, and statistical decision-making.

BUS-300 Intro to RFID (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
Covers Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) concepts and fundamentals, and how emerging electronic product code (EPCglobal) standards are influencing adoption. Content includes RFID capabilities, current applications of RFID in businesses, and practical ways to articulate applications and uses of this technology to potential employers and peers.

MKT-181 Customer Service Strategies (2 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts of customer service and to help them learn the skills and techniques necessary to provide excellent service to the internal and external customers of the organization for which they work. These skills are vital for every job since identifying and satisfying customer needs is an essential part of every business organization.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

CIM-200 Registry Org & Operations (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in CSC-116 and BIO-173.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an overview of the regulatory requirements for an approved cancer program. Emphasis will be given to the requirements outlined by the Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACoS), data standards set by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), data standards set by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in its Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program, data standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other organizations. Legal, ethical and confidentiality issues in both the internal and external settings will be addressed. Students will obtain an overview of the relationships between a registry and other departments within a facility. Basic daily operational tasks, reference resources and computer hardware and software needs will be introduced.

CIM-205 Cancer Pathophysiology (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in BIO-173, HSC-113, and HIT-170.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
Cancer Pathophysiology is a focused study of the major histological cell types in which cancer arises. Students will learn to differentiate between a new primary cancer and a recurrence of previous primary cancer cases utilizing the Surveillance on Epidemiology & End Results (SEER) Program guidelines on Multiple Primaries/Histologies. Students will study advanced terminologies used by pathologists on gross and microscopic pathology reports. Students will study cancer epidemiology, diagnostic work up, and current therapies.

CIM-230 Registry Org and Op II (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in?CIM 200 and?CIM 210.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will cover follow-up methodology, confidentiality and ethical issues, identification of second primaries, recurrence of disease, spread of disease, and survival data. Physician, patient, and other follow-up resources and activities will be introduced.

CIM-250 Cancer Stats & Epidemiology (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in BIO-173, CSC-110, HSC-113, and HSC-137.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will introduce the student to cancer statistics, principles of epidemiology, cancer surveillance, annual report preparation, presentation of cancer data and special studies. Use of cancer statistical data for marketing and strategic planning will also be studied.

CIM-261 CIM Seminar (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:CIM-215, CIM-220, CIM-250, and HIT-312.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides a comprehensive discussion of all topics common to the cancer registry profession. Emphasis is placed on application of professional competencies, job search tools and preparation for the certification exam.

CIM-271 CIM Capstone (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of all previous CIM courses.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will provide students with hands-on experience in all aspects of registry organization and operation. A total of 160 hours under the supervision of a Cancer Tumor Registrar (CTR) will be spent by the student abstracting and experiencing all the tasks of a full-time cancer registrar. Students must have student health forms completed and on file.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

CHM-110 Intro to Chemistry (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed for the student with no high school chemistry background. It is a study of chemistry in our lives and chemical principles preparatory to CHM 122?Introduction to General Chemistry or CHM 132?Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry or CHM 165?or CHM 166?General Chemistry I. This course is an introduction to the composition and properties of matter, bond types, acids and bases, pH, and a description of the major branches of chemistry. This course does not meet the lab science requirement for graduation.

✓ CHM-122 Intro General Chemistry (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A grade C or higher in MAT-053 or equivelant
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to General?Chemistry as the first course in a sequence of two?introductory chemistry courses with lab. An?elementary approach to chemical principles and?laboratory practices are taken. Emphasis is placed?on the nature of matter, bonding, nomenclature,?equations, acids and bases and chemistry is?applied to everyday life. This course is intended?primarily to fulfill laboratory science?requirements and to fulfill chemistry requirements?for nursing, dental hygiene, and some home?economics and agricultural programs. This course?satisfies a general education requirement in the?Natural Sciences Area.

CHM-132 Intro to Organic and Biochem (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-122
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a continuation of CHM 122.?Aliphatic and aromatic compounds, their chemistry,?and uses in consumer products will be discussed.?Example compounds include polymers, drugs, and?foods. Attention is also given to biologically?important compounds: proteins, nucleic acids,?carbohydrates, and lipids, and the chemistry of?these molecules in the living organism.

✓ CHM-166 General Chemistry I (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-110, CHM-122 or high school chemistry AND MAT-067 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment or consent of instructor
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the first course in a sequence of?two general chemistry courses for students in?pre-med, pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental,?pre-pharmacy, pre-engineering, other physical or?biological sciences, or liberal arts. Topics?include dimensional analysis, calculation methods,?stoichiometry gases, atomic structure and?periodicity, solutions, chemical bonding, and?thermochemistry. This course satisfies a general?education requirement in the Natural Sciences?Area.

CHM-176 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-165 or CHM-166
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This?course is the second in a sequence of two?general chemistry courses for students in pre-med,?pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy,?pre-engineering, other physical or biological?sciences, or liberal arts. Topics include?kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, ionic?equilibria, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics,?electrochemistry, organic chemistry, descriptive?chemistry and nuclear chemistry.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

COM-140 Intro to Mass Media (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the history, evolution, and relationships of the media and their effects on our society. It examines print, electronic, and social media as well as ethics, advertising, and public relations. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

CAD-203 Principles of Design (3 cr.) VT

236557SLL9106/08/26-07/30/2609:00AM-10:40AMWRBTC110C Wadsworth
SLL9106/08/26-07/30/26TBA BTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of four (4) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course is designed to give students a solid foundation in orthographic projection, engineering tolerances, and geometric dimension and tolerancing. Overall view selection and shape/size description will be emphasized.

CAD-292 Intermediate 3D Printing (3 cr.) P VT

237479SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-09:30AMMWBTC219 McConnell
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA BTC219 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will introduce higher level 3D printing processes and slicing software. Students will use Stereolithography processes as well as Selective Laser Sintering (Powder Bed Fusion). Configuration of the slicing software based on the model needs and material requirements will be a large part of this course. Various machines from fused filament fabrication (FFF) to the above mentioned processes will be used to create flexibility in the students ability to apply 3D printing skills. A closer look into post processing will be a main focus as well. Another focus will be printing assembly models.

CAD-295 3D Scanning (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:CAD-290; CAD-140
237480SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRBTC219 McConnell
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA BTC219 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will introduce students to various types of 3D scanning methods and equipment. Using these methods and equipment, students can generate point clouds of information or data. This data can be used to create 3-dimensional models of objects or structures, and to reverse engineer objects. Students may also use additive manufacturing equipment or 3D printers to create physical representations of scanned data. Scanned data can be used in quality control and inspection, prototyping, crime scene re-creation, historical preservation, and many other uses.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

CRJ-118 Law Enforcement (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey course about the historical development of law enforcement, the functions of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, police subculture, the function of patrol, and other issues important to the field of policing. The use of police authority, police discretion, police violence, and police corruption will be introduced.

CRJ-201 Juvenile Delinquency (3 cr.) P AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course introduces the causes of juvenile delinquency and the modification of such behavior by corrective institutions and individual therapy. Emphasis is placed on the study of the development of individual personality through inter-family relationships and antisocial aggressive acts from early abnormal family and social situations. This course is cross listed as SOC-230.


Scott Community College

DEA-810 RDA Expanded Functions I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency.
237315SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLSONLN Nichol
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA CLINSITE Nichol
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include occlusal registration, gingival retraction, final impression, and provisional restorations.

DEA-820 RDA Expanded Functions II (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency.
237316SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA CLINSITE Nichol
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLSONLN Nichol
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include application of cavity liners, desensitizing agents, bonding systems, placement and removal of dry socket medication, placement of periodontal dressing, and testing pulp vitality.

DEA-830 RDA Nitrous Oxide Monitoring (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency.
237317SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA CLINSITE Nichol
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLSONLN Nichol
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course is designed to provide theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include monitoring of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

DEA-575 Dental Assisting Clinic I (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in DEA-254, DEA-295, DEA-302, DEA-405, and DEA-512.
  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will apply and practice principles and skills acquired in the areas of chairside assisting, operative procedures, laboratory procedures, business office procedures, and dental radiology. This course will consists of observation and practice in a general dental office setting with emphasis on chairside duties.

DEA-577 Dental Assisting Clinic II (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in DEA-110, DEA-255, DEA-515, DEA-575, DEA-593, SPC-222.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will apply, practice, and build principles and skills acquired in the areas of chairside assisting, operative procedures, specialty procedures, laboratory procedures, business office procedures, and dental radiology from DEA-575 Dental Assisting Clinic I. This course will consist of observation and practice in general and specialty dental office settings with an emphasis on chairside duties in general practice.

DEA-593 Dental Assisting Seminar I (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in DEA-254, DEA-295, DEA-302, DEA-405, and DEA-512.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides the opportunity to discuss clinical experiences. It will emphasize leadership, management, clinical decision-making, judgment skills, and professional values to facilitate the transition of the student to a professional dental assistant. This course will also provide the opportunity for the application of critical thinking skills in the care of a diverse patient population in the dental setting.

DEA-594 Dental Assisting Seminar II (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in DEA-110, DEA-255, DEA-515, DEA-575, DEA-593, SPC-222.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides the opportunity to discuss clinical experiences and prepare students to sit for the Iowa Dental Board Registration exams and the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) exam. This course also provides students the opportunity to further develop a professional growth plan.

DEA-701 Dental Office Procedures (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in DEA-110, DEA-255, DEA-515, DEA-575, DEA-593, and SPC-222.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course examines the legal and ethical aspects of the dental practice. Managerial aspects of the dental practice will also be discussed.


Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

DSL-339 Diesel Engine Repair (6 cr.) VT

237030SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2607:00AM-12:00PMMTWRBELM3116 Koby
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course acquaints students with the modern?diesel engine used in transportation and?automotive industries. The course is divided into?five sections. In each section operation, overhaul?and adjustments will be thoroughly covered for the?diesel engine used in the transportation and?automotive diesel engine industry. Labs correlate?with lectures to provide the student with?practical hands-on experience.

DSL-629 Heavy Duty Brakes and Service (3 cr.) P VT

237032SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2612:30PM-02:30PMMTWRBELM3116 Koby
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course acquaints the student with the principles of diagnosing and repairing truck brake systems. A study of hydraulic brake systems, air brake systems, brake components, brake adjustments as they pertain to heavy-duty brake systems, and preventative maintenance on brake systems as per NATEF will be included Labs correlate with lectures to provide the student with practical hands-on experiences.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ DRA-110 Intro to Film (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to introduce the student to the historical, evolutionary, philosophic, artistic, and economic aspects of motion pictures and the filmmaking industry. Students will have the opportunity to examine the various genres of the movie industry such as: drama, film noir, western, fantasy, documentary, romantic comedy, horror, musicals, and silent film. Utilizing film excerpts and entire movies as tools, students will hone skills in film analysis, beginning with recognition of theme and critically viewing productions in terms of such elements as: fictional elements, editing, cinematography, visual design, photography, special effects, sound, acting, music, and directing. Progressively, students will observe similarities and distinctions in film and literature and relate philosophical, historical, and cultural theories and events to the industry. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area. May be counted as either Humanities or Fine Arts, but not both.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ ECN-120 Prin of Macroeconomics (3 cr.) AS

 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course discusses issues confronting society as a result of economic scarcity. It examines the systematic approach to these issues as it has developed in markets and government combined to determine the economic decision-making process. Emphasis is placed on the fiscal and monetary policies of government, undertaken to modify the instability that occurs in the private sectors. This course includes the importance of international trade. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

EDU-125 Making a Difference (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
The emphasis of this course is introducing the student to the careers related to education, particularly teacher and para-educator as professionals. The course includes: human and legal rights of children with disabilities; introduction to human development; introduction to the classroom instruction process; discussion of instructional interventions as well as teaching strategies; and health and safety procedures in the classroom.

EDU-235 Children's Literature (3 cr.) AS

 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed primarily for the student?planning to enter elementary and/or middle school?level teaching. The student will develop an?understanding of why and what children read, and?acquire criteria for the selection of reading?material for children's and youth's recreational?and curriculum enrichment. Students will?investigate how to identify, evaluate, and utilize?quality children's literature for teaching in the?classroom.

EDU-245 Exceptional Learner (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introductory course designed to provide the student with an overview of the field of special education and the policies and programs established for the education of students with various learning abilities. It includes an analysis of characteristics of persons with disabilities, behavior disorders, talented and gifted students, persons with mental health disabilities, and those who have physiological disorders such as asthma. This course is required for teacher licensure in Iowa. Students will complete 25 clock hours in a K-12 Special Education Setting.

EDU-255 Technology in the Classroom (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course prepares students to facilitate?learning in a technology-rich environment by using?a variety of digital tools and internet resources.?Educational software and hardware, along with best?practices in the use of tools and technologies in?the classroom, will be discussed. Students will?focus on the effective use of technology in?learning environments, with special attention to?instructional practice, assessment development,?and student engagement. Students will discover,?explore, evaluate, and implement the use of?technology resources focusing on current trends in?the classroom. Students will develop a?professional digital portfolio designed to?showcase personal technology and educational?skills, as well as their reflections on effective?teaching.


Muscatine Community College

ELE-113 AC/DC Fundamentals (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years, or with instructor permission.
236435MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:40AM-01:30PMMRMITC120 Volkl
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:40AMMTMITC120 Volkl
This course is an introduction to Alternating?Current (AC)/ Direct Current (DC) theory. The?student is introduced to the concepts of?electricity and its sources, basic circuits,?schematics, motor theory, and laws that govern?circuits.

Scott Community College

ELE-113 AC/DC Fundamentals (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years, or with instructor permission.
236578SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:00AMMTBA Nelson
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA TBA Nelson
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of eight (8) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course is an introduction to Alternating?Current (AC)/ Direct Current (DC) theory. The?student is introduced to the concepts of?electricity and its sources, basic circuits,?schematics, motor theory, and laws that govern?circuits.


Muscatine Community College

ELT-128 PLC Programming and Control I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
236440MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:40AMWMITC120 Volkl
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:40AM-02:00PMWMITC120 Volkl
This course provides an introduction to various?programmatic control schemes, basic sequential?control, and basic system integration. Concepts?are explored and emphasized through lecture,?reading, and hands-on labs.


Clinton Community College

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
237503CLL9106/08/26-07/30/2609:00AM-12:00PMTRLNCN133 Campbell
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area.

Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

ENG-095 ALP Writing (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Enroll in ENG-105 or ENG-107 as a Co-requisite course.
237140SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:40AM-12:10PMMTWRBELM1408 Baldwin
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-095 sll81 237140 ALP Writing MUST also register for ENG 105 sll81 237149. ENG 095 & ENG 105 are not self-paced classes; college-level reading and writing assignments will be due several times per week throughout the eight-week term. Students must have time to participate in both classes. Students are advised not to be enrolled in other college courses while taking both ENG095 and ENg105 during the summer.
This course is a co-requisite course designed to support skills necessary for successful completion of ENG 105? or ENG 107?, using an Accelerated Learning Program model. The writing process, critical thinking and reading skills, and strategies to enhance student success are emphasized. In this class, students will practice writing skills learned in ENG105 or ENG107 and work closely with the instructor to develop increased confidence and writing proficiency.

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
237139SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:30AMMTWRBELM1408 Baldwin
237149SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:30AMMTWRBELM1408 Baldwin
NOTE: Students registering for ENG 105 sll81 237149 MUST also register for ENG-095 sll81 237140 ALP Writing. ENG 095 & ENG 105 are not self-paced classes; college-level reading and writing assignments will be due several times per week throughout the eight-week term. Students must have time to participate in both classes. Students are advised not to be enrolled in other college courses while taking both ENG095 and ENg105 during the summer.
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area.

✓ ENG-106 Composition II (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-105 or ENG-107
237138SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:30AMMTWRBELM1406 Staff
This course is a continuation of Composition I.?Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate?texts. Critical thinking skills, argumentation,?writing style, and academic research, introduced?in Composition I, will also be further developed?in this course. This course satisfies a general?education requirement in the Communications Area.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

ENG-095 ALP Writing (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Enroll in ENG-105 or ENG-107 as a Co-requisite course.
  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-095 DER81 237141 ALP Writing MUST also register for ENG 105 DER81 237142. ENG 095 & ENG 105 are not self-paced classes; college-level reading and writing assignments will be due several times per week throughout the eight-week term. Students must have time to participate in both classes. Students are advised not to be enrolled in other college courses while taking both ENG095 and ENg105 during the summer.
This course is a co-requisite course designed to support skills necessary for successful completion of ENG 105? or ENG 107?, using an Accelerated Learning Program model. The writing process, critical thinking and reading skills, and strategies to enhance student success are emphasized. In this class, students will practice writing skills learned in ENG105 or ENG107 and work closely with the instructor to develop increased confidence and writing proficiency.

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: Students registering for ENG 105 DER81 237142 MUST also register for ENG-095 DER81 237141 ALP Writing. ENG 095 & ENG 105 are not self-paced classes; college-level reading and writing assignments will be due several times per week throughout the eight-week term. Students must have time to participate in both classes. Students are advised not to be enrolled in other college courses while taking both ENG095 and ENg105 during the summer.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area.

✓ ENG-106 Composition II (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-105 or ENG-107
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a continuation of Composition I.?Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate?texts. Critical thinking skills, argumentation,?writing style, and academic research, introduced?in Composition I, will also be further developed?in this course. This course satisfies a general?education requirement in the Communications Area.

ENG-107 Comp I: Technical Writing (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a writing course designed to?prepare students for the types of communication?essential to the working world. Through practical?application, students will gain confidence in?their writing abilities and improve their?proficiency in critical reading, problem-solving,?communication, and collaborative work. This course?is an alternative to ENG 105 Composition I and is?recommended for students in technical, business,?and science programs. Students will create?individual presentation(s) and collaborative?presentation(s). Students will write and revise at?least four formal assignments and produce a?minimum of 20 pages. This course satisfies a?general education requirement in the?Communications Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ ENV-111 Environmental Science (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course will survey common environmental?problems with discussion as to their possible?causes, consequences, and remedies. An emphasis?will be placed on objective analysis of issues and?arguments related to environmental concerns. This?course satisfies a general education requirement?in the Natural Sciences Area. May be counted as?either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences, but not?both.

✓ ENV-145 Conservation Biology (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENV-111
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course examines the ecological principles?used in the preservation of biological diversity.?Some topics explored are: population dynamics,?conservation genetics, island biogeography,?mathematical modeling of ecological systems,?disturbance ecology, Geographic Information?Systems (GIS), reserve theory and wildlife?corridors. Laboratories will involve fieldwork,?data analysis, computer work and research.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ GEO-121 World Regional Geography (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey course of basic?geographical knowledge. Students will be?introduced to geographical principles and concepts?thus providing them with the tools to study both?physical and human geography. This course?satisfies a general education requirement in the?Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.


Clinton Community College

✓ GLS-100 Contemporary World Issues (3 cr.) AS

237191CLL8105/26/26-07/16/2612:30PM-03:30PMTRLNCN106 Barleen
This course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of issues affecting life in the modern world. It identifies topical areas to study as background to major contemporary issues. Typical areas of discussion will be ecology, world economy, resource utilization, and comparative cultures among others. Instruction will be primarily discussion oriented and will utilize guest lectures, outside reading and projects, and limited lecture. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ GLS-100 Contemporary World Issues (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of issues affecting life in the modern world. It identifies topical areas to study as background to major contemporary issues. Typical areas of discussion will be ecology, world economy, resource utilization, and comparative cultures among others. Instruction will be primarily discussion oriented and will utilize guest lectures, outside reading and projects, and limited lecture. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

HSC-113 Medical Terminology (2 cr.) VT

 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course will teach students about the body?systems approach to learning medical language.?Word parts are used to build, analyze, define, and?spell medical terms. Structural, directional,?disease and disorder, surgical, and diagnostic?terms, pronunciations, and abbreviations are?included.

HSC-137 Math for Healthcare (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed for Allied Health Care profession majors. The course will cover general development of skills involving computations of fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, basic algebra equations, mean, median, and mode. Allied health areas that will be covered include how to utilize graphs, when fractions and decimals are utilized in healthcare settings, allied health statistics, and how to figure deductibles and co-payments for health insurance. Students will also learn how to calculate mass and volume of medications, and common dose measurement and dose abbreviations.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

HIT-121 Pharmacology (2 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides the student with an introduction to common drugs and drug therapies as they relate to the field of health information technology. It includes accurate identification of drug name, spelling, and indications for usage. This course replaces HIT-120.

HIT-170 Principles of Human Disease (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:HSC-113; BIO-163 or BIO-168
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will introduce Cancer Information Management (CIM) and Health Information Management (HIM) students to the principles of human disease. This course will also introduce students to therapies for management of pain, diagnostic methods, testing, and procedures.

HIT-305 CPT Coding (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- BIO-163, HIT-121, HIT-170, and HSC-113.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the second course in a four-part series of coding courses. Students are introduced to Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Ed. (CPT-4) as it relates to physicians offices/hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Payment Classifications System (APCs). Emphasis is placed on practical application of coding outpatient/ambulatory records. This course replaces HIT-251.

HIT-355 PPE I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- HIT-200, HIT-205, and HIT-265
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides supervised clinical experience in health care settings. Clinic sites will be secured by the Health Information Technology (HIT)?Healthcare Site Coordinator. Sites will be chosen based on proximity to students and availability of HIT-trained, on-site supervisor(s). Emphasis will be placed on practical application of basic concepts in the health care setting. In addition, this course provides an online learning experience simulating a health information management department through the use of virtual Electroinc Health Record (EHR) activities. Upon completion, students should be able to apply basic health information management theory to health care facility practices. This course may be repeated twice for additional credit. This course replaces HIT-596.

HIT-515 Revenue Cycle Management (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in HIT-355, HIT-415, HIT-451, and HIT-485.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will cover?the revenue cycle processes, determination of?the diagnosis, procedure?coding, and groupings for reimbursement.? Students will evaluate the compliance with regulatory requirements and reimbursement methodologies.? Students will also learn to understand the reporting processes that are completed in the revenue cycle process.?

HIT-555 PPE II (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in HIT-355, HIT-422, and HIT-485; HIT-505, HIT-515, HIT-525, and HIT-535
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides supervised clinical experience in health care settings. Clinic sites will be secured for students by the HIT Healthcare Site Coordinator. Sites will be chosen based on proximity to student and availability of HIT-trained, on-site supervisor(s). Emphasis will be placed on practical application of advanced concepts in the health care setting. In addition, this course provides an online learning experience simulating a health information management department through the use of virtual EHR activities. Upon completion, students should be able to apply advanced health information management theory to health care facility practices. This course replaces HIT-598

HIT-590 Career Seminar (1 cr.) P VT

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a capstone course designed to provide a comprehensive review of professional health information management competencies, preparation for Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) certification exam, preparations for professional resume and job search/job interview skills and tools. This course replaces HIT-946


Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

HCR-271 Adv Domestic Heating and AC (5 cr.) VT

236903SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-10:20AMMTWRBELM3122H Gonzalez
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2610:20AM-12:15PMMTWRBELM3122H Gonzalez
This course is designed to provide students with the basics of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. The topics covered in this course are geared toward residential central air-conditioning systems and air source heat pumps. This course is intended for those who are looking to obtain basic knowledge.

HCR-851 HVAC-R Industry Safety (2 cr.) VT

236904SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-09:00AMMTWRBELM3122H Gonzalez
This course provides an introduction to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) regulations that pertain to protecting workers from exposure to occupational hazards. Students concentrate on researching, interpreting, summarizing, and applying the OSHA regulations. Students are introduced to a proactive philosophy of company compliance with OSHA regulations with an emphasis on using specific approaches to provide a safe and healthful HVAC/R work environment. The course also provides the students with an industry approved 10 hour OSHA certificate.


Clinton Community College

✓ HIS-151 U.S. History to 1877 (3 cr.) AS

237497CLL9106/08/26-07/30/2612:30PM-03:30PMMWLNCN106 Henderson
This course is the study of political, cultural,?social and economic developments in North American?colonies and the United States from discovery?through Reconstruction. Historical perspective and?critical analysis are emphasized.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ HIS-117 W Civ I: Ancient and Medieval (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey course in Western?Civilization from ancient history into the age of?absolutism. The civilization components of?religion, philosophy, literature, art,?architecture and science are integrated into the?political and social history of Europe, from our?Mesopotamian and Egyptian origins to about 1450.

✓ HIS-118 W Civ II: Early Modern (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This cousre is a survey course in Western?Civilization from the Renaissance through the Age?of Democratic Revolutions. The civilizational?components of religion, philosophy, literature,?art, science, and architecture are integrated into?the political and social history of Europe, from?about 1450 to the end of the eighteenth century.

✓ HIS-119 W Civ III: The Modern Period (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey course in Western?Civilization in the Modern Age, from the Age of?Democratic Revolutions through the present day.?The civilizational components of religion,?philosophy, literature, art, science, and?architecture are integrated into the political and?social history of Europe and its impact on the?modern world.

✓ HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877 (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the study of political, cultural,?social, and economic developments from 1877 to the?present. Historical perspective and critical?analysis are emphasized.

HIS-224 Nazi Germany (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Take ENG-105
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey of the origins and?development of the National Socialist German?Workers Party (NSDAP), the foreign policies of?Adolph Hitler which led to WW II, and the?implementation of the Holocaust.

✓ HIS-231 Contemporary World Affairs (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to be a study of current events viewed in their historical context. Emphasis is placed on global politics, domestic issues, and cultural developments. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.

HIS-257 African American History (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will assist students in developing an?understanding of international racism in a?historical context. Emphasis is placedo on slave?culture, social role of newly freed blacks, and?community changes in the Twentieth and?Twenty-First Centuries.

HIS-269 The '60's & the Vietnam War (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Minimum English placement score based on college assessment.; Recommended to take ENG-105 prior to this course
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides students with perspectives of the turbulent cultural, political, and social changes of the 1960s and early 1970s during the administrations of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, the causes and consequences of the Vietnam conflict, and the Watergate affair.

HIS-271 American Frontier History (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
The course is a study of European migration to North America, with a focus upon the interaction within settlements on the frontier. Emphasis is upon political, cultural, and economic developments in the North American Atlantic seaboard colonies, the trans-Appalachian region, and the trans-Mississippian regions. Comparative study is emphasized with the patterns of frontier culture in the Far West of the post-bellum period.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

HUM-105 Working in America (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This is a humanities course which has as its theme the interplay of work and the individual. It focuses on technological society and how the humanities can interpret and reflect upon that society. On the one hand, the course recognizes that scientific and technological literacy remains an essential aspect of what it means to be an educated person in the twenty-first century. On the other hand, the course acknowledges that, regardless of culture, race, gender, age, and other factors, there are basic human characteristics of responding to new situations. It focuses on the idea that the shared experiences of living in a body, having the conscious awareness that we do, being able to communicate that knowledge and share the experience of life with others-and knowing that bodies dont live forever are the same simply by virtue of our being born human.

✓ HUM-110 Changes & Choices (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course offers students an opportunity to explore ways in which the Humanities are integral in their personal and work lives, especially as they face change and make decisions. The course will explore works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, history, philosophy, and art, and apply themes from these works to their own lives. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ HUM-135 Humanities of the Early World (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course surveys the major cultural achievements and ideas of Western Civilization from Ancient Greece and Rome through the Middle Ages. Art, architecture, music, literature, and drama are presented as they reflect the world view of each historical era. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ HUM-136 Humanities of the Renaissance (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course surveys the major cultural achievements and ideas of Western Civilization from the Renaissance through the 18th Century. Art, architecture, music, literature, and drama are presented as they reflect the world view of each historical era. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ HUM-137 Humanities of the Modern World (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course surveys the major cultural achievements and ideas of Western civilization from the 19th to the 21st Century. Art, architecture, music, literature, and drama are presented as they reflect the world view of each historical era. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ HUM-183 Living With Space Time & Tech (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will explore human values and individual beliefs within a constantly changing environment, community relationships, technological networks, the ethical dimensions of work and a meaningful personal life-style. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Scott Community College

IND-200 Mechanical Drives I (2 cr.) VT

236581SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2601:00PM-02:00PMMWTBA Nelson
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA TBA Nelson
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of four (4) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course will teach stuents the fundamentals of?mechanical drives by introducing the student to?key fasteners, v-belts, chain drives, spur gear?drives and multiple shaft drives in mechanical?drive systems used throughout the industry.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

CIS-121 Intro to Programming Logic (3 cr.) VT

  05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course introduces students to basic computer programming ideas and foundational principles such as problem decomposition and step-wise refinement. The course explores problem solving using well-developed programming logic derived with pseudo code, flow charts, and related techniques. The course focuses on translating student developed solutions into simple programs for testing using an instructor-selected, high-level programming, or scripting language.

CIS-169 C# (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete CIS-121 and MAT-066.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to introduce the student to the C# Language. The course will cover C# syntax and object-oriented programming techniques in the .NET environment.

CIS-171 Java (3 cr.) P VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Students will learn how to create classes, objects, and applications using the Java language. Topics also include the language fundamentals, the Java language API (Application Programming Interface API).

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

CIS-210 Web Development I (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will teach students how to evaluate, design, construct, and maintain web pages and websites. Topics include: HyperText Markup Language (HTML5), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3), JavaScript,?graphics, and animation.

CIS-251 Fundamentals of Web Design I (3 cr.) P VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an overview of web design techniques, hypertext markup language (HTML), creating device- and platform-independent websites using responsive web design techniques, cascading style sheets (CSS), and search engine optimization (SEO). Students will also learn the overall website production processes with particular emphasis on design elements involving layout, navigation, accessibility, and interactivity. This course will give students an in-depth understanding of web design concepts and techniques that are essential to planning, designing, creating, testing, publishing, and maintaining websites.?

CIS-750 Project Management (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to provide students exposure to project management and its importance to improving success in information technology projects. Topics addressed in the course will include triple constraints of project management, project life cycle, cost estimates, value management, and motivation theory, and team building. Tools and techniques important to project management will also be presented, including project selection methods, work breakdowns, network diagrams, critical path analysis, and scheduling. Students will have the opportunity to utilize software to help plan and manage an information technology project.

NET-167 Computer Sys & Troubleshooting (4 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course presents an in-depth exposure to computer hardware and operating systems. Students learn the functionality of hardware and software components as well as suggested best practices in maintenance and safety issues. Through hands on activities and labs, students learn how to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software and troubleshoot hardware and software problems.

NET-303 Windows Workstation Op Syst (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will prepare students to use and support Windows Operating Systems (OS) in a business setting. Topics include installation, administration of resources, troubleshooting, networking, optimization, virtualization, and security.

NET-305 Intro to Network Operating Sys (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to give students of varying experience a practical working knowledge of baseline IT skills and technologies. It covers the current Windows operating systems, UNIX/Linux, MacOS, as well as mobile operating systems. Topics in this course include installation, administration of resources, troubleshooting, networking, optimization, and security.

NET-420 Introduction to Linux OS (3 cr.) P VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will teach students how to become proficient with using a Linux Operating System. It does not assume any prior knowledge of Linux and is geared toward those interested in systems administration as well as those who will use or develop programs for Linux systems. The course provides comprehensive coverage of topics related to Linux certification, including Linux distributions, installation, administration, X-Windows, cloud technologies, networking, and security. This course also prepares the student for the CompTIA Linux+ Certification.

NET-679 TCP/IP and Subnetting (1 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is intended to provide the necessary information to understand the TCP/IP protocol Suite as well as IP Addressing and Subnetting. This course includes a discussion on the structure and purpose of an IP Address and the purpose for Subnetting. A thorough discussion on Subnetting Class A, B, & C networks, as well as, Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM), and Supernetting (Classless Internet Domain Routing) of multiple Class C Addresses is provided. Finally, an introduction to Internet Protocol Version 6 is provided.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ LIT-101 Intro to Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the major literary genres: the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel. Emphasis is placed on formal, thematic, historical, cultural, and critical elements of literature, as well as the relationship between literature and the human condition. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

LIT-130 African American Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey of African American literature beginning in the 18th century and continuing into the present. Genres will include the short story, poetry, the novel, and drama. Emphasis is placed on formal, thematic, historical, cultural, and critical elements of African American literature, as well as the relationship between African American literature and the human condition. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ LIT-185 Contemporary Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course focuses on works written since World War II. The effects of culture, environment and mass media on literature and its four major genres (short fiction, poetry, novel and drama) are explored in detail through critical reading and writing. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

MGT-151 Management Communications I (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course prepares students for the types of written communication essential to management and supervision success.

MGT-269 Intro Inventory Mgmt (3 cr.) VT

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
Focuses on the role of inventory management in the supply chain. Students will be exposed to the concepts, principles, problems and procedures of inventory management. The crucial role of inventory and materials management in the efficiency, competitiveness and profitability of a business will be examined. The importance of inventory management, material requirements planning, and "just-in-time" systems will also be emphasized.


Clinton Community College

MFG-371 Manual Projects (3 cr.) VT

236556CLL9106/08/26-07/30/2609:00AM-10:30AMMTDCAC343 Wadsworth
CLL9106/08/26-07/30/26TBA DCAC343 Wadsworth
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of six (6) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course will develop the primary skills and knowledge to use basic measurement instruments and manual machine tools in the laboratory situation. Areas of instruction will include basic measurement tools, drill press, manual vertical milling machine, manual lathe, and surface grinder. Various projects will strengthen the proper use of these tools.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

MAT-053 Pre-Algebra (4 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is designed for students who need to review and improve their arithmetic skills. Topics include whole numbers, introduction to algebra, understanding variables and solving equations, solving application problems, rational numbers, ratios, proportions, geometric relationships, percents, measurements, graphs, exponents, and polynomials.

MAT-066 Algebra I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course provides students with the beginning topics in a two-part algebra sequence. Topics covered include basic algebraic concepts, linear equations in one and two variables, linear inequalities, graphing equations, exponents and polynomial rules, functions, and beginning exponential and logarithmic functions.

MAT-067 Algebra II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-066 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
In this course topics covered include factoring, rational expressions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, inequalities and absolute value equations, rational exponents and radicals, quadratic equations and inequalities, and exponential and logarithmic functions. A scientific calculator is required.

MAT-104 Applied Math Topics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course presents algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and finance math as it applies to specific career and technical applications. Mathematical ideas and procedures will be presented first, followed by applications with the various career and technical fields.

✓ MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Sucessfully completed junior level high school mathematics course or advisor placement utilizing EICCD multiple measures or HiSET placement.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed for the liberal arts?student. The course will include logic, counting?methods and probability, statistics, financial?mathematics, different base systems, sets, and?problem solving.

✓ MAT-128 PreCalculus (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in MAT-138 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is intended to prepare students for?calculus or advanced science courses. The course?covers logarithms and exponential functions,?trigonometric functions, complex numbers, analytic?geometry, and topics in the theory of equations.

MAT-138 College Algebra With Limits (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course will prepare students for future study?in mathematics. Topics include solving equations?and inequalities, complex numbers, polynomial,?rational, absolute value, and exponential and?logarithmic functions, systems of equations,?matrices, sequences and series, permutations and?combinations, the binomial theorem, and limits.

✓ MAT-156 Statistics (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-065, MAT-066, or MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is recommended for business,?economics, mathematics, science and social?sciences students. The course focuses on?obtaining, presenting and organizing statistical?data. Course topics covered include descriptive?measures, probability, probability distributions,?binomial distributions, normal distributions,?sampling distributions, confidence intervals,?hypothesis testing, linear regression, and?correlation. A graphing calculator with statistics?functions is required.

✓ MAT-165 Business Calculus (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in MAT-138 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is designed for students in business,?social sciences, or life sciences. Topics include?limits; derivatives; applications of the?derivative related to business, social science,?and the life sciences; integration; and?applications of the integral related to business,?social science, and the life sciences. A graphing?calculator is required.

✓ MAT-210 Calculus I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-128 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is the first in a three-part calculus?series designed to provide science, math,?engineering, or computer science students with a?foundation in calculus and analytical geometry.?Topics for this course include analytical?geometry, limits, differentiation, applications of?the derivative, integration, and applications of?the integral. A graphing calculator is required.

MAT-216 Calculus II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-210 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
This course is the second in a three-part calculus?series. It is a continuation of topics taught in ?MAT 210 - Calculus I. Topics include applications?of the definite integral, differentiation and?integration of inverse trigonometric and?hyperbolic functions, methods of integration,?improper integrals, infinite sequences and series,?parametric equations, polar coordinate equations,?and conic sections. A graphing calculator is?required.

MAT-219 Calculus III (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-216 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
NOTE: This section requires proctored assessments. The instructor may use online proctoring software, which means you will need a working computer with a camera, microphone, and reliable internet access to complete these assessments.
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the final course in a three-part?calculus series and is a continuation of the?topics taught in MAT 216?Calculus II. Topics?include solid analytic geometry, moments, partial?derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector?analysis. A graphing calculator is required.

MAT-227 Differential Equat w/ Laplace (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-216 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed primarily for science,?mathematics and engineering majors. Topics include?ordinary differential equations, differential?operators, series solutions, matrices and systems?of linear differential equations, Laplace?Transforms, numerical techniques and applications.?A graphing calculator is required.


Scott Community College

MAP-137 Medical Lab Procedures (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in MAP-138.
237122SEH9106/08/26-07/30/2609:30AM-10:15AMTRTBA Diveley-Wiedenmann
SEH9106/08/26-07/30/2610:15AM-02:00PMTRTBA Diveley-Wiedenmann
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course is an introduction to the medical laboratory. Students will use critical thinking skills to incorporate cognitive knowledge in the performance of obtaining specimens and performing Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waived testing. The student will also know and adhere to protective practices for personal and patient safety.

MAP-512 Medical Assisting Pharmacology (2 cr.) VT

237123SEH9106/08/26-07/30/2602:00PM-03:00PMTRTBA Diveley-Wiedenmann
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course provides a basic background in the classification and understanding of drugs and their sources, uses and legal implications. This course will also provide discussion on the characteristics of typical drugs, side effects, precautions, interactions, and patient education of each category.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ MUS-100 Music Appreciation (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course introduces students to an exploration of the basic music elements, a survey of musical periods and their characteristics from the ancient through the twentieth century; and a discussion of the differences between Western and non-Western musical form and function. Listening and concert attendance is required. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Clinton Community College

ADN-176 Adv Concepts in Mental Health (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.; Take BIO-168
237346CLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMMRLNCN116 Adams
CLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBATWCLINSITE Adams
THis course builds on the concepts of previous?material, with an emphasis on the care of high?risk mental health patients. Focuses on the?provision of ethical/legal, safe, quality,?evidence-based patient centered care of the?patient wih the alterations in mental health.?Emphasizes health promotion, prevention and?condition management of common alterations seen in?mental health patients. Provides the opportunity?to apply concepts and demonstrate skills and care?for patients in supervised laboratory, simulation,?and/or clinical setting. Emphasizes patient?safety, application of the nursing process, and?development of physical and communication skills.?Upon completion, students will provide safe?nursing care incorporating the concepts identified?in this course.

PNN-641 Transition to Practice (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.
237344CLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:45AMMRLNCN127 Schmertmann
CLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBATWCLINSITE Schmertmann
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641.

Muscatine Community College

ADN-176 Adv Concepts in Mental Health (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.; Take BIO-168
237348MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMMTMCAC18 Noble
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBARFCLINSITE Noble
THis course builds on the concepts of previous?material, with an emphasis on the care of high?risk mental health patients. Focuses on the?provision of ethical/legal, safe, quality,?evidence-based patient centered care of the?patient wih the alterations in mental health.?Emphasizes health promotion, prevention and?condition management of common alterations seen in?mental health patients. Provides the opportunity?to apply concepts and demonstrate skills and care?for patients in supervised laboratory, simulation,?and/or clinical setting. Emphasizes patient?safety, application of the nursing process, and?development of physical and communication skills.?Upon completion, students will provide safe?nursing care incorporating the concepts identified?in this course.

PNN-641 Transition to Practice (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.
237343MLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-12:20PMMTMCAC19 Neal
MLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBARFCLNMSITE Neal
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641.

Scott Community College

PNN-641 Transition to Practice (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.
237341SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:40AMMWTBA Zaehringer
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641.

Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

ADN-176 Adv Concepts in Mental Health (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.; Take BIO-168
237350SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2605:00PM-07:30PMMWBELM0210 Myers
SLL8205/26/26-07/16/26TBANSCLINSITE Myers
THis course builds on the concepts of previous?material, with an emphasis on the care of high?risk mental health patients. Focuses on the?provision of ethical/legal, safe, quality,?evidence-based patient centered care of the?patient wih the alterations in mental health.?Emphasizes health promotion, prevention and?condition management of common alterations seen in?mental health patients. Provides the opportunity?to apply concepts and demonstrate skills and care?for patients in supervised laboratory, simulation,?and/or clinical setting. Emphasizes patient?safety, application of the nursing process, and?development of physical and communication skills.?Upon completion, students will provide safe?nursing care incorporating the concepts identified?in this course.

PNN-641 Transition to Practice (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.
237341SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBARFCLINSITE Zaehringer
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ PHI-101 Intro to Philosophy (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an introduction to the way that philosophy has addressed questions of fundamental concern, both historically and today. These questions include: What is real? What is human nature? What is the meaning of life? What is knowledge? And what is morally right or wrong? Particular emphasis is placed on providing students with vivid illustrations of the enduring nature and value of philosophy, by showing them how philosophy can be applied to contemporary issues of personal and social concern. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ PHI-105 Intro to Ethics (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to give an introduction to ethics from a philosophical perspective. As with any philosophical activity, it will be an inquiry into the fundamental principles and basic concepts that are found at work in the ongoing determination of right and wrong in human life. This course satisfies a genearl education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ PHI-110 Intro to Logic (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides a study of the argumentative use of language and of the methods for distinguishing correct from incorrect reasoning. Topics studied include: the multiple uses of language and their governing conventions, the language of argument and informal fallacies, and the close analysis of actual arguments. The formal analysis of argument is introduced through work on categorical syllogisms and propositional logic. The relation of formal analysis to everyday argument is examined as the course emphasis is on the effective use of the latter. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ PHS-152 Astronomy (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a basic course in descriptive?astronomy. It introduces the development of modern?astronomy including its present-day theories and?observations. Topics covered include motions of?solar system and deep sky objects, telescopes and?other instruments, members of the solar system,?nature of the sun, other stars, origin and?development of stars and planets, our galaxy,?other galaxies, and the organization of the?universe. Some night labs are required.

✓ PHS-166 Meteorology, Weather & Climate (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to introduce students to?meteorology. Topics covered include earths?atmosphere, elements of weather, weather?forecasting, types of storms and storm formation,?severe weather, thunderstorm, hurricanes,?tornadoes, the global climate, global change, and?peoples interaction with the environment.

✓ PHS-172 Physical Geology (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This is a survey course in physical geology?including the Earths physical systems, the rock?cycle, the hydrologic cycle, and the theory of?plate tectonics. Volcanism, earthquakes, erosion,?and geologic resources are included. The emphasis?in the lab is on reading geologic maps and the?study of common rocks and minerals.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ PHY-110 Survey of Physics I (3 cr.) P AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
In this course, students will start the?first of?two algebra-based courses in physics for?pre-chiropractic students. Students will develop?problem solving skills in mechanics,?thermodynamics, and acoustics. The student will?become proficient in applying the scientific?method to laboratory measurements of topics from?motion, heat, and sound. Applications to physics?of the body will be emphasized.

✓ PHY-162 College Physics I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in MAT 067?or two years of High School Algebra
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the first in a sequence of two?physics courses for students in liberal arts,?pre-med, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, and?other students not majoring in the physical?sciences, math, or engineering. Topics include?fundamentals of mechanics, Newtons Laws of Motion,?energy, momentum, periodic motions, fluids,?rotation, and thermal physics. Students are?expected to acquire basic skills in scientific?methods, critical reasoning and problem-solving.

PHY-172 College Physics II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:PHY-162 or consent of instructor.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a continuation of PHY 162 -?College Physics I. It includes static and current?electricity, electromagnetism, wave motion,?optics, atomic, and nuclear physics. Students will?achieve a basic understanding of the fundamental?principles in these topics and be able to apply?physics concepts to a variety of physical?situations. Students are expected to acquire basic?skills in scientific methods, critical reasoning,?and problem-solving.

✓ PHY-212 Classical Physics I (5 cr.) P AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is the first course in a sequence of?two physics courses for students in physics, other?physical sciences, math, and engineering. Course?topics include the fundamentals of mechanics,?Newtons Laws of Motion, energy, momentum, periodic?motions, fluids, rotation, and thermal physics.?Calculus is applied to physics concepts. Students?are also expected to learn to organize their?thoughts clearly in both written and oral?communication.

PHY-222 Classical Physics II (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-210 and PHY-212 or consent of instructor
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a continuation of ?PHY 212 -?Classical Physics I. It includes static?electricity, current, electromagnetism, geometric?and wave optics, and a brief introduction to?modern physics. Students will achieve a basic?understanding of the fundamental principles in?these topics and to be able to apply physics?concepts to a variety of physical situations.?Students are expected to acquire basic skills in?scientific methods, critical reasoning, and?problem-solving. The application of calculus to?these physics concepts is used.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ POL-111 American National Government (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a survey of American government and politics. It includes discussion of the historical foundations and fundamental principles of American democracy, the basic institutions of government, the fundamental rights of citizens and the public policy process. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.

POL-112 American State and Local Govt (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an introduction to politics, government and public policy at the state and local level, with particular emphasis on the state of Iowa. It includes an analysis of the relationship among federal, state and local governments; the structure and powers of state and local governments; the scope of political participation in state and local parties; and public policymaking by state and local governments.


Clinton Community College

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

236902CEH8105/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-02:30PMMWLNCN107 Schmidt
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined.

PSY-121 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course examines the psychological, social,?and emotional development of individuals across?the lifespan, from infancy through late adulthodd.?Students will explore key theories of development,?including cognitive, psychosocial, and biological?perspectives, and analyze the factors that?influence development, such as genetics, culture,?and environment. ??Key topics include physical growth, language?acquisition, attachment, moral development, and?identify formation. The course will also address?developmental challenges and transitions, such as?those related to parenting, education, and aging.

PSY-213 Industrial & Org Psychology (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course explores the role of psychology in?understanding interpersonal dynamics within?organizational settings. It is designed to help?students develop an awareness of individual needs,?emotions, and attitudes, as well as their impact?on self and others in the workplace. Students will?examine common organizational challenges and?explore strategies for addressing and preventing?issues related to employee relations, motivation,?and organizational behavior.

PSY-223 Child and Adolescent Psycholog (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course focuses on the psychological?development of children and adolescents, exploring?the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical?changes that occur from infancy through the?teenage years. Students will examine key?developmental theories and milestones, as well as?the influences of family, culture, and society on?growth and behavior.

PSY-236 Psychology of Personality (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an in-depth exploration of?the theories and research surrounding personality?development and individual differences. Students?will examine key psychological frameworks,?including trait theory, psychodynamic?perspectives, humanistic approaches, and?social-cognitive theories, as well as the?biophysiological perspective that emphasize the?role of biological and psychological factors in?shaping personality.

PSY-241 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:PSY-111 or consent of instructor.
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course explores abnormal psychology by?examining the nature, causes, and treatment of?psychological disorders. Students will engage with?various theoretical perspectives - biological,?psychological, and sociocultural - to understand?mental health complexities. Key topics include the?classification and diagnosis of disorders,?historical and contemporary issues in mental?health care, and specific disorders like anxiety,?mood, personality, psychotic, and?neurodevelopmental disorders. The course will also?cover treatment modalities, including?pharmacotherapy, emphasizing evidence-based?practices and ethical considerations.

PSY-246 Intro to Counseling Skills (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed to provide students with?three essential components relative to the fields?of counseling and human services. These are: to?attain a foundation in the current theories in?psychology that relate to the practice of?counseling, to learn "helping" skills so that?students can begin to practice micro-counseling?techniques in the classroom, and to gain knowledge?about the large number of occupational choices?within the field of counseling and human services.?In this course, selected prominent theoretical?approaches, which provide guidelines for?understanding human problems and for selecting?interventions for these problems, will be studied.

PSY-281 Educational Psychology (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:PSY-111 or consent of instructor
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is designed for individuals who are or will be working in a vocational environment, which requires them to provide or become part of an educational or training program. Although the course is targeting traditional educational systems, it is directly applicable to virtually any setting in which a person may be required to help an individual or group of individuals learn and understand new information, or to develop new knowledge and skills sets. The fundamentals of this course are designed to assist the student in differentiating learning theory and processes as aspects of human development. Emphasis is placed on the roles of the educators and the students in applying the principles of learning, instruction, evaluation, and pupil management.


Scott Community College

RAD-101 Intro to Rad and Pt Care (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105.
237355SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-02:00PMMTBA Hawkes
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMMWTBA Hawkes
237356SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-02:00PMWTBA Hawkes
This course will introduce the student to radiologic technology and?the evolution of radiography film to the digital imaging technology of today. The student will learn about the hospital and clinical setting, medical specialties, and the role of the radiographer on the health care team. The student will gain the knowledge necessary to provide safe patient care to include the following topics: legal and ethical issues in medicine, professionalism, communication skills, medical terminology, patient histories, pharmacology, valuing diversity, soft skills, body mechanics, patient transfer methods, standard precautions, radiation safety and radiography as a profession.?

RAD-120 Radiographic Procedures I (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105.
237360SLL8405/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMTRTBA Matter
237359SLL8305/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMTRTBA Matter
237357SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMTRTBA Matter
237358SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMTRTBA Matter
This course introduces the first semester student to patient positioning and procedures performed in the radiology department. Procedures to be studied and simulated in the energized laboratory are chest, abdomen and the distal upper?extremity. Each procedure includes anatomy review, procedural guidelines, projections, and image evaluation.

RAD-260 Clinical Education III (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in RAD-162,?RAD-240, and RAD-300
237362SOS8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA OFFSITE Jacobs
237363SOS8205/26/26-07/16/26TBA OFFSITE Jacobs
This course is a continuation?of Clinical Education II and the student will be assigned to the same clinical affiliate. Students will continue to perform radiographic procedures with indirect supervision on those exams where competency has been achieved. Emphasis will be placed on those procedures learned in Radiographic Procedures I, II, and III. Film critique will be integrated throughout the course. Students will meet requirements and competencies in the areas specified in the clinical procedure manual. The student will complete rotations in Computed Tomography, Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cardiac Catheterization.

Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

RAD-101 Intro to Rad and Pt Care (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105.
237356SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-11:30AMMWBELM0104 Hawkes
This course will introduce the student to radiologic technology and?the evolution of radiography film to the digital imaging technology of today. The student will learn about the hospital and clinical setting, medical specialties, and the role of the radiographer on the health care team. The student will gain the knowledge necessary to provide safe patient care to include the following topics: legal and ethical issues in medicine, professionalism, communication skills, medical terminology, patient histories, pharmacology, valuing diversity, soft skills, body mechanics, patient transfer methods, standard precautions, radiation safety and radiography as a profession.?

RAD-120 Radiographic Procedures I (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105.
237360SLL8405/26/26-07/16/2602:00PM-04:00PMMBELM0102 Matter
237359SLL8305/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-02:00PMTBELM0102 Matter
237357SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2602:00PM-04:00PMWBELM0102 Matter
237358SLL8205/26/26-07/16/2612:00PM-02:00PMRBELM0102 Matter
This course introduces the first semester student to patient positioning and procedures performed in the radiology department. Procedures to be studied and simulated in the energized laboratory are chest, abdomen and the distal upper?extremity. Each procedure includes anatomy review, procedural guidelines, projections, and image evaluation.

RAD-183 Special Procedures (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in RAD-143
237361SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2609:00AM-12:00PMTRBELM0104 Jacobs
This course is an integrated study of detailed anatomy, physiology, and radiographic procedures including the use of special equipment. Special emphasis is placed on the radiographic procedures related to the circulatory and nervous system. The scientific principles and uses of computerized tomography (CT), digital angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine are discussed. Students will apply these principles during their clinical practicum and special rotations. Preparation, precautions, and administration of contrast media will be explored.

RAD-760 Film Evaluation I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in RAD 162, RAD 183, and RAD 240.
237364SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2612:30PM-02:30PMMTBELM0104 Jacobs
This is the first of a two-course sequence. It is designed to emphasize principles of film evaluation as it relates to techniques, collimation, shielding, positioning, and radiographic quality. Radiograph rejects are studied in detail. Procedures to improve their diagnostic quality are emphasized, including the use of existing diagnostic exams to demonstrate desirable films.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ REL-101 Survey of World Religions (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-095; or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This is an introductory course to the origins and historical developments of various religions of the world. Particular emphasis will be placed on understanding why peoples of the world embrace various religions, and the role religion plays in giving meaning and purpose to personal and social existence. The course will provide students the opportunity to understand world events through an understanding of the impact of religious beliefs and values on people146s daily lives. The study will include a survey of Religions of Prehistoric Cultures; Native American Religions; African Religions; Religions of India; Religions of China and Japan; Religions of Southwest Asia; Christianity; the Bahai Religion; and New Religions in America. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

SOC-110 Intro Sociology (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course introduces students to a framework of thinking that involves theories in social structure, structural functionalism, symbolic interaction, feminism, and conflict theories, with respect to family, education, economic stratification, poverty, race, ethnic inequality, gender, family, socialization, government, politics, violence, crime and religion. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ FLS-141 Elementary Spanish I (4 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
Beginning Spanish with emphasis on understanding,?speaking, reading and writing. Supplemented by?cultural readings and multimedia presentations.

✓ FLS-142 Elementary Spanish II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete FLS-141
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
A continuation of FLS 141, further developing the?students skills in reading, writing, listening and?speaking. Similarities and differences in culture?will also be explored.

✓ FLS-241 Intermediate Spanish I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete FLS-142 or consent of instructor.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
Equivalent to third-level Spanish, this course?reviews the fundamentals of language communication?and further improves on idiomatic usages, speaking?and understanding. Readings and multimedia?presentations on Hispanic culture, current events?and literary offerings are integrated in texts and?assignments. Exams will test oral, cultural,?comprehension and written skills.

✓ FLS-242 Intermediate Spanish II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete FLS-231 or consent of instructor.
 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
Designed to complete the second-year college?Spanish coursework through intensive practices of?methods and materials presented in Intermediate?Spanish I. Advanced examination of Hispanic?culture through selected readings and multi-media?presentations will aid the student in increasing?speed and fluency in the spoken language.?Translation skills will be enhanced as well. Exams?will test oral, cultural, comprehension and?written skills.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

✓ SPC-112 Public Speaking (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-07/30/26TBA ONLN 
 07/06/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to public speaking with emphasis on organization, presentation, and listening. Students will gain experience in the process and principles of public speaking including audience analysis, selection and organization, and style and delivery. Practice in preparation and delivery of a minimum of 30 minutes of graded informative and persuasive extemporaneous speeches are required. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.

✓ SPC-170 Professional Communication (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is an introduction to the principles of professional communication. Students will develop and practice skills needed to make them more effective communicators in interpersonal, small group, and presentation settings. Topics include culture, verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, group and team communication, interviewing, interpersonal skills for the workplace, and developing professional presentations. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.


Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

SDV-108 The College Experience (1 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course will assist all new college students to acquire essential skills needed for academic success. The topics covered are campus resources, classroom strategies, library skills, computer resources, and student responsibilities.

SDV-114 Strategies for Acad Success (3 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
 06/08/26-08/02/26TBA ONLN 
This course provides an opportunity for students to learn and adopt methods to be successful in school. Topics include memory development, reading and note-taking techniques, test-taking techniques, learning styles, time and money management, stress reduction, setting goals, self-esteem and college policies and procedures. This course is suggested for students whose diagnostic or assessment scores indicate a need to review study skills for success in college level courses.

SDV-188 Understanding Chem Dependency (2 cr.) AS

 05/26/26-07/19/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a study of a broad range of chemical, physiological, and psychological effects on the human body and mind. The study includes behavioral implications and issues of prevention, intervention, and treatment.


Scott Community College

SUR-526 Clinical II (7 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in SUR-225, SUR-330, and SUR-521.
237366SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA CLINSITE Duran
This course is a continuation of Clinical I and?provides the student with advanced hands-on?experience at a designated clinical site. Students?will be participating in the following activities:?preparation, aseptic technique, prioritization of?duties, use of time, professional and personal?habits, safety and ethical aspects, and skill set.

Scott Community College - Belmont Campus

SUR-526 Clinical II (7 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in SUR-225, SUR-330, and SUR-521.
SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:30AM-09:30AMMBELM1000 Duran
This course is a continuation of Clinical I and?provides the student with advanced hands-on?experience at a designated clinical site. Students?will be participating in the following activities:?preparation, aseptic technique, prioritization of?duties, use of time, professional and personal?habits, safety and ethical aspects, and skill set.

Online - Clinton, Muscatine & Scott Community Colleges

SUR-450 Adv Concepts in Surgical Tech (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in SUR-225, SUR-330, and SUR-521.; Previous or concurrent enrollment in SUR-225 or SUR-330.
  05/26/26-07/16/26TBA ONLN 
This course is a continuation of the Surgical Technology series. In this course, the students will gain knowledge of specific surgeries related to the disease processes.


Scott Community College

WEL-191 GTAW-TIG (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236966SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA TBA Edens
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of eight (8) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course focuses on gas tungsten arc welding (TIG) and other related processes. Topics such as process variation, welding in various positions, principles of operation, shielding gases, and filler rods will be studied. Safety and practical application of these welding processes will be stressed.

WEL-366 SMAW-Stick (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236967SLL8105/26/26-07/16/26TBA TBA Edens
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of twelve (12) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity, and the proper selection of electrodes for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process, commonly known as Stick welding. Students perform American Welding Society complaint welds on carbon steel, in vertical up and overhead configurations, using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality.

Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

WEL-191 GTAW-TIG (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236966SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWBTC302 Edens
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of eight (8) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course focuses on gas tungsten arc welding (TIG) and other related processes. Topics such as process variation, welding in various positions, principles of operation, shielding gases, and filler rods will be studied. Safety and practical application of these welding processes will be stressed.

WEL-366 SMAW-Stick (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236967SLL8105/26/26-07/16/2601:00PM-02:00PMMWBTC302 Edens
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of twelve (12) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab.
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity, and the proper selection of electrodes for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process, commonly known as Stick welding. Students perform American Welding Society complaint welds on carbon steel, in vertical up and overhead configurations, using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality.