2025SP Muscatine Community College


Muscatine Community College

ACC-146 Managerial Accounting (3 cr.) P AS

233664MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWLARS72 Frad
This course emphasizes financial statement analysis, including the reporting of cash flows, and managerial accounting as it relates to decision-making and to the manufacturing environment. This course serves as a foundation for other accounting courses for students planning careers in accounting, as well as providing for the needs for students in business administration.

AGRICULTURE (Farm Management/Agribusiness Management)

Muscatine Community College

AGA-349 Fertilizers (1.5 cr.) P VT

233334MLL0102/24/25-04/04/2510:00AM-10:55AMMTWRFGAEK101 Dieckman
This course will provide an overview of different types of fertilizer materials, the economical and efficient use of lime and fertilizer materials, and the impact of lime and fertilizer materials on the environment with practical application to production. Agriculture and horticulture soil and fertilizer management will also be discussed.

AGA-390 Intro to Renewable Resources (3 cr.) VT

233335MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2512:30PM-01:35PMMTWRGAEK101 Dieckman
This course will provide an overview of soil, water, plants, and animals as renewable natural resources in an ecosystem context. The history and organization of resource management and concepts of integrated resource management will be covered.

AGA-901 Seed Science (1.5 cr.) VT

233336MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2511:00AM-12:00PMMWFGAEK101 Dieckman
The biology of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous seeds and seedlings, germination and seedling establishment, germination testing, certification, seed laws, seed purity and quality, variety selection, inoculation and seed treatments will be discussed.

AGB-108 Human Relations I (1.5 cr.) VT

233337MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2511:00AM-12:00PMTRGAEK101 Dieckman
This course is designed to help the student prepare for employment, satisfactory work performance, coworker relations, employer-employee relations, work habits and attitudes, and the procedures for applying and interviewing for a job.

AGB-235 Introduction to Agriculture Ma (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:AGB-231 or consent of instructor.
233338MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2508:50AM-09:55AMMTWRGAEK112 Dieckman
This course focuses on the futures market and how it can be used as a marketing tool. Major areas of study include hedging, speculation, price forecasting, spreading, and technical and fundamental analysis. The use of commodity futures options as an economic marketing tool will be covered.

AGB-305 Agricultural Law (1.5 cr.) VT

233339MLL0101/21/25-02/21/2510:00AM-10:55AMMTWRFGAEK101 Dieckman
This course is a study of torts, restrictions on the use and ownership of property, water rights, fence issues, employer-employee relationships, forms of business ownership and structure, leasing and renting, estate planning, and contract law as it relates to production agribusiness.

AGB-336 Agricultural Selling (3 cr.) VT

233341MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2508:50AM-09:55AMMTWRGAEK114 Mairet
This course teaches principles of selling with application to agricultural and food related businesses. In this course, we will review attitudes, value systems, and behavioral patterns that relate to agricultural sales and customer buying behaviors. We will implement marketing and selling strategies and prepare for sales calls. Students will demonstrate sales presentations, handle objections, and close sales, while also analyzing the buying or purchasing process and evaluating the agri-selling profession.

AGP-243 Precision Agricultural Apps (3 cr.) VT

233345MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2512:30PM-01:35PMMTWRGAEK112 Ewers
This introductory course is designed to help retail students assist agricultural producers to become more profitable and preserve non-renewable resources, identify computer hardware and software needs, and to make recommendations to producers based on agronomic and economic data. This course will concentrate on the theories and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Site Specific Farming (SSF), Precision Farming (PF) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and will explore various tools for Variable Rate Technology (VRT) and Variable Rate Application (VRA). Utilization of remote sensing data as a diagnostic tool for managerial decisions will be emphasized.

AGS-119 Advanced Animal Science (2 cr.) VT

233347MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2511:00AM-12:00PMMWFGAEK112 Ewers
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the practices, management programs, labor requirements, reproduction programs, gestation periods, sanitation, health, and disease control concerns of livestock management. The student will also gain background knowledge needed to comprehensively advise livestock producers on livestock production enterprises.

AGS-315 Prin of Animal Nutrition (3 cr.) VT

233348MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2501:45PM-04:00PMMWGAEK112 Ewers
This course is a study of the digestive systems of farm livestock, the basic food nutrients, how and why they are needed by the animals, and the individual nutrient requirements of each farm animal depending on the stage of growth, development, or function. This course also covers topics such as selection of feeds for feeding farm animals and the procedures used to determine what feeds to use. Students will select the proper feed rations to use and learn to formulate balanced feed rations.

AGS-554 Beef Production (3 cr.) VT

233350MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2501:45PM-03:50PMTRGAEK112 Ewers
This course is designed to prepare the student to be successful in the field of beef production. Emphasis is on beef cattle breeding and cow-calf operations in part one and nutrition and herd health in part two. Topics in beef cattle breeding, selection, ration planning, sire evaluation, and approved management practices relevant to Midwest operations. Topics in cow-calf operation include cow-calf production records, breed selection, reproduction, economics and marketing and feed processing.


Muscatine Community College

AGV-127 Animal Anat & Physiology II (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-118.
233448MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:10AM-11:40AMMALCHNI Drahos
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:00PM-02:30PMMALCHNI Drahos
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2509:40AM-11:40AMTSTRA43 Drahos
This course is a continuation of AGV 118?Animal Anatomy and Physiology I. It includes a more detailed look at the gross anatomy and physiology of the various organ systems including the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems. It includes a more detailed look at the sense organs, pregnancy, development, and lactation, as well as avian and exotic anatomy and physiology.

AGV-131 Clinical Technology II (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-119 and AGV-130.
233449MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-10:00AMMALCHNI Cromer
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:40PM-04:40PMMALCLAB Cromer
233451MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-10:00AMMALCHNI Cromer
MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2502:30PM-04:30PMTALCLAB Cromer
This course is a continuation of AGV-130, which?will build on more extensive nursing care.?Students will learn different techniques that are?critical in wound management, diagnostic sampling,?and neonatal care.

AGV-133 Veterinary Clinic Pathology I (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-118, AGV-119, and AGV-130.
233471MLL0101/21/25-03/14/2501:00PM-02:00PMRALCHNI Cromer
MLL0101/21/25-03/14/2509:00AM-10:00AMFALCHNI Cromer
MLL0101/21/25-03/14/2510:00AM-12:00PMFALCLAB Cromer
MLL0103/24/25-05/16/2509:00AM-10:00AMWSTRA55 Cromer
MLL0103/24/25-05/16/2510:00AM-12:00PMWSTRA55 Cromer
MLL0103/24/25-05/16/2511:00AM-12:00PMRALCHNI Cromer
This course will introduce students to the veterinary laboratory. Students will learn the techniques used to identify the various forms of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause illness. Students will learn culture technique as well as sensitivity testing to determine antibiotics of choice for these organisms. Various animal internal and external parasites, their life cycles, and methods of detection will be taught. Students will learn history, terminology, equipment, structure, and classification of the various veterinary organisms. Students will be acquainted with the microscope, laboratory facility, and various preparation techniques available.

AGV-146 Large Animal Care (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-118, AGV-119, and AGV-130.
233480MLL0101/21/25-03/14/2502:10PM-04:10PMRALCLAB Drahos
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:00PM-02:30PMTALCLAB Drahos
MLL0103/24/25-05/16/2501:00PM-03:00PMRALCLAB Drahos
This course will provide students with information regarding the large animal industry, management, and husbandry. Emphasis will be on diseases and common clinical procedures including restraint, diagnostic testing, bandaging, surgery and anesthesia, fluid therapy, medical nursing, and euthanasia and necropsy.

AGV-159 Surgical Nursing (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-134, AGV-140, AGV-232, and AGV-248.; AGV-170
233472MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-12:00PMWALCLAB Cromer
MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-12:00PMRALCHNI Cromer
This course introduces students to the methods and mechanics of the sterilization process. The course covers the technicians role in the surgery room as well as patient preparation, sterile techniques, surgical instrument identification, pack preparation, and surgical nursing care.

AGV-170 Veterinary Anesthesiology (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-134, AGV-140, AGV-232, and AGV-248.; AGV-159
233473MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-12:00PMTALCHNI Cromer
MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2512:00PM-04:00PMWALCLAB Cromer
This course involves the study of pharmacology, application of anesthetic agents, the physiological effects and means of monitoring them, principles and administration of inhalant anesthetics, and a broad overview of anesthetic protocol and care. Emphasis will be on anesthetic practical skills and anesthesia equipment.

AGV-933 Veterinary Tech Internship (6 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in AGV-159, AGV-170, and consent of instructor.
233484MOS0101/21/25-05/16/2512:00PM-01:00PMTOFFMSITE Drahos
During the final semester of the Veterinary Technician?Program, each student will complete 250 hours of internship at an approved veterinary practice under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Successful completion of this course is required to graduate from the Veterinary Technology program.


Muscatine Community College

AUT-404 Automotive Suspension & Steer (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-115.
233673MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2501:00PM-04:00PMMTWRMCAC45 Miller
This course deals specifically with automobile suspension and steering systems. Specific skills needed for the development of competencies will be taught. Competencies are aimed for skills as an entry-level suspension and steering specialist.

AUT-614 Automotive Electrical I (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in AUT-606.
233672MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2501:00PM-03:00PMMTWRMCAC45 Miller
This course introduces the student to basic automotive battery, charging, and starting systems. The operating principles will be discussed during the lecture sessions. Lab sessions will be spent practicing testing, diagnosis, and repair.


Muscatine Community College

✓ BIO-114 General Biology IA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053, MAT-065, or HSC-137.; Students should have placement into ENG-105 or take ENG-095/ENG-105 concurrently with this course.
233488MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRSTRA55 Sperstad
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:20PM-03:20PMTRSTRA55 Sperstad
This course is an introduction to the basic?principles of biology. Topics studied include?chemical applications in biology, cellular?biology, bioenergetics, cell division, and?genetics.

BIO-115 General Biology IIA (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Must have C or better in BIO-114;
233491MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMTFSTRA55 Sperstad
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMRSTRA55 Sperstad
NOTE: This section meets the following Fridays: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2, 5/16
This course is a continuation of General Biology?IA (BIO 114). Course topics include evolution,?biological diversity, plant and animal anatomy and?physiology and ecology.

BIO-151 Nutrition (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:MAT-053 or MAT-065
233496MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWSTRA08 Ripslinger-Atwater
This course explores dietary sources, functions, and requirements of major nutrients for all individuals. Course topics include tools for healthy eating, digestion and absorption, the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, water balance, energy balance, food safety and technology, and nutrition during the life stages. This course will also include the role that culture, diversity, and socioeconomic status plays in nutritional health.

✓ BIO-157 Human Biology (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Students should have completed ENG-095 or take ENG-095 concurrently with this course.
233502MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMMFSTRA43 Harrison
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMWSTRA43 Harrison
NOTE: This section meets the following Fridays: 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9
This course is designed for students who are not majoring in a science or health related field. Human Biology is an introductory course that presents the structure and function of the human body along with its chemistry, organization, and continuity. Students will study general concepts of life demonstrated by the major body systems with applications to health, disease, nutrition, and wellness. Students will also study the basics of genetics, evolution, and the origins of life. This course is not equivalent to or intended to replace BIO 114 or BIO 168, but satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences area. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Natural Sciences Area.

BIO-173 Human Anat and Physiology II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Minimum grade of C in BIO-168. BIO-168 must be taken within the last 5 years.
233506MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMTFSTRA08 Ripslinger-Atwater
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMRSTRA43 Ripslinger-Atwater
NOTE: This section meets the following Fridays: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2, 5/16
233508MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRSTRA43 Ripslinger-Atwater
MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2502:20PM-03:20PMTRSTRA43 Ripslinger-Atwater
This course is the second course in a two semester?sequence. The content includes study of the?following organ systems or topics: cardiovascular,?lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive,?metabolism, urinary, and reproductive.

BIO-186 Microbiology (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:BIO-114 or BIO-168
233510MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWSTRA55 Sperstad
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:20PM-03:20PMMWSTRA55 Sperstad
This course is an in-depth examination of the?microbial world, with emphasis on classification,?reproduction, genetics, physiology, infectious?disease, and control. Laboratory exercises will be?directed toward the use of equipment and?identification of clinically and economically?important organisms.

BIO-226 Local Flora (3 cr.) P AS

233595MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:00PM-05:00PMMNMECTBA Ritter
This course examines the identification, ecology, and distribution of common native and exotic trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants of the Upper Midwest.


Muscatine Community College

BUS-168 Leadership/Professionalism II (1 cr.) P VT

233665MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:00AM-12:00PMFGAEK202 Frad, Henning
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop professional growth in the areas of leadership, community service, cooperation, patriotism and business knowledge and is a continuation of Leadership and Professionalism I. Students will be provided opportunities to demonstrate and refine leadership skills both inside and outside of the classroom. This course can be repeated for credit.

BUS-908 Cooperative Education (1 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Consent of instructor required.
235155MIS0101/21/25-05/16/25TBA INDMSTDY Dabeet
Cooperative Education Experience will integrate classroom theory with on-the-job training. The College will assist the student in securing employment which will be related to the students major field of study and/or career interests. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student participates in job training experiences. In addition to employment, attendance at scheduled on-campus seminars is required. Seminars may include job searching skills as well as professional development. Student eligibility consists of the successful completion of 12 EICCD credit hours with at least two courses in the major and maintenance of a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Eligibility requirements and credit hours available vary by program area.


Muscatine Community College

✓ CHM-122 Intro General Chemistry (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A grade C or higher in MAT-053 or equivelant
233536MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWSTRA58 Harrison
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:20PM-03:20PMMWSTRA58 Harrison
Introduction to General Chemistry is the first?course in a sequence of two introductory chemistry?courses with lab. An elementary approach to?chemical principles and laboratory practices is?taken. Emphasis is placed on the nature of matter,?bonding, nomenclature, equations, acids and bases?and chemistry as applied to everyday life. This?course is intended primarily to fulfill laboratory?science requirements and to fulfill chemistry?requirements for nursing, dental hygiene, and some?home economics and agricultural programs.

CHM-175 General Chemistry II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete CHM-165 or CHM-166
233662MEH0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMTSTRA58 Ford
MEH0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMRSTRA58 Ford
This?course is the second ?in a sequence of two?general chemistry courses for students in pre-med,?pre-chiro, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy,?pre-engineering, other physical or biological?sciences, or liberal arts. Topics include?kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base, ionic?equilibria, intermolecular forces, thermodynamics,?electrochemistry, organic chemistry, descriptive?chemistry and nuclear chemistry.


Muscatine Community College

✓ CSC-110 Intro to Computers (3 cr.) AS

233691MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWGAEK211 Cochran
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.

CSC-116 Information Computing (3 cr.) AS

233692MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRGAEK211 Bruce
This course presents the basic concepts of Information Systems (IS) and computer literacy. The course incorporates theory as well as hands-on practice, which focuses on spreadsheets and database management systems (DBMS).? This course satisfies a general education requirement for Computer Skills.


Muscatine Community College

CNS-109 Wildlife Ecology (3 cr.) AS

233592MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:00PM-05:00PMWNMECTBA Wiebler
This course is the study of the application of?wildlife ecology and management?techniques;?censuring;?capture and marking of?wildlife;?habitat evaluation;?habitat?restoration;?Iowa game laws;?life history?studies;?and the application of wildlife?management principles as they relate to important?ecological and recreational resources.


Muscatine Community College

CRJ-120 Introduction to Corrections (3 cr.) AS

233327MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWMCAC14 Elswick
This course explores the development of corrections, the correctional process, correctional client, alternatives to incarceration, effects of institutionalization, correctional administration, reforms to correctional institutions, special populations,?and the future of corrections.?

CRJ-233 Probation and Parole (3 cr.) VT

233328MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRMCAC14 Elswick
This course examines probation and parole practices related to community-based corrections programs throughout the United States.?Emphasis is placed on community-based programs for offenders, administration and legal issues of the programs, trends in probation, parole and related community-based programs.


Muscatine Community College

✓ ECN-120 Prin of Macroeconomics (3 cr.) AS

233669MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMTRLARS76 Dabeet
This course discusses issues confronting society as a result of economic scarcity. It examines the systematic approach to these issues as it has developed in markets and government combined to determine the economic decision-making process. Emphasis is placed on the fiscal and monetary policies of government, undertaken to modify the instability that occurs in the private sectors. This course includes the importance of international trade. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.

✓ ECN-130 Prin of Microeconomics (3 cr.) AS

233666MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMMWLARS76 Dabeet
233668MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRSTRA27 Dabeet
This course examines how the market system resolves the economic problems of scarcity. Topics explored include, supply and demand theory, the varying degrees of competition and imperfection found in the market, consumer choice, firms production cost in the short run and the long run, and firms output and the pricing and employment of resources. The impact of international trade and finance will also be discussed. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Muscatine Community College

EDU-235 Children's Literature (3 cr.) AS

233307MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWMCAC10 Gaskill
This course is designed primarily for the student?planning to enter elementary and/or middle school?level teaching. The student will develop an?understanding of why and what children read, and?acquire criteria for the selection of reading?material for children's and youth's recreational?and curriculum enrichment. Students will?investigate how to identify, evaluate, and utilize?quality children's literature for teaching in the?classroom.


Muscatine Community College

ELE-195 Motor Control (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
233739MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2512:50PM-02:50PMMMITC120 Volkl
MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2512:50PM-02:50PMTWRFMITC120 Volkl
THis course will provide students with experiences?related to electric motors, motor controls and?relay logic in an industrial environment. Students?will learn to apply ladder logic diagrams to?install, maintain, and troubleshoot motors and?motor control circuits. Students will learn how to?troubleshoot direct and alternating current motors?and their control circuits.


Muscatine Community College

ELT-128 PLC Programming and Control I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
233740MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:50PMTMITC120 Volkl
MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:50PMWRFMITC120 Volkl
This course provides an introduction to various?programmatic control schemes, basic sequential?control, and basic system integration. Concepts?are explored and emphasized through lecture,?reading, and hands-on labs.

ELT-253 Adv Programmable Logic Control (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELT-128;
234543MLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA MITC120 Volkl
This course is a continuation of Programmable?Logic Controllers (PLC). Data manipulation,?sequencers, troubleshooting, networking?techniques, and ControlLogix controllers will be?covered.


Muscatine Community College

EGT-117 Fluid Power Fundamentals (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and IND-134. A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years or with instructor permission.
233738MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:50PMMMITC120 Volkl
MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:50PMWRFMITC120 Volkl
This course presents the basic laws of fluid power systems and properties of fluids to explain the behavior of fluid power devices in fundamental applications. Fluid power components such as cylinders, motors, compressors, pumps, flow control valves, and accumulators are studied as well as assembled in labs. Fluid power symbols are taught utilizing air and hydraulic diagrams. Pressure intensifiers, air-over-oil systems, rotary actuators, and flow dividers are presented in their applications.


Muscatine Community College

ENG-095 ALP Writing (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Enroll in ENG-105 or ENG-107 as a Co-requisite course.
233609MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:10PM-01:40PMMWLOPR210 Despain
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-095-mll01 ALP Writing, MUST also register for ENG-105-MLL01 (233610).
This course is a co-requisite course designed to support skills necessary for successful completion of ENG 105? or ENG 107?, using an Accelerated Learning Program model. The writing process, critical thinking and reading skills, and strategies to enhance student success are emphasized. In this class, students will practice writing skills learned in ENG105 or ENG107 and work closely with the instructor to develop increased confidence and writing proficiency.

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
233610MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMMWLOPR210 Despain
NOTE: Students registering for ENG-105-mll01 Comp I, MUST also register for ENG-095-MLL01 (233609).
233611MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMMWLOPR210 Despain
233615MLL0301/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRLOPR211 Phillips
Composition I introduces students to the college-level writing process. Students will develop critical reading and thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information from diverse viewpoints. The course introduces documentation practices and information literacy skills. Students will write and revise at least four formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20 pages. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.

✓ ENG-106 Composition II (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-105 or ENG-107
233616MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2508:50AM-10:20AMMWLOPR210 Phillips
233613MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:50AM-10:20AMTRLOPR210 Despain
233617MLL0301/21/25-05/16/2508:50AM-10:20AMTRLOPR211 Phillips
Composition II is a continuation of Composition I. Students will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate texts. Critical thinking skills, argumentation, writing style, and academic research, introduced in Composition I, will also be further developed in this course. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.


Muscatine Community College

✓ ENV-111 Environmental Science (4 cr.) AS

233538MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMMFSTRA61 Sperstad
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMWSTRA61 Sperstad
NOTE: This section meets the following Fridays: 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9
In this course common environmental problems will?be surveyed, with discussion as to their possible?causes, consequences, and remedies. An emphasis?will be placed on objective analyses of issues and?arguments related to environmental concerns.


Muscatine Community College

HSC-137 Math for Healthcare (3 cr.) VT

233792MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:30AM-10:00AMMWLARS76 Piersall
233796MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWLARS76 Matter
This course is designed for Allied Health Care profession majors. The course will cover general development of skills involving computations of fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, basic algebra equations, mean, median, and mode. Allied health areas that will be covered include how to utilize graphs, when fractions and decimals are utilized in healthcare settings, allied health statistics, and how to figure deductibles and co-payments for health insurance. Students will also learn how to calculate mass and volume of medications, and common dose measurement and dose abbreviations.

HSC-172 Nurse Aide (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.
233651MLL0101/16/25-02/23/2504:00PM-09:30PMTRMCAC5 Ludvigsen, Murphy, Myers
MLL0102/24/25-02/27/2502:00PM-10:00PMMWOFFMSITE Ludvigsen, Murphy, Myers
MLL0102/24/25-02/27/2503:30PM-11:30PMTROFFMSITE Ludvigsen, Murphy, Myers
234300MLL0201/21/25-04/03/2508:00AM-10:20AMTRFMCAC5 Ludvigsen, Zaehringer
MLL0201/21/25-05/13/2508:00AM-10:20AMTRFOFFMSITE Ludvigsen, Zaehringer
234304MLL0301/21/25-04/02/2512:50PM-03:00PMTRFMCAC5 Ludvigsen, Zaehringer
MLL0301/21/25-05/13/2512:50PM-03:00PMTRFOFFMSITE Ludvigsen, Zaehringer
235044MLL0401/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-03:00PMTRFMCAC18 Ludvigsen, Murphy
MLL0401/21/25-05/16/25TBA CLNMSITE Ludvigsen, Murphy
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.


Muscatine Community College

✓ HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877 (3 cr.) AS

233620MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMMWLOPR211 Kaufmann
233621MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWLOPR211 Kaufmann
The study of the political, cultural, social, and economic developments from 1877 to the present. Historical perspective and critical analysis are emphasized. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Cultural/Historical Perspectives Area.


Muscatine Community College

AGH-131 Greenhouse Management (3 cr.) VT

233333MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2510:00AM-10:55AMMTWRFGAEK114 Mairet
This course presents the management of greenhouse?crops. Common commercial crops are addressed and?techniques used in the production of greenhouse?crops are demonstrated.

AGH-152 Landscape Design Tech (3 cr.) VT

233343MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2511:00AM-11:55AMMTWRFGAEK114 Mairet
This course introduces the students to landscape design and the different aspects involved. It also provides a basic understanding of the different types of landscapes and the principles, materials, and elements that go into their design.

AGH-292 Garden Center Management (3 cr.) VT

233342MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2501:45PM-02:50PMMTWRGAEK114 Mairet
This course introduces business management basics for operating a garden center or other business in the Horticulture Industry. ?Areas of emphasis will include business structure, analytics, sales, and marketing.


Muscatine Community College

HCM-116 Fundamentals of Baking (3 cr.) VT

233699MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:00PM-01:00PMMBFAC2 Phipps
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:00PM-05:00PMMBFAC2 Phipps
This course is for a student with very little baking or pastry experience. Students will learn the basics of theory and preparation of baked items. Science and math will play a large role in this course. Items the students will prepare include yeast bread, cookies, creams, puddings, pie crusts and filling, and quick breads. The focus of the course is on standard production methods for a successful product in small and large scale batches.

HCM-265 Mathematics for Hospitality (3 cr.) VT

233698MEH0101/21/25-05/16/2512:00PM-02:00PMRLARS76 Dabeet
This course will provide the student with a general understanding of mathematics application used in a professional food service setting. This course will then introduce the student to the mathematical knowledge needed in the restaurant and hospitality industry.

HCM-932 Internship (1 cr.) VT

233701MOS0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-04:50PMFOFFMSITE Phipps
This course provides on-the-job experience on campus or in the industry, giving the student experience and practical application of the competencies in the internship agreement. The internship is coordinated by the college instructor and supervised by an industry professional at the work site.


Muscatine Community College

✓ HUM-110 Changes & Choices (3 cr.) AS

233614MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWSTRA09 Phillips
This course offers students an opportunity to explore ways in which the Humanities are integral in their personal and work lives, especially as they face change and make decisions. The course will explore works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, history, philosophy, and art, and apply themes from these works to their own lives. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Muscatine Community College

IND-125 Intro to Process Control (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106, IND-134, and ELE-195.
235008MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2510:00AM-12:00PMMMITC120 Volkl
MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-12:00PMTWMITC120 Volkl
This course is an introduction to Process?Controls. It provides students with terminology?and the function of basic devices for measuring?and controlling different kinds of variables in?process control. It introduces control systems,?controller circuit design, controller operation,?maintenance, alignment, calibration, and tuning?open and closed-loop control.

IND-198 Mechatronics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106, ELE-113, IND-200, EGT-117, ELE-195, ELE-128, and IND-125.
234544MLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA MITC120 Volkl
This course will teach students about flexible?automation systems which include electronic,?computer, mechanical, electrical, and fluid drive?components. Programmable controllers, robotics,?diagnostics, troubleshooting, and systems design?are included with an emphasis on hands-on?application as well as theory.


Muscatine Community College

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

233695MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:50PM-03:05PMTWRGAEK202 Dickey
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

NET-159 Cisco Packet Tracer (1 cr.) VT

233693MEH8101/21/25-03/14/2512:50PM-03:00PMMGAEK202 Dickey
In this course, students will learn to use a cross-platform visual simulation tool to create network topologies and build modern computer networks. After learning the user interface, students will build and maintain a small network that includes routers, switches, and computers.

NET-166 Applied Computer Security (3 cr.) VT

233694MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2512:50PM-03:05PMTWRGAEK202 Henning
This course will discuss the basic concepts of?practical computer and Internet security:?passwords, firewalls, antivirus software, malware,?social networking, surfing the Internet, phishing,?and wireless networks. This class is intended for?students with little or no background in?information technology or security.


Muscatine Community College

✓ LIT-101 Intro to Literature (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:ENG-105 or ENG-107
233612MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMTRLOPR210 Despain
This course is an introduction to the major literary genres: the short story, poetry, drama, and the novel. Emphasis is placed on formal, thematic, historical, cultural, and critical elements of literature, as well as the relationship between literature and the human condition. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Muscatine Community College

MAT-053 Pre-Algebra (4 cr.) AS

233570MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMMWLARS74 Abbott
This course is designed for students who need to review and improve their arithmetic skills. Topics include whole numbers, introduction to algebra, understanding variables and solving equations, solving application problems, rational numbers, ratios, proportions, geometric relationships, percents, measurements, graphs, exponents, and polynomials.

MAT-066 Algebra I (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233577MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMMWLARS74 Abbott
This course provides students with the beginning topics in a two-part algebra sequence. Topics covered include basic algebraic concepts, linear equations in one and two variables, linear inequalities, graphing equations, exponents and polynomial rules, functions, and beginning exponential and logarithmic functions.

MAT-067 Algebra II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-066 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233578MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMMWLARS77 Trotter
In this course topics covered include factoring, rational expressions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, inequalities and absolute value equations, rational exponents and radicals, quadratic equations and inequalities, and exponential and logarithmic functions. A scientific calculator is required.

MAT-075 Statistics Support (1 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Prerequisite: Minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years.; Corequisite: MAT-156 must be taken at the same time as this course.
233566MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:20PM-02:50PMMWLARS74 Abbott
This course provides students with math skills to reinforce topics covered in MAT-156 Statistics. Students must register for this course and MAT-156 in the same semester. This course supports students by reviewing fundamental math concepts needed for statistics material, reviewing statistical concepts introduced in MAT-156, and developing critical thinking and problem-solving techniques.

MAT-104 Applied Math Topics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233562MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:30AMTRLARS75 Trotter
NOTE: This is for Vet Tech students only
This course presents algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and finance math as it applies to specific career and technical applications. Mathematical ideas and procedures will be presented first, followed by applications with the various career and technical fields.

✓ MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-065 or MAT-066 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233555MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMTRLARS77 Trotter
This course is designed for the liberal arts?student. The course will include logic, counting?methods and probability, statistics, financial?mathematics, different base systems, sets, and?problem solving.

✓ MAT-128 PreCalculus (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C- in MAT-138 or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233550MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:20AM-10:20AMMWLARS77 Trotter
This course is intended to prepare students for?calculus or advanced science courses. The course?covers logarithms and exponential functions,?trigonometric functions, complex numbers, analytic?geometry, and topics in the theory of equations.

MAT-138 College Algebra With Limits (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233728MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:50PMTRLARS77 Trotter
This course will prepare students for future study?in mathematics. Topics include solving equations?and inequalities, complex numbers, polynomial,?rational, absolute value, and exponential and?logarithmic functions, systems of equations,?matrices, sequences and series, permutations and?combinations, the binomial theorem, and limits.

✓ MAT-156 Statistics (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-065, MAT-066, or MAT-067 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233546MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWLARS74 Abbott
233547MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2506:00PM-09:00PMWLOPR211 Dabeet
This course is recommended for business,?economics, mathematics, science and social?sciences students. The course focuses on?obtaining, presenting and organizing statistical?data. Course topics covered include descriptive?measures, probability, probability distributions,?binomial distributions, normal distributions,?sampling distributions, confidence intervals,?hypothesis testing, linear regression, and?correlation. A graphing calculator with statistics?functions is required.

MAT-216 Calculus II (4 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-210 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233545MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:30PMTRLARS74 Abbott
This course is the second in a three-part calculus?series. It is a continuation of topics taught in ?MAT 210 - Calculus I. Topics include applications?of the definite integral, differentiation and?integration of inverse trigonometric and?hyperbolic functions, methods of integration,?improper integrals, infinite sequences and series,?parametric equations, polar coordinate equations,?and conic sections. A graphing calculator is?required.


Muscatine Community College

MAP-137 Medical Lab Procedures (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in MAP-138.
233264MEH8101/21/25-03/14/2510:00AM-02:00PMTRMCAC9 Hartog
MEH8101/21/25-03/14/25TBATBA MCAC9 Hartog
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course is an introduction to the medical laboratory. Students will use critical thinking skills to incorporate cognitive knowledge in the performance of obtaining specimens and performing Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waived testing. The student will also know and adhere to protective practices for personal and patient safety.

MAP-512 Medical Assisting Pharmacology (2 cr.) VT

233265MEH8101/21/25-03/14/2502:00PM-03:00PMTRMCAC9 Hartog
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides a basic background in the classification and understanding of drugs and their sources, uses and legal implications. This course will also provide discussion on the characteristics of typical drugs, side effects, precautions, interactions, and patient education of each category.

MAP-614 Medical Assistant Externship (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in MAP-137 and MAP-512.; SPC-170, ENG-107, ENG-105, or SPC-112
233268MOS9103/24/25-05/16/2505:00PM-06:00PMROFFMSITE Hartog
This course will assign each student to his or her externship at an approved health care facility or hospital under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Physician Assistant. The student will spend 160 hours practicing and applying the skills the student has learned. Hours at the extern site are determined by the working hours at the site.


Muscatine Community College

MUA-101 Applied Voice (1 cr.) AS

233729MIS6102/17/25-05/16/25TBA INDMSTDY Burr
This course provides individual instruction in singing. It advances students from their present vocal ability to a higher and more proficient level. This course may be repeated for up to 6.00 credit hours.

MUA-120 Applied Piano (1 cr.) AS

233730MIS6102/17/25-05/16/25TBA INDMSTDY Burr
This course is for individual instruction in piano. It advances students from their present ability to a higher and more proficient level. This course may be repeated for up to 6.00 credit hours.

✓ MUS-100 Music Appreciation (3 cr.) AS

233731MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMMWSTRA21 Burr
This course introduces students to an exploration of the basic music elements, a survey of musical periods and their characteristics from the ancient through the twentieth century; and a discussion of the differences between Western and non-Western musical form and function. Listening and concert attendance is required. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.

MUS-154 Chorus (1 cr.) AS

233733MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMMWSTRA21 Burr
This course is designed for the student to participate in group performances. Choral arrangements include a variety of literature throughout the year including works with orchestra, sacred, secular and popular musical scores. The chorus presents several concerts during the year and produces the annual variety show. Open to all students without an audition.

MUS-158 Civic Chorale (1 cr.) AS

234987MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2507:00PM-09:00PMTSTRA21 Phillips
This course is designed to allow the choral groups to perform large scale choral works with orchestration and soloists. Enrollment may be with or without credit. Civic Chorale membership is open to any resident of the community without audition.

MUS-927 Honors Study (1 cr.) AS

235232MIS6102/10/25-05/16/25TBA INDMSTDY Burr
This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to obtain a greater understanding of a topic in this subject. The student will go beyond what is covered and expected in other classes of this discipline. The student will plan and complete an Honors project or research paper for the course. The specifics of the Honors project or paper will be contracted with the instructor and the Honors Committee at beginning of the semester.


Muscatine Community College

ADN-452 Complex Health Systems Mod A (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in ADN-302, ADN-451, and BIO-186.
233364MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2509:20AM-12:40PMTRMCAC18 Aguilar, Noble
MLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA CLNMSITE Aguilar, Noble
This course is designed to assimilate the concepts within the domain of the individual. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of fluid and electrolytes, metabolism, perfusion, professional behaviors, caring interventions, and managing care, Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide quality, individualized, entry level nursing care.

ADN-453 Complex Health Systems Mod B (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in ADN-302, ADN-451, and BIO-186.; ADN-452
233365MLL9103/24/25-05/16/2509:20AM-12:40PMTRMCAC18 Aguilar, Noble
MLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA CLNMSITE Aguilar, Noble
This course is designed to assimilate the concepts within the two domains of healthcare and nursing. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of mobility, stress/coping, violence, health-wellness-illness, professional behaviors, caring interventions, managing care, healthcare systems and quality improvement. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to provide quality, individualized, entry-level nursing care.

PNN-158 Health Concepts II (10 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in PNN-154, PNN-280, and BIO-173.
233332MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2509:00AM-12:40PMMWMCAC18 Neal
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/25TBA CLNMSITE Neal
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/25TBA MCAC18 Neal
This course is designed to further develop the?concepts of: central venous access devices,?intravenous therapy, fluid and electrolytes,?parenteral nutrition, acid-base, metabolism,?cellular regulation, oxygenation, inflammation,?infection, immunity, health-wellness-illness,?caring interventions, teaching and learning,?safety, informatics, elimination, intracranial?regulation, perfusion, sensory perception,?professional behaviors, thermoregulation,?mobility, comfort, end of life care, glucose?regulation, clinical decision making and?collaboration.

PNN-282 Pharmacology II (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Minimum grade of C in PNN-158.; Minimum grade of C or higher in PNN-154, PNN-280, and BIO-173.
233331MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2509:00AM-11:10AMTMCAC19 Neal
This course provides second semester nursing?students enrolled in Practical and Associate?Degree Nursing programs with additional?pharmacological tools. Builds on pharmacological?nursing using the nursing process as a framework?introduced in Pharmacology I. Discuss actions,?interactions, adverse effects, nursing?implications for drugs for multiple systems and?differences across the lifespan.


Muscatine Community College

✓ POL-111 American National Government (3 cr.) AS

233622MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:50AM-10:20AMMWLOPR211 Kaufmann
This course is a survey of American government and politics. It includes discussion of the historical foundations and fundamental principles of American democracy, the basic institutions of government, the fundamental rights of citizens and the public policy process. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Muscatine Community College

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

233735MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2508:30AM-10:00AMMWSTRA27 Sheppeard
233734MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:30AM-10:00AMTRSTRA27 Sheppeard
This course is an examination of the fundamentals?of behavior. It is designed to familiarize?students with human behavior, how it is studied,?and the applications of the results of that study.?Theoretical issues, comprehension of research?findings, and research techniques will also be?examined.

PSY-121 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) AS

233736MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:20PMTRLARS75 Sheppeard
This course examines the psychological, social,?and emotional development of individuals across?the lifespan, from infancy through late adulthodd.?Students will explore key theories of development,?including cognitive, psychosocial, and biological?perspectives, and analyze the factors that?influence development, such as genetics, culture,?and environment. ??Key topics include physical growth, language?acquisition, attachment, moral development, and?identify formation. The course will also address?developmental challenges and transitions, such as?those related to parenting, education, and aging.


Muscatine Community College

SOC-110 Intro Sociology (3 cr.) AS

234636MEH6102/17/25-05/16/2505:30PM-08:00PMTSTRA09 Sheppeard
This course introduces students to a framework of thinking that involves theories in social structure, structural functionalism, symbolic interaction, feminism, and conflict theories, with respect to family, education, economic stratification, poverty, race, ethnic inequality, gender, family, socialization, government, politics, violence, crime and religion. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.


Muscatine Community College

✓ SPC-112 Public Speaking (3 cr.) AS

233619MLL0201/21/25-05/16/2510:30AM-12:00PMTRMCAC10 Cockerill
233618MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2501:50PM-04:00PMTRMCAC10 Cockerill
NOTE: This section is for Ag students only.
This course is an introduction to public speaking with emphasis on organization, presentation, and listening. Students will gain experience in the process and principles of public speaking including audience analysis, selection and organization, and style and delivery. Practice in preparation and delivery of a minimum of 30 minutes of graded informative and persuasive extemporaneous speeches are required. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.


Muscatine Community College

WEL-363 Welding Discontinuities (1 cr.) VT

233741MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2503:10PM-04:10PMRSTRA07 Draves
This course?includes the responsibilities of the welding inspector as they relate to the elevation for weldments,?the identifications and classification of discontinuities,?and the conditions that exist when evaluating discontinuities in order to decide whether they are acceptable or unacceptable.

WEL-364 GMAW-MIG (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233743MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-01:50PMMMITC111 Draves
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:50PM-04:10PMMMITC111 Draves
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-04:10PMTMITC111 Draves
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2501:50PM-02:10PMWMITC111 Draves
This course presents the Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW) process used extensively by industry and commonly known as MIG welding. Emphasizes hands-on application, metal transfer concepts, GMAW equipment, welding procedures, out of position welding, and safety.

WEL-365 FCAW-Flux & Cutting (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233745MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-01:50PMWMITC111 Draves
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2502:10PM-04:10PMWMITC111 Draves
MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-02:10PMRMITC111 Draves
This course provides training to develop the skills on carbon steel using Flux Core wire in all positions on fillet and groove welds. Training is also provided on metal cutting using oxyacetylene and plasma.


Muscatine Community College

WBL-101 Exploring Careers: AFNR (1 cr.) VT

233351MLL0101/21/25-04/04/2508:30AM-09:55AMFGAEK101 Dieckman
233352MLL0201/21/25-04/04/2508:30AM-09:55AMFGAEK112 Mairet
This course will provide guidance in choosing a career goal and preparing for employment in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources careers. Emphasis will be placed on identifying interests, abilities, and values, and exploring options for careers. Students will learn how to access labor market information and employment trends. Additionally, students will develop the skills and aptitudes necessary to obtain employment in these fields, emphasizing the development of characteristics associated with job success.

WBL-108 Exploring Careers: Indus Tech (1 cr.) VT

233703MLL8101/21/25-03/14/2501:00PM-03:00PMFMCAC45 Miller
This course will provide guidance in choosing a?career goal and preparing for employment in?Industrial Technology. Emphasis will be placed on?identifying interests, abilities, and values, and?exploring options for careers. Students will learn?how to access labor market information and?employment trends. Additionally, students will?develop the skills and aptitudes necessary to?obtain employment in these fields, emphasizing the?development of characteristics with job success.

WBL-109 Exploring Careers: GOV & CRJ (1 cr.) VT

233329MLL0101/21/25-05/16/2512:50PM-04:50PMFMCAC14 Elswick
This course will provide guidance in choosing a career goal and preparing for employment in Government and Criminal Justice careers. Emphasis will be placed on identifying interests, abilities, and values, and exploring options for careers. Students will learn how to access labor market information and employment trends. Additionally, students will develop the skills and aptitudes necessary to obtain employment in these fields, emphasizing the development of characteristics associated with job success.

WBL-301 Internship: AFNR (3 cr.) VT

233353MOS0104/07/25-05/16/25TBA OFFMSITE Dieckman
233355MOS0204/07/25-05/16/25TBA OFFMSITE Mairet
Offered under the supervision and mentoring of practicing professionals, this course provides students an opportunity to learn in a professional work setting related to their major or career goal in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. Students will participate in job training, and will gain experience in problem solving, decision making, and specific job duties within a business or organization.