2026SP Clinton Community College

AGRICULTURE (Farm Management/Agribusiness Management)

Clinton Community College

AGA-182 Intro to Soil Science (3 cr.) VT

This course will help student understand soil function, texture, structure, formation, taxonomy, and other properties of soil. The course goals include using the principles and concepts learned to find soil science information, solve soil management problems, and communicate solutions to others.

AGA-285 Crop Protection (3 cr.) VT

This course introduces students to the safe handling and use of agricultural chemicals; the biology of weed, insect, and disease pests in production agriculture; the control of weed, insect, and disease pests in production agriculture through integrated pest management practices; the maximum use of all economic resources as they relate to agricultural pest controls; the development of philosophies to protect the environment, and federal and state laws regarding the use of pesticides. Students will take the state pesticide applicators exam upon completion of this course. Residents of states other than Iowa should be able to successfully complete those equivalent requirements in those states.

AGB-108 Human Relations I (1.5 cr.) VT

This course is designed to help the student prepare for employment, satisfactory work performance, coworker relations, employer-employee relations, work habits and attitudes, and the procedures for applying and interviewing for a job.

AGB-231 Futures and Options (1.5 cr.) P VT

Principles of futures market operations, terminology, contract specifications and charting of trends will be discussed in this course. Hedging and how it fits in farm operations will be also be discussed.

AGS-554 Beef Production (3 cr.) VT

This course is designed to prepare the student to be successful in the field of beef production. Emphasis is on beef cattle breeding and cow-calf operations in part one and nutrition and herd health in part two. Topics in beef cattle breeding, selection, ration planning, sire evaluation, and approved management practices relevant to Midwest operations. Topics in cow-calf operation include cow-calf production records, breed selection, reproduction, economics and marketing and feed processing.


Clinton Community College

✓ ART-101 Art Appreciation (3 cr.) AS

236408CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-11:10AMTRLNCN146B Davis
This course is an introduction to the history of paintings, sculpture, and architecture. Emphasis is on the appreciation of well-known works of art in a variety of media. The artist and the creative process are explored. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

ART-133 Drawing (3 cr.) AS

236411CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2601:00PM-03:00PMTRLNCN135 Davis
This is an introductory drawing course that investigates perceptive drawing. This class focuses on the realistic depiction of observed forms and objects. Using traditional drawing materials students will concentrate on the construction of still life objects, landscapes, and the human figure. Perspective, line, value, and composition will be examined. Additionally, students will develop their knowledge of Masterworks and critical arts movements.

ART-134 Drawing II (3 cr.) P AS

236412CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2601:00PM-03:00PMTRLNCN135 Davis
This is an intermediate level drawing course that further explores the use of traditional drawing materials, along with use of some non-traditional materials. This class continues with the study of observed forms and objects with expanded subject matter and development of personal expression through drawing. The development of strong compositional skills will be emphasized. Students in this second-level course will apply some study of human anatomy as it relates to drawing. Students will continue to increase and apply their knowledge of Masterworks, contemporary artists, and critical arts movements to their course work.


Clinton Community College

AUT-125 Career Exp in the Transp Indus (1 cr.) VT

This course will provide guidance in choosing a?career goal and preparing for employment in the?transportation industry. Emphasis will be placed?on identifying interests, abilities, and values,?and exploring options for careers. Students will?learn how to access labor market information and?employment trends. Additionally, students will?develop the skills and aptitudes necessary to?obtain employment in the Automotive and Diesel?industry, emphasizing the development of?characteristics with job success.

AUT-404 Automotive Suspension & Steer (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-115.
This course deals specifically with automobile suspension and steering systems. Specific skills needed for the development of competencies will be taught. Competencies are aimed for skills as an entry-level suspension and steering specialist.

AUT-614 Automotive Electrical I (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-606.
This course introduces the student to basic automotive battery, charging, and starting systems. The operating principles will be discussed during the lecture sessions. Lab sessions will be spent practicing testing, diagnosis, and repair.


Clinton Community College

✓ BIO-114 General Biology IA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053, MAT-065, or HSC-137.; Students should have placement into ENG-105 or take ENG-095/ENG-105 concurrently with this course.
236193CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:20AMMWFLNCN121 Welch
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2611:00AM-01:00PMTLNCN121 Welch
This course is an introduction to the basic?principles of biology. Topics studied include?chemical applications in biology, cellular?biology, bioenergetics, cell division, and?genetics.

BIO-151 Nutrition (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-053 or MAT-065
236195CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFLNCN118 Welch
This course explores dietary sources, functions, and requirements of major nutrients for all individuals. Course topics include tools for healthy eating, digestion and absorption, the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, water balance, energy balance, food safety and technology, and nutrition during the life stages. This course will also include the role that culture, diversity, and socioeconomic status plays in nutritional health.

BIO-173 Human Anat and Physiology II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Minimum grade of C in BIO-168. BIO-168 must be taken within the last 5 years.
236196CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFLNCN118 Welch
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-10:00AMTLNCN118 Welch
This course is the second course in a two semester?sequence. The content includes study of the?following organ systems or topics: cardiovascular,?lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive,?metabolism, urinary, and reproductive.


Clinton Community College

BUS-185 Business Law I (3 cr.) VT

236785CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRDCAC307 Eberhart
236787CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMTRLNCN108 Eberhart
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course provides the student with a basic knowledge of major concepts in business law. Topics may include an introduction to the legal environment (ethics, the workings of the United States Court system and constitutional law); contracts, employer/employee relations, consumer protection, product liability, social media and intellectual property law, torts criminal law and wills.


Clinton Community College

✓ CHM-122 Intro General Chemistry (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A grade C or higher in MAT-053 or equivelant
236240CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMMFLNCN132C Schmitz
CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-10:00AMWLNCN132C Schmitz
236238CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRLNCN132C Schmitz
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-11:40AMRLNCN132C Schmitz
This course is an introduction to General?Chemistry as the first course in a sequence of two?introductory chemistry courses with lab. An?elementary approach to chemical principles and?laboratory practices are taken. Emphasis is placed?on the nature of matter, bonding, nomenclature,?equations, acids and bases and chemistry is?applied to everyday life. This course is intended?primarily to fulfill laboratory science?requirements and to fulfill chemistry requirements?for nursing, dental hygiene, and some home?economics and agricultural programs. This course?satisfies a general education requirement in the?Natural Sciences Area.

CHM-175 General Chemistry II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-165 or CHM-166
236252CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:50AMMFLNCN132C Schmitz
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-12:20PMWLNCN132C Schmitz
This?course is the second ?in a sequence of two?general chemistry courses for students in pre-med,?pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy,?pre-engineering, other physical or biological?sciences, or liberal arts. Topics include?kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, ionic?equilibria, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics,?electrochemistry, organic chemistry, descriptive?chemistry and nuclear chemistry.

CHM-176 General Chemistry II (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-165 or CHM-166
236262CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-12:50PMMFLNCN132C Schmitz
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-12:20PMWLNCN132C Schmitz
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-01:00PMFLNCN132C Schmitz
This?course is the second in a sequence of two?general chemistry courses for students in pre-med,?pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy,?pre-engineering, other physical or biological?sciences, or liberal arts. Topics include?kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, ionic?equilibria, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics,?electrochemistry, organic chemistry, descriptive?chemistry and nuclear chemistry.


Clinton Community College

COM-140 Intro to Mass Media (3 cr.) AS

236898CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:20AMMWFLNCN150 Bielski
This course is an introduction to the history, evolution, and relationships of the media and their effects on our society. It examines print, electronic, and social media as well as ethics, advertising, and public relations. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Clinton Community College

CAD-139 Introduction to CAD/CAM (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and MFG-371, or with Instructor Permission.
236547CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2612:45PM-01:35PMMTWRDCAC343 Wadsworth
CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2601:35PM-02:30PMMTWRDCAC343 Wadsworth
This course is an introductory course focusing on the creation of real parts using Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing software and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools. Students will create 3-dimensional parts using SolidWorks parametric modeling software or equivalent software.?Students will then export those part files to Mastercam CAM software or equivalent software, and process the part files to be machined using a CNC Machine.


Clinton Community College

✓ CSC-110 Intro to Computers (3 cr.) AS

237569CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMMWLNCN158 Eberhart
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.


Clinton Community College

CON-171 Building Const Technqs II (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete CON-170; Take CON-337
236569CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-08:50AMMTCCAC231 Johnson
CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:50AM-11:00AMMTCCAC231 Johnson
CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-11:00AMRCCAC231 Johnson
236568CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-12:50PMMTDCAC348 Johnson
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:50PM-03:00PMMTDCAC348 Johnson
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-03:00PMRDCAC348 Johnson
This course provides practical application of?selected construction techniques. Students learn?construction techniques in floor, wall and ceiling?systems, stair construction and interior finishing?skills.

CON-337 Construction Blueprint Reading (1 cr.) VT

236912CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMWCCAC231 Johnson
236907CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-01:00PMWDCAC348 Johnson
This course will provide students with?fundamentals of blueprint reading designed to?allow the student to translate plans into?practical job experience.


Clinton Community College

CRJ-120 Introduction to Corrections (3 cr.) AS

This course explores the development of corrections, the correctional process, correctional client, alternatives to incarceration, effects of institutionalization, correctional administration, reforms to correctional institutions, special populations,?and the future of corrections.?

CRJ-233 Probation and Parole (3 cr.) VT

This course examines probation and parole practices related to community-based corrections programs throughout the United States.?Emphasis is placed on community-based programs for offenders, administration and legal issues of the programs, trends in probation, parole and related community-based programs.


Clinton Community College

✓ ECN-130 Prin of Microeconomics (3 cr.) AS

This course examines how the market system resolves the economic problems of scarcity. Topics explored include, supply and demand theory, the varying degrees of competition and imperfection found in the market, consumer choice, firms production cost in the short run and the long run, and firms output and the pricing and employment of resources. The impact of international trade and finance will also be discussed. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Clinton Community College

EDU-213 Introduction to Education (3 cr.) AS

This course presents an overview of the field of?education, including foundations of American?education, effective teacher characteristics,?student engagement in the classroom, philosophies?of education, classroom management strategies, and?curriculum development. Current trends in?education will be discussed and analyzed on topics?such as school funding, professionalism, ethical?and legal issues, student diversity, and classroom?instruction. Students will complete a 40-hour?observation practicum in a K-12 setting and?complete a self-guided research project on an?educational topic of their choice. Emphasis is?placed on educational theory and beginning?documentation of teacher education Interstate?Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC)?standards. This course is recommended for students?who plan to majore in teacher education.

EDU-255 Technology in the Classroom (3 cr.) AS

This course prepares students to facilitate?learning in a technology-rich environment by using?a variety of digital tools and internet resources.?Educational software and hardware, along with best?practices in the use of tools and technologies in?the classroom, will be discussed. Students will?focus on the effective use of technology in?learning environments, with special attention to?instructional practice, assessment development,?and student engagement. Students will discover,?explore, evaluate, and implement the use of?technology resources focusing on current trends in?the classroom. Students will develop a?professional digital portfolio designed to?showcase personal technology and educational?skills, as well as their reflections on effective?teaching.


Clinton Community College

ELE-195 Motor Control (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
236453CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2608:00AM-08:50AMMTCCAC223 Otto
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2608:50AM-10:45AMMTCCAC223 Otto
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2608:50AM-10:45AMWRCCAC223 Otto
THis course will provide students with experiences?related to electric motors, motor controls and?relay logic in an industrial environment. Students?will learn to apply ladder logic diagrams to?install, maintain, and troubleshoot motors and?motor control circuits. Students will learn how to?troubleshoot direct and alternating current motors?and their control circuits.


Clinton Community College

ELT-128 PLC Programming and Control I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
236460CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:00AM-08:50AMWRCCAC223 Otto
CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:50AM-10:30AMWRCCAC223 Otto
This course provides an introduction to various?programmatic control schemes, basic sequential?control, and basic system integration. Concepts?are explored and emphasized through lecture,?reading, and hands-on labs.


Clinton Community College

EGT-117 Fluid Power Fundamentals (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and IND-134. A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years or with instructor permission.
236457CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:00AM-08:50AMMTCCAC223 Otto
CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:50AM-10:30AMMTCCAC223 Otto
This course presents the basic laws of fluid power systems and properties of fluids to explain the behavior of fluid power devices in fundamental applications. Fluid power components such as cylinders, motors, compressors, pumps, flow control valves, and accumulators are studied as well as assembled in labs. Fluid power symbols are taught utilizing air and hydraulic diagrams. Pressure intensifiers, air-over-oil systems, rotary actuators, and flow dividers are presented in their applications.


Clinton Community College

ENG-095 ALP Writing (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Enroll in ENG-105 or ENG-107 as a Co-requisite course.
236883CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:20AMMWFLNCN109 Hafner
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-095-cll01 236883 ALP Writing, MUST also register for ENG-105-cll01 236884.
This course is a co-requisite course designed to support skills necessary for successful completion of ENG 105? or ENG 107?, using an Accelerated Learning Program model. The writing process, critical thinking and reading skills, and strategies to enhance student success are emphasized. In this class, students will practice writing skills learned in ENG105 or ENG107 and work closely with the instructor to develop increased confidence and writing proficiency.

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
236884CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFLNCN109 Hafner
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-105-cll01 236884 MUST also register for ENG-095-cll01 236883 ALP Writing.
236885CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFLNCN109 Hafner
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area.

✓ ENG-106 Composition II (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-105 or ENG-107
236886CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMMWLNCN109 Hafner
236888CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFMAQC24 Petersen
236889CLL0301/20/26-05/15/2609:05AM-10:05AMMWFMAQC24 Petersen
236890CLL0401/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRMAQC24 Petersen
236894CLL0501/20/26-05/15/2601:00PM-02:30PMTRLNCN133 Campbell
This course is a continuation of Composition I.?Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate?texts. Critical thinking skills, argumentation,?writing style, and academic research, introduced?in Composition I, will also be further developed?in this course. This course satisfies a general?education requirement in the Communications Area.


Clinton Community College

✓ ENV-111 Environmental Science (4 cr.) AS

236197CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMMWLNCN121 Welch
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-10:00AMRLNCN121 Welch
236328CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2607:45AM-10:15AMTRMAQC29 Andresen
CLL0201/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA Andresen
This course will survey common environmental?problems with discussion as to their possible?causes, consequences, and remedies. An emphasis?will be placed on objective analysis of issues and?arguments related to environmental concerns. This?course satisfies a general education requirement?in the Natural Sciences Area. May be counted as?either Life Sciences or Physical Sciences, but not?both.


Clinton Community College

HSC-137 Math for Healthcare (3 cr.) VT

This course is designed for Allied Health Care profession majors. The course will cover general development of skills involving computations of fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, basic algebra equations, mean, median, and mode. Allied health areas that will be covered include how to utilize graphs, when fractions and decimals are utilized in healthcare settings, allied health statistics, and how to figure deductibles and co-payments for health insurance. Students will also learn how to calculate mass and volume of medications, and common dose measurement and dose abbreviations.

HSC-172 Nurse Aide (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA 
CLL0103/31/26-05/15/26TBA CLNCSITE 
NOTE: Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course includes hands-on learning in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, lab, or healthcare facility. Students are required to attend clinical sessions as scheduled to gain practical experience under supervision. This courese includes 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Clinicals will be held at Eagle Point Nursing Home.
CLL0301/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA 
CLL0303/31/26-05/15/26TBA CLNCSITE 
NOTE: Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course includes hands-on learning in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, lab, or healthcare facility. Students are required to attend clinical sessions as scheduled to gain practical experience under supervision. This courese includes 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Clinicals will be held at Wellspire West Wing Place.
CLL0201/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA 
CLL0203/31/26-05/15/26TBA CLNCSITE 
NOTE: Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course includes hands-on learning in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, lab, or healthcare facility. Students are required to attend clinical sessions as scheduled to gain practical experience under supervision. This courese includes 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Clinicals will be held at Eagle Point Nursing Home.
CLL0401/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA 
CLL0403/31/26-05/15/26TBA CLNCSITE 
NOTE: Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course includes hands-on learning in a clinical setting, such as a hospital, lab, or healthcare facility. Students are required to attend clinical sessions as scheduled to gain practical experience under supervision. This courese includes 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Clinical site will be Wellspire West Wing Place.
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.


Clinton Community College

✓ HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877 (3 cr.) AS

236321CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFLNCN106 Barleen
This course is the study of political, cultural,?social, and economic developments from 1877 to the?present. Historical perspective and critical?analysis are emphasized.

✓ HIS-231 Contemporary World Affairs (3 cr.) AS

236322CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:20AMMWFLNCN106 Barleen
This course is designed to be a study of current events viewed in their historical context. Emphasis is placed on global politics, domestic issues, and cultural developments. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.


Clinton Community College

HCM-116 Fundamentals of Baking (3 cr.) VT

236794CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-12:30PMTWCCAC208 Toppert
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:30PM-02:30PMTWCCAC208 Toppert
This course is for a student with very little baking or pastry experience. Students will learn the basics of theory and preparation of baked items. Science and math will play a large role in this course. Items the students will prepare include yeast bread, cookies, creams, puddings, pie crusts and filling, and quick breads. The focus of the course is on standard production methods for a successful product in small and large scale batches.

HCM-265 Mathematics for Hospitality (3 cr.) VT

236796CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-02:00PMRCCAC208 Toppert
This course will provide the student with a general understanding of mathematics application used in a professional food service setting. This course will then introduce the student to the mathematical knowledge needed in the restaurant and hospitality industry.

HCM-932 Internship (1 cr.) VT

236798CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:00PM-02:00PMFOFFCSITE Toppert
This course provides on-the-job experience on campus or in the industry, giving the student experience and practical application of the competencies in the internship agreement. The internship is coordinated by the college instructor and supervised by an industry professional at the work site.


Clinton Community College

✓ HUM-183 Living With Space Time & Tech (3 cr.) AS

236323CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMMWLNCN106 Barleen
This course will explore human values and individual beliefs within a constantly changing environment, community relationships, technological networks, the ethical dimensions of work and a meaningful personal life-style. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Clinton Community College

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

CLL8201/20/26-03/13/26TBA TBA 
237424CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2612:30PM-02:40PMTWRDCAC306 Morford
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/26TBA TBA Morford
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

NET-159 Cisco Packet Tracer (1 cr.) VT

CLL8201/20/26-03/13/26TBA TBA 
237427CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2612:30PM-02:40PMMDCAC306 Morford
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/26TBA TBA Morford
This course will teach students to use a?cross-platform visual simulation tool to create?network topologies and build modern computer?networks. After learning the user interface,?students will build and maintain a small network?that includes routers, switches, and computers.

NET-166 Applied Computer Security (3 cr.) VT

CLL9203/23/26-05/15/26TBA TBA 
237429CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2612:30PM-02:40PMTWRDCAC306 Morford
CLL9103/23/26-05/15/26TBA TBA Morford
This course will discuss the basic concepts of?practical computer and Internet security:?passwords, firewalls, antivirus software, malware,?social networking, surfing the Internet, phishing,?and wireless networks. This class is intended for?students with little or no background in?information technology or security.


Clinton Community College

✓ LIT-101 Intro to Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
236893CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRMAQC25 Campbell
236891CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:35AM-11:05AMTRMAQC25 Campbell
This course is an introduction to the major literary genres: the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel. Emphasis is placed on formal, thematic, historical, cultural, and critical elements of literature, as well as the relationship between literature and the human condition. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ LIT-111 American Lit Since Mid-1800s (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
236887CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2611:20AM-12:50PMTRLNCN146B Petersen
This course introduces literary works in four genres (the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel) by American authors from 1865 to the present, with a focus on themes and formal characteristics that define American literature. Emphasis is on learning the basic elements of each genre and applying those elements as tools of literary interpretation through critical reading and writing. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

✓ LIT-185 Contemporary Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
236892CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFLNCN133 Campbell
This course focuses on works written since World War II. The effects of culture, environment and mass media on literature and its four major genres (short fiction, poetry, novel and drama) are explored in detail through critical reading and writing. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Clinton Community College

MGT-110 Small Business Management (3 cr.) AS

236815CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMDCAC307 Eberhart
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-10:00AMFDCAC307 Eberhart
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course blends entrepreneurial dreams with exploration of the range of business functions necessary to operate a small business, such as marketing and financial management, and business planning. Students will sharpen their problem-solving skills through a variety of experiential exercises, classroom discussion, and the completion of a partial business plan by courses end.

MGT-151 Management Communications I (3 cr.) VT

236820CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:30AMMDCAC307 Eberhart
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-10:30AMTRDCAC307 Eberhart
NOTE: This section combines in-peson classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas.
This course prepares students for the types of written communication essential to management and supervision success.


Clinton Community College

MFG-201 CNC Turning Operator (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and MFG-371, or with Instructor Permission
236541CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2612:45PM-01:35PMMTDCAC343 Wadsworth
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2601:35PM-03:30PMMTDCAC343 Wadsworth
This course will introduce students to Computer Numeric Control (CNC) turning centers in the manufacturing setting. Various projects will strengthen students proper use and troubleshooting of this equipment in the manufacturing setting.

MFG-221 CNC Milling Operator (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:#Take MFG-106 and MFG-371 or with Instructor permission.; Take MFG-201
236546CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2612:45PM-01:35PMWRDCAC343 Wadsworth
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2601:35PM-03:30PMWRDCAC343 Wadsworth
This course will introduce students to Computer Numeric Control (CNC) milling centers in the manufacturing setting. Various projects will strengthen the students proper use and troubleshooting of this equipment.


Clinton Community College

MAT-066 Algebra I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
236354CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-10:00AMTRLNCN148 Adelson
This course provides students with the beginning topics in a two-part algebra sequence. Topics covered include basic algebraic concepts, linear equations in one and two variables, linear inequalities, graphing equations, exponents and polynomial rules, functions, and beginning exponential and logarithmic functions.

MAT-075 Statistics Support (1 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Prerequisite: Minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years.; Corequisite: MAT-156 must be taken at the same time as this course.
236355CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-10:10AMMWLNCN148 Adelson
This course provides students with math skills to reinforce topics covered in MAT-156 Statistics. Students must register for this course and MAT-156 in the same semester. This course supports students by reviewing fundamental math concepts needed for statistics material, reviewing statistical concepts introduced in MAT-156, and developing critical thinking and problem-solving techniques.

MAT-104 Applied Math Topics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
236362CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRLNCN132B Abdi
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/26TBA TBA Abdi
This course presents algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and finance math as it applies to specific career and technical applications. Mathematical ideas and procedures will be presented first, followed by applications with the various career and technical fields.

✓ MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Sucessfully completed junior level high school mathematics course or advisor placement utilizing EICCD multiple measures or HiSET placement.
236356CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:30PM-02:00PMTRLNCN148 Adelson
This course is designed for the liberal arts?student. The course will include logic, counting?methods and probability, statistics, financial?mathematics, different base systems, sets, and?problem solving.

MAT-117 Math for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
236357CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFLNCN148 Adelson
This course is designed for elementary education majors. Topics in this course include mathematical reasoning, logic, sets, number theory, integers, fractions and rational numbers, decimals, percents, statistics, measurement, and transformations. This course satisfies a General Education requirement for elementary education majors only. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Mathematics Area for Elementary Education majors only.

✓ MAT-128 PreCalculus (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in MAT-138 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
This course is intended to prepare students for?calculus or advanced science courses. The course?covers logarithms and exponential functions,?trigonometric functions, complex numbers, analytic?geometry, and topics in the theory of equations.

✓ MAT-156 Statistics (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-065, MAT-066, or MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
236358CLL0301/20/26-05/15/2610:10AM-11:40AMMWLNCN148 Adelson
236202CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFMAQC27 Turnis
236203CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2609:05AM-10:05AMMWFMAQC27 Turnis
This course is recommended for business,?economics, mathematics, science and social?sciences students. The course focuses on?obtaining, presenting and organizing statistical?data. Course topics covered include descriptive?measures, probability, probability distributions,?binomial distributions, normal distributions,?sampling distributions, confidence intervals,?hypothesis testing, linear regression, and?correlation. A graphing calculator with statistics?functions is required.

MAT-216 Calculus II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-210 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
236363CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:20AMMWFLNCN132B Abdi
This course is the second in a three-part calculus?series. It is a continuation of topics taught in ?MAT 210 - Calculus I. Topics include applications?of the definite integral, differentiation and?integration of inverse trigonometric and?hyperbolic functions, methods of integration,?improper integrals, infinite sequences and series,?parametric equations, polar coordinate equations,?and conic sections. A graphing calculator is?required.


Clinton Community College

ADN-457 Complex Health Concepts (12 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in ADN-302, ADN-451, ADN-176, and BIO-186.
236763CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:00AM-12:40PMMRLNCN127 Schmertmann
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/26TBATWCLNCSITE Schmertmann
This course is designed to assimilate the concepts?within the domain of the individual, healthcare,?and nursing. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of?fluid and electrolytes, metabolism, perfusion,?professional behaviors, caring interventions, and?managing care, mobility, stress/coping, violence,?health-wellness-illness, healthcare systems, and?quality improvement. This course incorporates?Preceptorship for the Associate Degree Nursing?students, which builds upon concepts taught in?previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on?the nursing process to meet the health needs of?individuals and groups across the life span. Upon?completion, students should be able to demonstrate?specific strategies to meet the challenges of role?transition from student to professional?practitioner.

PNN-158 Health Concepts II (10 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-154, PNN-280, and BIO-173.
236723CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:00AM-12:20PMMRLNCN116 Adams
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/26TBATWTBA Adams
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/26TBATWCLNCSITE Adams
This course is designed to further develop the?concepts of: central venous access devices,?intravenous therapy, fluid and electrolytes,?parenteral nutrition, acid-base, metabolism,?cellular regulation, oxygenation, inflammation,?infection, immunity, health-wellness-illness,?caring interventions, teaching and learning,?safety, informatics, elimination, intracranial?regulation, perfusion, sensory perception,?professional behaviors, thermoregulation,?mobility, comfort, end of life care, glucose?regulation, clinical decision making and?collaboration.

PNN-282 Pharmacology II (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Minimum grade of C in PNN-158.; Minimum grade of C or higher in PNN-154, PNN-280, and BIO-173.
236754CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:00AM-11:10AMFLNCN116 Adams
This course provides second semester nursing?students enrolled in Practical and Associate?Degree Nursing programs with additional?pharmacological tools. Builds on pharmacological?nursing using the nursing process as a framework?introduced in Pharmacology I. Discuss actions,?interactions, adverse effects, nursing?implications for drugs for multiple systems and?differences across the lifespan.


Clinton Community College

PHY-172 College Physics II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:PHY-162 or consent of instructor.
236364CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:30AM-10:30AMMWFLNCN132B Abdi
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-11:40AMTLNCN132B Abdi
This course is a continuation of PHY 162 -?College Physics I. It includes static and current?electricity, electromagnetism, wave motion,?optics, atomic, and nuclear physics. Students will?achieve a basic understanding of the fundamental?principles in these topics and be able to apply?physics concepts to a variety of physical?situations. Students are expected to acquire basic?skills in scientific methods, critical reasoning,?and problem-solving.

PHY-222 Classical Physics II (5 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-210 and PHY-212 or consent of instructor
236365CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:30AM-10:30AMMWRFLNCN132B Abdi
CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-11:40AMTLNCN132B Abdi
This course is a continuation of ?PHY 212 -?Classical Physics I. It includes static?electricity, current, electromagnetism, geometric?and wave optics, and a brief introduction to?modern physics. Students will achieve a basic?understanding of the fundamental principles in?these topics and to be able to apply physics?concepts to a variety of physical situations.?Students are expected to acquire basic skills in?scientific methods, critical reasoning, and?problem-solving. The application of calculus to?these physics concepts is used.


Clinton Community College

✓ POL-111 American National Government (3 cr.) AS

236313CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFMAQC25 Hamerlinck
236316CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2601:00PM-02:30PMTRLNCN154 Hamerlinck
This course is a survey of American government and politics. It includes discussion of the historical foundations and fundamental principles of American democracy, the basic institutions of government, the fundamental rights of citizens and the public policy process. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Clinton Community College

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

236454CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFMAQC26 Anderson
236458CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2609:05AM-10:05AMMWFMAQC26 Anderson
236477CLL0301/20/26-05/15/2609:10AM-10:10AMMWFLNCN107 Carlson
237529CLL0401/20/26-05/15/2612:30PM-01:30PMMWFLNCN107 Carlson
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined.

PSY-121 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) AS

236479CLL0201/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFTBA Schmidt
236456CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:10AM-11:10AMMWFMAQC26 Anderson
This course examines the psychological, social,?and emotional development of individuals across?the lifespan, from infancy through late adulthodd.?Students will explore key theories of development,?including cognitive, psychosocial, and biological?perspectives, and analyze the factors that?influence development, such as genetics, culture,?and environment. ??Key topics include physical growth, language?acquisition, attachment, moral development, and?identify formation. The course will also address?developmental challenges and transitions, such as?those related to parenting, education, and aging.

PSY-281 Educational Psychology (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:PSY-111 or consent of instructor
237508CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2610:20AM-11:20AMMWFLNCN107 Carlson
This course is designed for individuals who are or will be working in a vocational environment, which requires them to provide or become part of an educational or training program. Although the course is targeting traditional educational systems, it is directly applicable to virtually any setting in which a person may be required to help an individual or group of individuals learn and understand new information, or to develop new knowledge and skills sets. The fundamentals of this course are designed to assist the student in differentiating learning theory and processes as aspects of human development. Emphasis is placed on the roles of the educators and the students in applying the principles of learning, instruction, evaluation, and pupil management.


Clinton Community College

SOC-110 Intro Sociology (3 cr.) AS

236317CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFMAQC25 Hamerlinck
236367CLL0301/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRLNCN154 Hamerlinck
This course introduces students to a framework of thinking that involves theories in social structure, structural functionalism, symbolic interaction, feminism, and conflict theories, with respect to family, education, economic stratification, poverty, race, ethnic inequality, gender, family, socialization, government, politics, violence, crime and religion. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.

SOC-115 Social Problems (3 cr.) AS

236318CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2609:40AM-11:10AMTRLNCN154 Hamerlinck
This course provides an in-depth exploration of?key social issues that impact individuals and?communities. Students will critically examine?topics such as the dynamics of personality?development, mental health and mental illness,?crime and delinquency, substance abuse, family?dysfunction, aging and elder care, and racial?inequality. Through case studies, theoretical?frameworks, and current research, students will?gain a comprehensive understanding of the causes,?effects, and potential solutions to these complex?social challenges. Emphasis will be placed on the?interplay between individual behavior, societal?norms, and public policy, with a focus on?fostering a deeper understanding of how these?issues shape contemporary society.


Clinton Community College

✓ SPC-112 Public Speaking (3 cr.) AS

236899CLL0101/20/26-05/15/2612:40PM-02:10PMMWLNCN150 Bielski
237505CLL0301/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:00AMMWFDCAC310 Bielski
237506CLL0401/20/26-05/15/2608:00AM-09:30AMTRDCAC310 Bielski
This course is an introduction to public speaking with emphasis on organization, presentation, and listening. Students will gain experience in the process and principles of public speaking including audience analysis, selection and organization, and style and delivery. Practice in preparation and delivery of a minimum of 30 minutes of graded informative and persuasive extemporaneous speeches are required. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.


Clinton Community College

SDV-130 Career Exploration (1 cr.) AS

NOTE: This course is intended for Criminal Justice students.
This course is designed to involve students in educational and occupational orientation (as related to self) and to make valid educational choices. Participants have an opportunity to investigate employment opportunities in their field of interest. The college selection process is reviewed and an appropriate curriculum for students majors will be developed.


Clinton Community College

WEL-364 GMAW-MIG (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236706CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:00AM-08:25AMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
CLL9103/23/26-05/15/2608:25AM-11:00AMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
236716CLL9203/23/26-05/15/2612:00PM-12:25PMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
CLL9203/23/26-05/15/2612:25PM-03:00PMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
237550CLL9303/23/26-05/15/26TBA MQHSTBA 
This course presents the Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW) process used extensively by industry and commonly known as MIG welding. Emphasizes hands-on application, metal transfer concepts, GMAW equipment, welding procedures, out of position welding, and safety.

WEL-365 FCAW-Flux & Cutting (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
236718CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2608:00AM-08:25AMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
CLL8101/20/26-03/13/2608:25AM-10:15AMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
236720CLL8201/20/26-03/13/2612:00PM-12:25PMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
CLL8201/20/26-03/13/2612:25PM-02:15PMMTWRCCAC225 Simonin
237551CLL8301/20/26-03/13/26TBA MQHSTBA 
This course provides training to develop the skills on carbon steel using Flux Core wire in all positions on fillet and groove welds. Training is also provided on metal cutting using oxyacetylene and plasma.


Clinton Community College

WBL-208 Practicum/Field Exp: Indus Tec (1 cr.) VT

236914CIS0201/20/26-05/15/26TBA INDCSTDY Johnson
This course is offered under the guidance of an?instructor and employer mentor/supervisor. This?course provides students an opportunity to learn?in a work setting while obtaining practical?experience in Industrial Technology programs.?Students will participate in job training and will?complete assignments to develop workplace?communication skills, gain an understanding of?industry and organizational structures, and learn?problem solving skills in a work environment.