2026SU Clinton Community College
Prerequisite: | Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment. |
237503 | CLL91 | 06/08/26-07/30/26 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | TR | LNCN133 | Campbell |
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area. |
237191 | CLL81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | 12:30PM-03:30PM | TR | LNCN106 | Barleen |
This course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of issues affecting life in the modern world. It identifies topical areas to study as background to major contemporary issues. Typical areas of discussion will be ecology, world economy, resource utilization, and comparative cultures among others. Instruction will be primarily discussion oriented and will utilize guest lectures, outside reading and projects, and limited lecture. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area. |
237497 | CLL91 | 06/08/26-07/30/26 | 12:30PM-03:30PM | MW | LNCN106 | Henderson |
This course is the study of political, cultural,?social and economic developments in North American?colonies and the United States from discovery?through Reconstruction. Historical perspective and?critical analysis are emphasized. |
236556 | CLL91 | 06/08/26-07/30/26 | 09:00AM-10:30AM | MT | DCAC343 | Wadsworth |
CLL91 | 06/08/26-07/30/26 | TBA | DCAC343 | Wadsworth | ||
NOTE: This course is offered as an open lab course with scheduled times for lecture. Students will need to attend a minimum of six (6) hours a week for lab activites. Open lab hours are posted on the syllabus and at the entrance of the lab. | ||||||
This course will develop the primary skills and knowledge to use basic measurement instruments and manual machine tools in the laboratory situation. Areas of instruction will include basic measurement tools, drill press, manual vertical milling machine, manual lathe, and surface grinder. Various projects will strengthen the proper use of these tools. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.; Take BIO-168 |
237346 | CLL81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | MR | LNCN116 | Adams |
CLL81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | TBA | TW | CLINSITE | Adams | |
THis course builds on the concepts of previous?material, with an emphasis on the care of high?risk mental health patients. Focuses on the?provision of ethical/legal, safe, quality,?evidence-based patient centered care of the?patient wih the alterations in mental health.?Emphasizes health promotion, prevention and?condition management of common alterations seen in?mental health patients. Provides the opportunity?to apply concepts and demonstrate skills and care?for patients in supervised laboratory, simulation,?and/or clinical setting. Emphasizes patient?safety, application of the nursing process, and?development of physical and communication skills.?Upon completion, students will provide safe?nursing care incorporating the concepts identified?in this course. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121. |
237344 | CLL81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | 09:00AM-11:45AM | MR | LNCN127 | Schmertmann |
CLL81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | TBA | TW | CLINSITE | Schmertmann | |
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641. |
236902 | CEH81 | 05/26/26-07/16/26 | 12:00PM-02:30PM | MW | LNCN107 | Schmidt |
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas. | ||||||
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined. |