2026SP Urban Campus


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

EGR-180 Statics (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-210; Complete PHY-212 with a grade of C or better.
236384SLL0101/20/26-05/15/2604:00PM-05:30PMMWURB212 Gangopadhyay
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of mechanics including vectors, forces, moments, free body diagrams, equilibrium of a particle, equilibrium of rigid bodies, and equivalent systems. Structural analysis, internal forces, centers of gravity, centroids, moments of inertia, and friction are also covered. Concepts are applied to structural and machine elements such as bars, trusses, frames, and composite mechanisms.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

236870SLL8101/20/26-03/13/2605:30PM-09:30PMMWURB209 Edwards
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

CIS-750 Project Management (3 cr.) VT

236867SEH9103/23/26-05/15/2605:30PM-08:00PMRURB209 Macuga
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course is designed to provide students exposure to project management and its importance to improving success in information technology projects. Topics addressed in the course will include triple constraints of project management, project life cycle, cost estimates, value management, and motivation theory, and team building. Tools and techniques important to project management will also be presented, including project selection methods, work breakdowns, network diagrams, critical path analysis, and scheduling. Students will have the opportunity to utilize software to help plan and manage an information technology project.

CIS-760 Cloud Foundations (3 cr.) P VT

236869SEH0101/20/26-05/15/2605:30PM-07:30PMTURB209 King
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course provides an?introduction to cloud computing platforms. Students will learn how cloud platforms are configured as well as the basic infrastructure. Cloud services, pricing, and support will be covered.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

PHY-222 Classical Physics II (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-210 and PHY-212 or consent of instructor
236386SLL0101/20/26-05/15/2601:50PM-03:50PMMURB212 Gangopadhyay
This course is a continuation of ?PHY 212 -?Classical Physics I. It includes static?electricity, current, electromagnetism, geometric?and wave optics, and a brief introduction to?modern physics. Students will achieve a basic?understanding of the fundamental principles in?these topics and to be able to apply physics?concepts to a variety of physical situations.?Students are expected to acquire basic skills in?scientific methods, critical reasoning, and?problem-solving. The application of calculus to?these physics concepts is used.