2025SU Urban Campus
Prerequisite: | NET-303 |
235099 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:30AM-12:00PM | TR | URB215 | Warrier |
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications. |
236373 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | MW | URB212 | Benson |
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas. | ||||||
This course is designed to introduce the student to American contemporary business, its nature and environment. A survey course providing exposure to the social responsibilities of business, management, production, human resources, marketing, finance, quantitative methods, world business law. Recommended to be taken early in business program. |
236378 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | TR | URB210 | Benson |
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on capus and complete additional coursework through Canvas. | ||||||
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. |
Prerequisite: | Eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment. Register & attend AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification 1 week prior to the start of the course. Recommend ability to read, write, and speak English at the college level. Must be able to physically perform the required skills. (A functional analysis of EMT including detailed information on the physical demands is available from the program coordinator.) |
233315 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 05:30PM-10:00PM | T | URBTBA | Temple |
This course is based on the National Emergency?Medical Services Education Standards & Instruction?Guidelines which is the National Standard?Curriculum for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)?Education which is the foundation of knowledge and?skills of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).?Upon successful completion of the program, the?student will obtain the American Heart Association?(AHA) Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition,?and Stabilization certification, and be eligible?for the National Registry EMT Practicual & Written?Examination to obtain a National EMT license, and?a State of Iowa EMT certification. |
Prerequisite: | Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |
235061 | SLL01 | 06/02/25-07/16/25 | 04:30PM-10:00PM | MW | URB319 | Ludvigsen |
SLL01 | 07/07/25-07/16/25 | 04:30PM-10:00PM | MTW | URB319 | Ludvigsen | |
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. | ||||||
235060 | SEH01 | 06/10/25-07/31/25 | 05:00PM-08:00PM | T | URB319 | Houston, Ludvigsen, Stratton |
NOTE: This course is composed of 30hours of online, 15hours lab time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course is offered on-campus, and a majority of the course material is also delivered online. Students will be required to take their quizzes outside of their scheduled class time at one of the Eastern Iowa Community College testing locations. | ||||||
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |