2025SP Blong Technology Center


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

AVR-170 AVR Projects I (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:AVR-103, AVR-215, And AVR-220
233306SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2509:00AM-12:00PMTRBTC215 Halterman
SLL0101/21/25-05/16/25TBA BTC215 Halterman
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 9 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will allow students to complete real world augmented and virtual reality (AVR) projects under the direct supervision of the instructor. Students will apply technical skills learned in previous coursework in addition to developing new skills including project management, agile methodology, teamwork, collaboration, and project presentations. This course replaces AVR 105 - AVR Projects.

AVR-245 Particle Effects and Shaders (3 cr.) P VT

233311SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2501:00PM-03:00PMTRBTC215 Halterman
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC215 Halterman
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will give the students a strong foundation in particle effects and shader creation. Students will learn how to use proper script shaders and apply them to the game engine. We will cover various essential visual and other special effects heavily used in the industry. Students will have the knowledge and skills to work with green screens and other post processing tools to be applied to augmented and virtual reality applications.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

ATR-137 Intermediate Robotics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take ATR-145.
233240SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2502:30PM-03:30PMMWBTC115 Nelson
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course demonstrates industry-standard?application programming. Focuses on taking robotic?applications from concept to working applications?ready for full-time production.

ATR-145 Intro to Industrial Robotics (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106.
233237SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2502:30PM-03:30PMMWBTC207 Nelson
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC115 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course allows the student to explore the?history and evolution of industrial robotics, the?basic parts of a robotic work cell, robot motion?and input/output programming, safe interaction?with robot while programming, robot power systems,?and basic robot troubleshooting and maintenance?procedures. While in the lab the student will?program industrial robots to perform various?functions.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

CAD-139 Introduction to CAD/CAM (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and MFG-371, or with Instructor Permission.
233180SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2510:00AM-12:00PMTRBTC110C McConnell
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC110C McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is an introductory course focusing on the creation of real parts using Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing software and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools. Students will create 3-dimensional parts using SolidWorks parametric modeling software or equivalent software.?Students will then export those part files to Mastercam CAM software or equivalent software, and process the part files to be machined using a CNC Machine.

CAD-140 Parametric Solid Modeling I (3 cr.) P VT

233178SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2510:00AM-11:30AMMWBTC217 McConnell
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC217 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course introduces students to parametric solid modeling. Students will become familiar with the basic editing window and menu/toolbar layout. This course will build a solid foundation in the following areas:?sketching, extrusions, feature construction, and sketch tools. Best modeling practices will be the emphasis for the course. Application projects will mimic?true industry projects.

CAD-147 Parametric Modeling III (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:CAD-140, CAD-141, CAD-203
233177SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-09:30AMMWBTC217 McConnell
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC217 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will focus on more specific uses of modeling with respect to manufacturing. Topics covered will include sheet metal, surfacing, mold making and weldments.?Model Based Definition will be covered giving students the opportunity to work with manufacturing.

CAD-203 Principles of Design (3 cr.) VT

233232SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:30AMTRBTC217 McConnell
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC217 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is designed to give students a solid foundation in orthographic projection, engineering tolerances, and geometric dimension and tolerancing. Overall view selection and shape/size description will be emphasized.

CAD-290 Intro to 3D Printing (3 cr.) VT

233179SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2510:00AM-11:30AMTRBTC217 McConnell
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC217 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 6 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will begin by introducing students to?the historical factors that have shaped?manufacturing over centuries. The current and?emerging 3D printing applications with their?advantages and limitations of each technology will?be discussed. Students will evaluate real-life?scenerios and make possible recommendations for?the appropriate printing technology. 3D printing?technology from a time and cost saving viewpoint?based on product requirements will be discussed.?There will be major emphasis placed on discussion?of the economic implications of 3D printing, which?will include impact on business startup and?implications on the supply chain as well. There?will also be a hands on component of this class.?Students will be required to download and print a?model, as well as create 3D model and then make a?.stl file and print it.

CAD-291 Design for AM (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:CAD-147 CAD-290
233181SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:30AMMWBTC217 McConnell
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC217 McConnell
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will challenge students to explore the design intent of parts being evaluated for additive manufacturing. Functionality may define the parameters, such as strength high temperature, weight, flexibility, and color, with which a part must comply. Students will learn to consider part complexity as an additional factor. Real-life projects for tooling and/or fixtures and jigs will be addressed. Students will use additive manufacturing assemblies that may be made of several or many parts and consider how they may be able to be manufactured as one. Generative Design software will be utilized to create new geometry or improve existing designs.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

ELE-113 AC/DC Fundamentals (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years, or with instructor permission.
233242SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2512:00PM-02:00PMMBTC207 Nelson
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
235181SLL8201/21/25-03/14/2504:30PM-05:30PMMWBTC111 Smithee
SLL8201/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC111 Smithee
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is an introduction to Alternating?Current (AC)/ Direct Current (DC) theory. The?student is introduced to the concepts of?electricity and its sources, basic circuits,?schematics, motor theory, and laws that govern?circuits.

ELE-195 Motor Control (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
233245SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2501:00PM-02:00PMTRBTC115 Nelson
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
THis course will provide students with experiences?related to electric motors, motor controls and?relay logic in an industrial environment. Students?will learn to apply ladder logic diagrams to?install, maintain, and troubleshoot motors and?motor control circuits. Students will learn how to?troubleshoot direct and alternating current motors?and their control circuits.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

ELT-128 PLC Programming and Control I (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELE-113.
233188SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:00AMMWBTC115 Nelson
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course provides an introduction to various?programmatic control schemes, basic sequential?control, and basic system integration. Concepts?are explored and emphasized through lecture,?reading, and hands-on labs.

ELT-253 Adv Programmable Logic Control (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and ELT-128;
233239SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2509:30AM-10:30AMTRBTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is a continuation of Programmable?Logic Controllers (PLC). Data manipulation,?sequencers, troubleshooting, networking?techniques, and ControlLogix controllers will be?covered.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

EGT-117 Fluid Power Fundamentals (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and IND-134. A minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years or with instructor permission.
233244SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2512:00PM-02:00PMMBTC207 Smithee
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC115 Smithee
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course presents the basic laws of fluid power systems and properties of fluids to explain the behavior of fluid power devices in fundamental applications. Fluid power components such as cylinders, motors, compressors, pumps, flow control valves, and accumulators are studied as well as assembled in labs. Fluid power symbols are taught utilizing air and hydraulic diagrams. Pressure intensifiers, air-over-oil systems, rotary actuators, and flow dividers are presented in their applications.

EGT-209 Fluid Power Troubleshooting (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and EGT-117.
233250SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2509:30AM-10:30AMMWBTC115 Nelson
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC115 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course covers maintenance and troubleshooting?of mechanisms used to drive fluid power equipment.?Maintenance and troubleshooting of fluid?components are covered. Students disassemble and?reassemble components to learn proper maintenance?procedures.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

IND-125 Intro to Process Control (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106, IND-134, and ELE-195.
233238SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2509:30AM-10:30AMMWBTC115 Nelson
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC111 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is an introduction to Process?Controls. It provides students with terminology?and the function of basic devices for measuring?and controlling different kinds of variables in?process control. It introduces control systems,?controller circuit design, controller operation,?maintenance, alignment, calibration, and tuning?open and closed-loop control.

IND-200 Mechanical Drives I (2 cr.) VT

233243SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2501:00PM-02:00PMTRBTC115 Nelson
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC115 Nelson
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will teach stuents the fundamentals of?mechanical drives by introducing the student to?key fasteners, v-belts, chain drives, spur gear?drives and multiple shaft drives in mechanical?drive systems used throughout the industry.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

MFG-147 Multi-Axis Cnc MacHining (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106, MFG-371, MFG-201, MFG-221, and CAD-139.
233231SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2510:00AM-11:00AMTRBTC207 Wadsworth
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course introduces multiple axis CNC machining?and Live Tooling. This course allows students to?explore concepts surrounding operation, setup,?programming, and quality as applied to a wide?range of Multi-Axis CNC Machines.

MFG-201 CNC Turning Operator (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and MFG-371, or with Instructor Permission
233235SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:00AMMWBTC110C Wadsworth
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will introduce students to Computer Numeric Control (CNC) turning centers in the manufacturing setting. Various projects will strengthen students proper use and troubleshooting of this equipment in the manufacturing setting.

MFG-221 CNC Milling Operator (2 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:#Take MFG-106 and MFG-371 or with Instructor permission.; Take MFG-201
233236SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2509:00AM-10:00AMMWBTC110C Wadsworth
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will introduce students to Computer Numeric Control (CNC) milling centers in the manufacturing setting. Various projects will strengthen the students proper use and troubleshooting of this equipment.

MFG-229 CNC Project (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106, MFG-201, MFG-221, and CAD-139
233233SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2511:00AM-12:00PMMWBTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 16 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course is a capstone that provides students?with the opportunity to integrate all skills?gained in Computer Numerical Control (CNC)?programming and machining courses to build?and?produce?instructor approved projects. Students?will then design, build and produce an instructor?approved project.?Emphasis will be placed on?accuracy and the proper use of equipment and tools?while following safe work practices.

MFG-371 Manual Projects (3 cr.) VT

233234SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-09:30AMTRBTC110C Wadsworth
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC110C Wadsworth
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 6 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory.
This course will develop the primary skills and knowledge to use basic measurement instruments and manual machine tools in the laboratory situation. Areas of instruction will include basic measurement tools, drill press, manual vertical milling machine, manual lathe, and surface grinder. Various projects will strengthen the proper use of these tools.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

MAT-104 Applied Math Topics (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete MAT-053 with a minimum grade of C- or better or minimum math placement score based on college assessment within the last two years. Immediate prerequisite course must have been completed within the last two years.
233470SLL0101/21/25-05/16/2508:00AM-11:00AMFBTC207 Harwood
This course presents algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and finance math as it applies to specific career and technical applications. Mathematical ideas and procedures will be presented first, followed by applications with the various career and technical fields.


Scott Community College - Blong Technology Center

WEL-191 GTAW-TIG (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233174SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2510:30AM-11:30AMMWBTC211 Edens
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Edens
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
233175SLL9203/24/25-05/16/2503:00PM-04:00PMTRBTC211 Clark
SLL9203/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Clark
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course focuses on gas tungsten arc welding (TIG) and other related processes. Topics such as process variation, welding in various positions, principles of operation, shielding gases, and filler rods will be studied. Safety and practical application of these welding processes will be stressed.

WEL-235 Layout and Fabrication (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take WEL-364 and WEL-365; Take WEL-191 and WEL-366
233176SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2510:00AM-12:00PMTRBTC302 Clark
NOTE: Students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course teaches layout and fitting skills?applicable to an industrial welding shop,?including reading parts, estimating and ordering?materials, performing layout and cutting work, and?welding procedures applicable to fabricating a?finished product. Emphasizes problem solving and?cooperation within an industrial-like environment.?Safety, accuracy and a committment to excellence?is stressed.

WEL-361 Intro to Welding (2 cr.) VT

233164SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-09:00AMMWBTC211 Edens
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC302 Edens
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
233165SLL8201/21/25-03/14/2502:00PM-03:00PMTRBTC211 Clark
SLL8201/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC302 Clark
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course demonstrates various welding techniques using Virtual Reality (VR) Welding technology. Introduces correct techniques and practices used in welding processes.

WEL-364 GMAW-MIG (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233168SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:00AMMWBTC211 Edens
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Edens
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
233170SLL9203/24/25-05/16/2501:30PM-02:30PMTRBTC211 Clark
SLL9203/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Clark
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course presents the Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW) process used extensively by industry and commonly known as MIG welding. Emphasizes hands-on application, metal transfer concepts, GMAW equipment, welding procedures, out of position welding, and safety.

WEL-365 FCAW-Flux & Cutting (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233173SLL9203/24/25-05/16/2501:30PM-02:30PMMWBTC211 Clark
SLL9203/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Clark
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
233172SLL9103/24/25-05/16/2508:00AM-09:00AMTRBTC211 Edens
SLL9103/24/25-05/16/25TBA BTC302 Edens
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 4 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course provides training to develop the skills on carbon steel using Flux Core wire in all positions on fillet and groove welds. Training is also provided on metal cutting using oxyacetylene and plasma.

WEL-366 SMAW-Stick (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Take MFG-106 and WEL-361
233167SLL8201/21/25-03/14/2502:00PM-03:00PMMWBTC211 Clark
SLL8201/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC302 Clark
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
233166SLL8101/21/25-03/14/2508:00AM-09:00AMTRBTC211 Edens
SLL8101/21/25-03/14/25TBA BTC302 Edens
NOTE: Hours scheduled are Lecture times only. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 12 lab hours each week. Lab hours are completed during "Open Lab" hours which are posted at each laboratory. This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course focuses on safety, amperage settings, polarity, and the proper selection of electrodes for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process, commonly known as Stick welding. Students perform American Welding Society complaint welds on carbon steel, in vertical up and overhead configurations, using visual and destructive methods for determining weld quality.