2025SU Scott Community College
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in ADI-111, ADI-256, ADI-260, and ADI-803. |
233713 | SEH81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 07:30AM-04:00PM | MTRF | CLINSITE | Wagner, Wulf |
This course provides the student with 4 days per week of clinical experience in affiliate hospitals, clinics, and/or imaging centers. Students will continue to gain hands-on scanning experience on a variety of cardiac sonographic procedures under direct supervision of a staff sonographer. Emphasis will be placed on ergonomic safety, gaining proficiency in a variety of imaging techniques and protocols, as well as identification of normal and abnormal anatomy and pattern recognition. In addition students will be required to perform select basic imaging and technical competencies. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of?C?in ADI 211,?ADI 324, and?ADI 840. |
233711 | SEH81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 07:30AM-04:00PM | TWRF | CLINSITE | McGivern |
This course involves four?days per week of clinical experience in affiliate hospitals, clinics, and/or imaging centers. Clinical assignments are made based on the students clinical education needs, experience, and competency level. Students will advance their skill in exam performance, image interpretation, and analyzing the technical quality of the exam. In addition, the student will be required to perform select basic imaging and technical competencies. In the lab setting students will be exposed to advanced scanning techniques and procedures. Emphasis in the lab will focus on ergonomic safety and demonstrating scanning proficiency in various techniques. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in ADI-265 and ADI-808. |
233712 | SEH81 | 05/27/25-07/15/25 | 09:00AM-02:50PM | W | BELM0105 | Hennenfent |
This course continues the study of cardiovascular disease processes in the adult patient. Advanced imaging techniques and new advances in the field will be explored. Students will also be introduced to professional governing agencies and explore opportunities for professional growth and development. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C?in?ADI 211,?ADI 324, and?ADI 840. |
233710 | SEH81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-02:50PM | M | BELM0105 | McGivern |
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course will introduce students to the sonographic evaluation of the non-gravid uterus and both the breasts. Students will assemble a comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and the sonographic appearance of the embryologic, pre-menarchal, menarchal, and post-menopausal female reproductive system and the breast. |
Prerequisite: | Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-115. |
234683 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Arends | |
234682 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Arends | |
This course deals specifically with automobile suspension and steering systems. Specific skills needed for the development of competencies will be taught. Competencies are aimed for skills as an entry-level suspension and steering specialist. |
234685 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Bramhall | |
234686 | SLL82 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Bramhall | |
This course provides students with a basic knowledge in automotive heating and air conditioning. Basic theory, system diagnosis, and service procedures are covered. Students will be taught to troubleshoot, purge, evacuate, charge, and performance test an automobile or truck air conditioning system. |
234688 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | M | BELM3116 | Koby |
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the proper personal and shop safety procedures needed to function in an automotive or truck shop. Students will learn general safety rules and work place safety including Right to Know and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations. Basic first aid will also be discussed. |
Prerequisite: | Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-115. |
234683 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-02:00PM | MT | BELM3106 | Arends |
234682 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-02:00PM | WR | BELM3106 | Arends |
This course deals specifically with automobile suspension and steering systems. Specific skills needed for the development of competencies will be taught. Competencies are aimed for skills as an entry-level suspension and steering specialist. |
234685 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-02:00PM | MT | BELM3105 | Bramhall |
234686 | SLL82 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-03:00PM | WR | BELM3105 | Bramhall |
This course provides students with a basic knowledge in automotive heating and air conditioning. Basic theory, system diagnosis, and service procedures are covered. Students will be taught to troubleshoot, purge, evacuate, charge, and performance test an automobile or truck air conditioning system. |
Prerequisite: | Complete MAT-053, MAT-065, or HSC-137.; Students should have placement into ENG-105 or take ENG-095/ENG-105 concurrently with this course. |
235063 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 11:30AM-12:30PM | MW | BELM2419 | Boulton |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:40PM-02:40PM | MW | BELM2001 | Boulton | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 11:30AM-01:40PM | TR | BELM2419 | Boulton | |
This course is an introduction to the basic?principles of biology. Topics studied include?chemical applications in biology, cellular?biology, bioenergetics, cell division, and?genetics. |
Prerequisite: | Complete BIO-114 or 1 yr HS biology within 5 yrs.; Complete CHM-110, 122, 165, 179, or 1 yr HS chemistry within 5 yrs. |
235062 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-10:10AM | MW | BELM2419 | Boulton |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:00AM | TR | BELM2419 | Boulton | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:10AM-11:10AM | TR | BELM2002 | Boulton | |
This course is the first in a two semester survey?of the structure and function of the human body.?The study begins at the cellular level and?proceeds through tissue and organ levels within?each of the body systems: integumentary, skeletal,?muscular, nervous, special senses, and endocrine. |
236373 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | MW | URB212 | Benson |
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on campus and complete additional coursework through Canvas. | ||||||
This course is designed to introduce the student to American contemporary business, its nature and environment. A survey course providing exposure to the social responsibilities of business, management, production, human resources, marketing, finance, quantitative methods, world business law. Recommended to be taken early in business program. |
Prerequisite: | A grade C or higher in MAT-053 or equivelant |
235761 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:10AM | MW | BELM1510 | Ford |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:30AM-09:30AM | TR | BELM1510 | Ford | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:40AM-11:40AM | TR | BELM1510 | Ford | |
This course is an introduction to General?Chemistry as the first course in a sequence of two?introductory chemistry courses with lab. An?elementary approach to chemical principles and?laboratory practices are taken. Emphasis is placed?on the nature of matter, bonding, nomenclature,?equations, acids and bases and chemistry is?applied to everyday life. This course is intended?primarily to fulfill laboratory science?requirements and to fulfill chemistry requirements?for nursing, dental hygiene, and some home?economics and agricultural programs. This course?satisfies a general education requirement in the?Natural Sciences Area. |
Prerequisite: | Complete CHM-165 or CHM-166 |
235762 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:10PM-03:40PM | MTR | BELM1510 | Ford |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:10PM-03:40PM | W | BELM1510 | Ford | |
This?course is the second ?in a sequence of two?general chemistry courses for students in pre-med,?pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy,?pre-engineering, other physical or biological?sciences, or liberal arts. Topics include?kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, ionic?equilibria, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics,?electrochemistry, organic chemistry, descriptive?chemistry and nuclear chemistry. |
Prerequisite: | CAD-291 |
234226 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:30AM | MW | TBA | McConnell |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | TBA | McConnell | ||
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. | ||||||
This course will introduce higher level 3D printing processes and slicing software. Students will use Stereolithography processes as well as Selective Laser Sintering (Powder Bed Fusion). Configuration of the slicing software based on the model needs and material requirements will be a large part of this course. Various machines from fused filament fabrication (FFF) to the above mentioned processes will be used to create flexibility in the students ability to apply 3D printing skills. A closer look into post processing will be a main focus as well. Another focus will be printing assembly models. |
Prerequisite: | CAD-290; CAD-140 |
234227 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:30AM | TR | TBA | McConnell |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | TBA | McConnell | ||
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. | ||||||
This course will introduce students to various types of 3D scanning methods and equipment. Using these methods and equipment, students can generate point clouds of information or data. This data can be used to create 3-dimensional models of objects or structures, and to reverse engineer objects. Students may also use additive manufacturing equipment or 3D printers to create physical representations of scanned data. Scanned data can be used in quality control and inspection, prototyping, crime scene re-creation, historical preservation, and many other uses. |
236378 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | TR | URB210 | Benson |
NOTE: This section combines in-person classes with online work. Students attend some sessions on capus and complete additional coursework through Canvas. | ||||||
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. |
233707 | SOS81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Ritter | |
NOTE: Boundary Waters Canoe Area Trip dates: June 3-10,2025 Pre-trip meeting will be held on May 27th at 2:00pm at Nahant Marsh. There is an additional $495. fee to cover food and transportation. | ||||||
This course is designed to provide the?student?with a "living laboratory" experience in a?natural wilderness area to study biology, ecology,?geology, and related environmental conservation?problems. The student will develop an appreciation?of the wilderness environment and gain some basic?skills of canoeing, water safety, camping,?fishing, wilderness survival, map reading, and the?use of a compass. Additional fees may be charged. |
Prerequisite: | Take CNS-105 and CNS-150; Take CNS-105 and CNS-150 |
233709 | SIS81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Ritter | |
Provides on-the-job training in the students chosen area. |
Prerequisite: | Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency. |
235076 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Nichol | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Nichol | ||
This course provides theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include occlusal registration, gingival retraction, final impression, and provisional restorations. |
Prerequisite: | Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency. |
235077 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Nichol | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Nichol | ||
This course provides theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include application of cavity liners, desensitizing agents, bonding systems, placement and removal of dry socket medication, placement of periodontal dressing, and testing pulp vitality. |
Prerequisite: | Certified by the Dental Assistant National Board or possess two years documented clinical Iowa registered dental assisting experience and complete a written assessment at 75% competency. |
235078 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Nichol | |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Nichol | ||
This course is designed to provide theoretical concepts and skills to expand the dental assistants scope of practice to include monitoring of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia. |
234687 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Koby | |
This course acquaints students with the modern?diesel engine used in transportation and?automotive industries. The course is divided into?five sections. In each section operation, overhaul?and adjustments will be thoroughly covered for the?diesel engine used in the transportation and?automotive diesel engine industry. Labs correlate?with lectures to provide the student with?practical hands-on experience. |
Prerequisite: | Consent of instructor. |
234684 | SIS81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | INDSTDY | Koby | |
This course is a Cooperative Experience that will?integrate classroom theory with on-the-job?training. The College will assist the student in?securing employment related to the student's major?field of study and/or career interests. Under the?supervision of the College and the employer, the?student participates in job training experiences.?In addition to employment, attendance at scheduled?on-campus seminars is required. Seminars may?include job searching skills as well as?professional development. Student eligibility?consists of the successful completion of 12 credit?hours with EICCD with at least two courses in the?chosen major and maintenance of a grade point?average of 2.0 or higher. |
234687 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 07:00AM-11:30AM | MTWR | BELM3116 | Koby |
This course acquaints students with the modern?diesel engine used in transportation and?automotive industries. The course is divided into?five sections. In each section operation, overhaul?and adjustments will be thoroughly covered for the?diesel engine used in the transportation and?automotive diesel engine industry. Labs correlate?with lectures to provide the student with?practical hands-on experience. |
Prerequisite: | ECE-159, ECE-170, and ECE-243 |
237391 | SOS01 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Newswander | |
This course offers supervised experiences in selected early childhood settings serving children from birth to eight years of age. This course includes integration of theory and developmentally appropriate evidence-based practice. Students will be provided with an understanding of working with culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse populations of young children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on professional relationships and behavior, appropriate adult and child interactions, basic curriculum planning, and program routines. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years, or with instructor permission. |
234548 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | M | BTC115 | Nelson |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | BTC111 | Nelson | ||
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. | ||||||
This course is an introduction to Alternating?Current (AC)/ Direct Current (DC) theory. The?student is introduced to the concepts of?electricity and its sources, basic circuits,?schematics, motor theory, and laws that govern?circuits. |
Prerequisite: | EMS-285 |
233303 | SOS81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Temple | |
This course is the capstone and the final course in the paramedic series. The student must lead a minimum of 30 ALS calls, and meet all the field internship requirements in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains before consideration for a final "Run Review". The EMS Medical Director, with the Field Preceptors of the Paramedic Program, will make the final determination as to a students overall competence and ability to function as a competent entry-level paramedic. |
Prerequisite: | Eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment. Register & attend AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification 1 week prior to the start of the course. Recommend ability to read, write, and speak English at the college level. Must be able to physically perform the required skills. (A functional analysis of EMT including detailed information on the physical demands is available from the program coordinator.) |
233315 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 05:30PM-10:00PM | T | URBTBA | Temple |
This course is based on the National Emergency?Medical Services Education Standards & Instruction?Guidelines which is the National Standard?Curriculum for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)?Education which is the foundation of knowledge and?skills of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).?Upon successful completion of the program, the?student will obtain the American Heart Association?(AHA) Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition,?and Stabilization certification, and be eligible?for the National Registry EMT Practicual & Written?Examination to obtain a National EMT license, and?a State of Iowa EMT certification. |
Prerequisite: | Eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment. Register & attend AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification 1 week prior to the start of the course. Recommend ability to read, write, and speak English at the college level. Must be able to physically perform the required skills. (A functional analysis of EMT including detailed information on the physical demands is available from the program coordinator.) |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | NMTWRFS | ONLN | Temple | |
This course is based on the National Emergency?Medical Services Education Standards & Instruction?Guidelines which is the National Standard?Curriculum for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)?Education which is the foundation of knowledge and?skills of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).?Upon successful completion of the program, the?student will obtain the American Heart Association?(AHA) Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition,?and Stabilization certification, and be eligible?for the National Registry EMT Practicual & Written?Examination to obtain a National EMT license, and?a State of Iowa EMT certification. |
Prerequisite: | Enroll in ENG-105 or ENG-107 as a Co-requisite course. |
235314 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 10:40AM-12:10PM | MTWR | BELM1408 | Baldwin |
NOTE: Students registering for ENG 095-SLL81 235314 Basic Writing, MUST also register for ENG 105 SLL81 235314 Comp I This course is offered on-campus. | ||||||
This course is a co-requisite course designed to support skills necessary for successful completion of ENG 105? or ENG 107?, using an Accelerated Learning Program model. The writing process, critical thinking and reading skills, and strategies to enhance student success are emphasized. In this class, students will practice writing skills learned in ENG105 or ENG107 and work closely with the instructor to develop increased confidence and writing proficiency. |
Prerequisite: | Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment. |
235315 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:30AM | MTWR | BELM1408 | Baldwin |
NOTE: Students registering for ENG 105 SLL81 235315 Comp I, MUST also register for ENG 095-SLL81 235314 Basic Writing, This course is offered on-campus. | ||||||
235316 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:30AM | MTWR | BELM1408 | Baldwin |
This course will introduce students to the?college-level writing process. Students will?develop critical reading and thinking skills to?analyze and evaluate information from diverse?viewpoints. The course introduces documentation?practices and information literacy skills.?Students will write and revise at least four?formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20?pages. This course satisfies a general education?requirement in the Communications area. |
Prerequisite: | Complete ENG-105 or ENG-107 |
235317 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:30AM | MTWR | BELM1406 | |
This course is a continuation of Composition I.?Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate?texts. Critical thinking skills, argumentation,?writing style, and academic research, introduced?in Composition I, will also be further developed?in this course. This course satisfies a general?education requirement in the Communications Area. |
Prerequisite: | Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |
235061 | SLL01 | 06/02/25-07/16/25 | TBA | TBA | Ludvigsen | |
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. | ||||||
235060 | SEH01 | 06/10/25-07/31/25 | TBA | TBA | Houston, Ludvigsen, Stratton | |
SEH01 | 07/29/25-07/31/25 | 12:00PM-10:30PM | TWR | KAHITBA | Houston, Ludvigsen, Stratton | |
NOTE: This course is composed of 30hours of online, 15hours lab time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course is offered on-campus, and a majority of the course material is also delivered online. Students will be required to take their quizzes outside of their scheduled class time at one of the Eastern Iowa Community College testing locations. | ||||||
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |
Prerequisite: | Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |
235061 | SLL01 | 06/02/25-07/16/25 | 04:30PM-10:00PM | MW | URB319 | Ludvigsen |
SLL01 | 07/07/25-07/16/25 | 04:30PM-10:00PM | MTW | URB319 | Ludvigsen | |
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. | ||||||
235060 | SEH01 | 06/10/25-07/31/25 | 05:00PM-08:00PM | T | URB319 | Houston, Ludvigsen, Stratton |
NOTE: This course is composed of 30hours of online, 15hours lab time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course is offered on-campus, and a majority of the course material is also delivered online. Students will be required to take their quizzes outside of their scheduled class time at one of the Eastern Iowa Community College testing locations. | ||||||
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical. |
234678 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | ONLSONLN | Gonzalez | |
This course is designed to provide students with the basics of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. The topics covered in this course are geared toward residential central air-conditioning systems and air source heat pumps. This course is intended for those who are looking to obtain basic knowledge. |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:45PM | MTWR | BELM3122G | Gonzalez | |
This course is designed to provide students with the basics of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. The topics covered in this course are geared toward residential central air-conditioning systems and air source heat pumps. This course is intended for those who are looking to obtain basic knowledge. |
234679 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:00AM | MTWR | BELM3122G | Gonzalez |
This course provides an introduction to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) regulations that pertain to protecting workers from exposure to occupational hazards. Students concentrate on researching, interpreting, summarizing, and applying the OSHA regulations. Students are introduced to a proactive philosophy of company compliance with OSHA regulations with an emphasis on using specific approaches to provide a safe and healthful HVAC/R work environment. The course also provides the students with an industry approved 10 hour OSHA certificate. |
234574 | SOS01 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Stanley | |
NOTE: Student will meet 4 times during the semester with the instructor. | ||||||
This course is the first in a series of nine?practicums (6000 hours total) in addition to?classroom study required for completion of the?degree. Practicums provide the students with?on-the-job training following the work processes?documented in the EICC's Patterns & Standards?forthe Occupation of Cook. A focus of this?practicum is for the student to develop and?practice the skills of a kitchen steward. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in HCM-502. |
234575 | SOS01 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Stanley | |
NOTE: Student will meet 4 times during the semester with the instructor. | ||||||
This course is the third in a series of nine?practicums (6000 hours total) in addition to?classroom study required for completion of the?degree. Practicums provide the students with?on-the-job training following the work processes?documented in the EICC's Patterns and Standards?for the Occupation of Cook. A focus of this?practicum is for the student to develop and?practice the skills of vegetable cookery. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in HCM-508. |
234576 | SOS01 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Stanley | |
NOTE: Student will meet 4 times during the semester with the instructor. | ||||||
This course is the final course in a series of?nine practicums (6000 hours total) in addition to?classroom study required for completion of the?degree. Practicums provide the students with?on-the-job training following the work processes?documented in the EICC's Patterns and Standards?for the Occupation of Cook. A focus of this?practicum is for the student to develop and?practice the skills of supervisor/lead cook. |
234577 | SOS01 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Stanley | |
This course provides on-the-job experience on campus or in the industry, giving the student experience and practical application of the competencies in the internship agreement. The internship is coordinated by the college instructor and supervised by an industry professional at the work site. |
234578 | SOS02 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | OFFSITE | Stanley | |
This course provides on-the-job experience on campus or in the industry, giving the student experience and practical application of the competencies in the internship agreement. The internship is coordinated by the college instructor and supervised by an industry professional at the work site. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in HCM-100 and HCM-182 |
234615 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:00AM | TW | BELM4007 | McRae |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 10:00AM-02:00PM | TW | BELM4007 | McRae | |
This course is for a student with experience in baking. The students will hone their skills, learn new recipes, and create their own desserts. The students will use what they have learned in Fundamentals of Baking and Intermediate Baking to further their education in Advanced Baking. |
234550 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:00AM | MW | BTC211 | Nelson |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | BTC115 | Nelson | ||
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. | ||||||
This course presents an overview of methods used in presenting and interpreting a variety of industrial drawings and prints. This course is designed to provide the necessary skills to read and interpret symbols commonly found on industrial drawings and prints. |
234549 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-10:00AM | TR | BTC115 | Nelson |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | BTC115 | Nelson | ||
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. | ||||||
This course will teach stuents the fundamentals of?mechanical drives by introducing the student to?key fasteners, v-belts, chain drives, spur gear?drives and multiple shaft drives in mechanical?drive systems used throughout the industry. |
Prerequisite: | NET-303 |
235099 | SEH01 | 06/09/25-07/18/25 | 09:30AM-12:00PM | TR | URB215 | Warrier |
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in MAP-138. |
233208 | SEH91 | 06/09/25-08/01/25 | 10:00AM-02:00PM | TR | BELM0222 | Diveley-Wiedenmann |
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course is an introduction to the medical laboratory. Students will use critical thinking skills to incorporate cognitive knowledge in the performance of obtaining specimens and performing Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waived testing. The student will also know and adhere to protective practices for personal and patient safety. |
233209 | SEH91 | 06/09/25-08/01/25 | 02:00PM-03:00PM | TR | BELM0222 | Diveley-Wiedenmann |
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course provides a basic background in the classification and understanding of drugs and their sources, uses and legal implications. This course will also provide discussion on the characteristics of typical drugs, side effects, precautions, interactions, and patient education of each category. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121.; Take BIO-168 |
233638 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | MW | BELM0210 | Lienen |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Lienen | ||
234515 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 05:00PM-07:30PM | MW | BELM0210 | |
SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | |||
THis course builds on the concepts of previous?material, with an emphasis on the care of high?risk mental health patients. Focuses on the?provision of ethical/legal, safe, quality,?evidence-based patient centered care of the?patient wih the alterations in mental health.?Emphasizes health promotion, prevention and?condition management of common alterations seen in?mental health patients. Provides the opportunity?to apply concepts and demonstrate skills and care?for patients in supervised laboratory, simulation,?and/or clinical setting. Emphasizes patient?safety, application of the nursing process, and?development of physical and communication skills.?Upon completion, students will provide safe?nursing care incorporating the concepts identified?in this course. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in ADN-452 and ADN-453. |
233639 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-06/30/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | T | BELM0212 | Kashyap |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-06/30/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Kashyap | ||
233640 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-06/30/25 | 05:00PM-08:00PM | T | BELM0212 | Brown |
SLL82 | 05/27/25-06/30/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Brown | ||
Preceptorship is an exit course for Associate Degree Nursing? students, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. The concepts of individual, healthcare and nursing are closely examined. Emphasis is placed on the use of the nursing process to meet the health needs of individuals and groups across the life span. Upon completion, students should be able demonstrate specific strategies to meet the challenges of transiting from student to professional practitioner. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in PNN-158, PNN-282, and PSY-121. |
233637 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:40AM | MTW | BELM0229 | Zaehringer |
This course is an exit course for practical nursing, which builds upon concepts taught in previous nursing courses. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of reproduction, sexuality, development, family dynamics, stress, coping, mood and affect, anxiety, cognition, psychosis, addiction, interpersonal violence, professional identity, clinical judgment, leadership, ethics, communication, collaboration, health policy, and healthcare law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate strategies to transition from the role of student to professional practitioner. This course is replacing the existing PNN 641. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in RAD-162,?RAD-240, and RAD-300 |
234705 | SOS81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Jacobs | |
234706 | SOS82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Jacobs | |
This course is a continuation?of Clinical Education II and the student will be assigned to the same clinical affiliate. Students will continue to perform radiographic procedures with indirect supervision on those exams where competency has been achieved. Emphasis will be placed on those procedures learned in Radiographic Procedures I, II, and III. Film critique will be integrated throughout the course. Students will meet requirements and competencies in the areas specified in the clinical procedure manual. The student will complete rotations in Computed Tomography, Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cardiac Catheterization. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105. |
234696 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | M | BELM0102 | Hawkes |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | MW | BELM0104 | Hawkes | |
234697 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | MW | BELM0104 | Hawkes |
SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | W | BELM0102 | Hawkes | |
This course will introduce the student to radiologic technology and?the evolution of radiography film to the digital imaging technology of today. The student will learn about the hospital and clinical setting, medical specialties, and the role of the radiographer on the health care team. The student will gain the knowledge necessary to provide safe patient care to include the following topics: legal and ethical issues in medicine, professionalism, communication skills, medical terminology, patient histories, pharmacology, valuing diversity, soft skills, body mechanics, patient transfer methods, standard precautions, radiation safety and radiography as a profession.? |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in BIO-168, BIO-173, and HSC-113.; A minimum grade of C in MAT-110, HSC-137, or MAT-156.; A minimum grade of C in PSY-111 or SOC-110.; A minimum grade of C in SPC-112 or ENG-105. |
234701 | SLL84 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 02:00PM-04:00PM | M | BELM0102 | Matter |
SLL84 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | TR | BELM0104 | Matter | |
234700 | SLL83 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | T | BELM0102 | Matter |
SLL83 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | TR | BELM0104 | Matter | |
234698 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | TR | BELM0104 | Matter |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 02:00PM-04:00PM | W | BELM0102 | Matter | |
234699 | SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-11:30AM | TR | BELM0104 | Matter |
SLL82 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:00PM-02:00PM | R | BELM0102 | Matter | |
This course introduces the first semester student to patient positioning and procedures performed in the radiology department. Procedures to be studied and simulated in the energized laboratory are chest, abdomen and the distal upper?extremity. Each procedure includes anatomy review, procedural guidelines, projections, and image evaluation. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in RAD-143 |
234702 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-12:00PM | TR | BELM1109 | Jacobs |
This course is an integrated study of detailed anatomy, physiology, and radiographic procedures including the use of special equipment. Special emphasis is placed on the radiographic procedures related to the circulatory and nervous system. The scientific principles and uses of computerized tomography (CT), digital angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine are discussed. Students will apply these principles during their clinical practicum and special rotations. Preparation, precautions, and administration of contrast media will be explored. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in RAD 162, RAD 183, and RAD 240. |
234707 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 12:30PM-02:30PM | MT | BELM1109 | Jacobs |
This is the first of a two-course sequence. It is designed to emphasize principles of film evaluation as it relates to techniques, collimation, shielding, positioning, and radiographic quality. Radiograph rejects are studied in detail. Procedures to improve their diagnostic quality are emphasized, including the use of existing diagnostic exams to demonstrate desirable films. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in SUR-225, SUR-330, and SUR-521. |
235227 | SLL81 | 05/20/25-07/25/25 | TBA | CLINSITE | Duran, Lanfier | |
This course is a continuation of Clinical I and?provides the student with advanced hands-on?experience at a designated clinical site. Students?will be participating in the following activities:?preparation, aseptic technique, prioritization of?duties, use of time, professional and personal?habits, safety and ethical aspects, and skill set. |
Prerequisite: | A minimum grade of C in SUR-225, SUR-330, and SUR-521. |
SLL81 | 05/20/25-07/25/25 | 08:30AM-09:30AM | M | BELM1000 | Duran, Lanfier | |
This course is a continuation of Clinical I and?provides the student with advanced hands-on?experience at a designated clinical site. Students?will be participating in the following activities:?preparation, aseptic technique, prioritization of?duties, use of time, professional and personal?habits, safety and ethical aspects, and skill set. |
Prerequisite: | Take MFG-106 and WEL-361 |
235010 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:00AM | MT | BTC207 | Edens |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-03:00PM | MT | BTC302 | Edens | |
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course presents the Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW) process used extensively by industry and commonly known as MIG welding. Emphasizes hands-on application, metal transfer concepts, GMAW equipment, welding procedures, out of position welding, and safety. |
Prerequisite: | Take MFG-106 and WEL-361 |
235011 | SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 08:00AM-09:00AM | WR | BTC207 | Edens |
SLL81 | 05/27/25-07/18/25 | 09:00AM-01:00PM | WR | BTC302 | Edens | |
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. | ||||||
This course provides training to develop the skills on carbon steel using Flux Core wire in all positions on fillet and groove welds. Training is also provided on metal cutting using oxyacetylene and plasma. |