2025SP Urban Campus


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ CSC-110 Intro to Computers (3 cr.) AS

234626SLL0301/21/25-05/16/2505:30PM-08:30PMWURB323 Schaeffer-Hansen
234628SEH9103/24/25-05/16/2505:30PM-09:00PMRURB323 Schaeffer-Hansen
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

EMS-202 Emergency Medical Technician (9.5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment. Register & attend AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification 1 week prior to the start of the course. Recommend ability to read, write, and speak English at the college level. Must be able to physically perform the required skills. (A functional analysis of EMT including detailed information on the physical demands is available from the program coordinator.)
233325SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-01:00PMMWURB310 Koivisto
NOTE: American Heart Association BLS CPR will be done as part of the EMT class in a hubrid delivery model.
233326SLL0201/21/25-05/16/2505:00PM-10:00PMMWURB310 Border, Petersen
NOTE: American Heart Association BLS CPR will be done as part of the EMT class in a hubrid delivery model.
The Emergency Medical Technician Course is based on the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards & Instruction Guidelines which is the National Standard Curriculum for EMS Education which is the foundation of knowledge and skills of the Emergency Medical Technician. Upon successful completion of the program, the student will obtain the AHA Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, & Stabilization certification, and be eligible for the National Registry EMT Practical & Written Examination to obtain a National EMT license, and a State of Iowa EMT certification.

EMS-285 Paramedic II (13 cr.) P VT

233301SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-03:00PMTRURB310 Schooley
This course is designed to prepare a student to function at the level of a National Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)-Paramedic. The Paramedic II Course is the second in a three-course series leading to Paramedic certification. The EMT-Paramedic Program prepares competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. The course is designed to provide the National Paramedic with the education and skills necessary to provide out-of-hospital emergency medical care at the advanced life support level of the highest quality with an EMS agency, Fire Service, or other specialized services.

EMS-810 Adv Cardiac Life Support (1 cr.) VT

233293SEH0101/28/25-01/28/2508:00AM-03:00PMTURB318 Temple
This intensive certification course is presented utilizing the American Heart Association Standards and Guidelines for the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider (ACLS). This course is designed to expand the students knowledge of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for the adult patient, and to formulate the correct treatment plan for given patient simulations. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an American Heart Association ACLS Provider certification card for a two year certification period.

EMS-815 Advanced Pediatric Life Suppo (1 cr.) VT

233295SEH0104/08/25-04/08/2508:00AM-03:00PMTURB318 Temple
This intensive certification course is presented utilizing the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association Standards and Guidelines for the Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider (PALS). This course is designed to expand the students knowledge of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for the pediatric patient, and to formulate the correct treatment plan for given patient simulations. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an American Heart Association PALS Provider certification card for a two-year certification period.

EMS-816 Peds Edu for Prehosp Prof (1 cr.) VT

233296SEH0102/27/25-02/27/2508:00AM-03:00PMRURB318 Temple
The Pediatric Education for the Pre-Hospital Provider (PEPP) course is an intensive program designed to expand the students knowledge of Cardiac and Trauma Emergency Care for the pediatric patient. Participants will learn how to effectively assess and manage ill and injured children. This curriculum was developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics as a complete source of pre-hospital medical information for the emergent care of infants and children. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an American Academy of Pediatrics PEPP Provider certification card for a four-year certification period.

EMS-818 Neonatal Resuscitation (1 cr.) VT

233297SEH0102/18/25-02/18/2508:00AM-03:00PMTURB318 Temple
The Neonatal Resuscitation Provider (NRP) course is a certification program that utilizes the Standards and Guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association. This program is designed to be an intensive program where participants learn an evidence-based approach in resuscitation of the neonate. The causes, prevention, and management of mild to severe neonatal asphyxia are carefully explained so that health care professionals may develop optimal knowledge and skill in newborn resuscitation. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an American Academy of Pediatrics/American Heart Association NRP Provider certification card for a two-year certification period.

EMS-820 Prehospital Trauma Life Supp (1 cr.) P VT

233298SEH0105/01/25-05/01/2508:00AM-03:00PMRURB318 Temple
The Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course is presented utilizing the Standards and Guidelines for Emergency Trauma Care under the direction of the American College of Surgeons. This intensive hands-on program is a unique educational opportunity that was created in recognition for the real need in EMS education for additional training in the care of the trauma patient. This program is designed to enhance and increase knowledge and skills necessary in delivering critical care in the pre-hospital environment. Upon successful course completion, the student will receive an American College of Surgeons PHTLS Provider certification card for a four-year certification period.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

HSC-172 Nurse Aide (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.
233655SLL0101/14/25-03/04/2504:00PM-09:30PMTRURB319 Ludvigsen, Monkman
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID.
235014SLL8101/22/25-02/26/2504:30PM-10:00PMMWURB319 Borchers, Ludvigsen
233656SLL0201/25/25-04/12/2509:00AM-02:30PMNSURB319 Ludvigsen, Stratton
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID.
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID.
233658SLL0403/04/25-04/17/2504:00PM-09:30PMTRURB319 Ludvigsen, Monkman
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID.
235015SLL9103/31/25-04/28/2504:30PM-10:00PMMWURBTBA Borchers, Ludvigsen
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

233519SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2505:30PM-09:30PMMWURB215 Edwards
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

CIS-750 Project Management (3 cr.) VT

233517SEH9103/24/25-05/16/2505:30PM-08:00PMRURB212 Macuga
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course is designed to provide students exposure to project management and its importance to improving success in information technology projects. Topics addressed in the course will include triple constraints of project management, project life cycle, cost estimates, value management, and motivation theory, and team building. Tools and techniques important to project management will also be presented, including project selection methods, work breakdowns, network diagrams, critical path analysis, and scheduling. Students will have the opportunity to utilize software to help plan and manage an information technology project.

CIS-760 Cloud Foundations (3 cr.) P VT

233518SEH0101/21/25-05/16/2505:30PM-07:30PMTURB228 King
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides an?introduction to cloud computing platforms. Students will learn how cloud platforms are configured as well as the basic infrastructure. Cloud services, pricing, and support will be covered.

NET-198 Networking I (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:NET-159 and NET-679
233520SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2505:30PM-08:15PMMWURB227 Samara
This course introduces the architecture, protocols, functions, components, and models of the internet and computer networks.? The principles of Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced.? By the end of this course, students will be able to build simple Local Area Networks (LANs), perform basic configurations for routers and switches, understand the fundamentals of network security, and implement IP addressing schemes.

NET-303 Windows Workstation Op Syst (3 cr.) VT

233524SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2505:30PM-09:30PMTRURB227 Schar
This course will prepare students to use and support Windows Operating Systems (OS) in a business setting. Topics include installation, administration of resources, troubleshooting, networking, optimization, virtualization, and security.

NET-420 Introduction to Linux OS (3 cr.) P VT

233522SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:30PM-02:30PMTRURB227 Osmers
This course will teach students how to become proficient with using a Linux Operating System. It does not assume any prior knowledge of Linux and is geared toward those interested in systems administration as well as those who will use or develop programs for Linux systems. The course provides comprehensive coverage of topics related to Linux certification, including Linux distributions, installation, administration, X-Windows, cloud technologies, networking, and security. This course also prepares the student for the CompTIA Linux+ Certification.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

233222SLL0501/21/25-05/16/2505:30PM-08:30PMRURB211 Dennis
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined.