2023FA Urban Campus


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ BIO-105 Introductory Biology (4 cr.) AS

227009SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2309:10AM-11:20AMMURB328 Hmielowski
SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2309:10AM-11:10AMWURB309 Hmielowski
SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2309:10AM-10:10AMFURB328 Hmielowski
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is an introduction to the science of?biology for students who are not majoring in?biology or health-related fields. Course topics?include the scientific method, evaluating?scientific literature, basic chemistry, the?structure and function of cells and their?organelles, energy transformations, cellular?reproduction, genetics and inheritance, DNA?applications, evolution, and the classification of?organisms. This course is not intended to replace?or substitute for BIO 114?or BIO 115.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

BUS-167 Leadership and Professionalism (1 cr.) VT

227240SLL8108/21/23-10/13/2304:00PM-05:30PMRURB211 Macuga
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop professional growth in the areas of leadership, community service, cooperation, patriotism and business knowledge. Students will be provided opportunities to demonstrate and refine leadership skills both inside and outside of the classroom. This course can be repeated for credit.

BUS-168 Leadership/Professionalism II (1 cr.) P VT

227243SLL9110/16/23-12/14/2304:00PM-05:30PMRURB211 Macuga
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to develop professional growth in the areas of leadership, community service, cooperation, patriotism and business knowledge and is a continuation of Leadership and Professionalism I. Students will be provided opportunities to demonstrate and refine leadership skills both inside and outside of the classroom. This course can be repeated for credit.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ CSC-110 Intro to Computers (3 cr.) AS

228023SLL0308/21/23-12/14/2312:30PM-02:00PMMWURB323 Benson
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
228024SLL0408/21/23-12/14/2305:30PM-08:30PMWURB323 Schaeffer-Hansen
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
228025SEH9110/16/23-12/14/2305:30PM-09:00PMRURB323 Schaeffer-Hansen
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course introduces students to Windows-based?Personal Computer (PC) concepts and commonly used?Microsoft applications that are supported in?business and industry.? Students will use a?Windows Operating System while learning basic?operation of Microsoft Office applications?including Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

EMS-202 Emergency Medical Technician (9.5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment. Register & attend AHA Healthcare Provider CPR certification 1 week prior to the start of the course. Recommend ability to read, write, and speak English at the college level. Must be able to physically perform the required skills. (A functional analysis of EMT including detailed information on the physical demands is available from the program coordinator.)
228040SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2308:00AM-01:00PMMWURB318 Lobianco, Temple
NOTE: American Heart Associaton BLS CPR will be done as part of the EMT class in a hybrid delivery model. This course is offered on-campus.
228041SLL0208/21/23-12/14/2305:00PM-10:00PMMWURB318 Temple
NOTE: American Heart Associaton BLS CPR will be done as part of the EMT class in a hybrid delivery model. This course is offered on-campus.
The Emergency Medical Technician Course is based on the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards & Instruction Guidelines which is the National Standard Curriculum for EMS Education which is the foundation of knowledge and skills of the Emergency Medical Technician. Upon successful completion of the program, the student will obtain the AHA Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, & Stabilization certification, and be eligible for the National Registry EMT Practical & Written Examination to obtain a National EMT license, and a State of Iowa EMT certification.

EMS-280 Paramedic I (18 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Must have current American Heart Assoication (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) card. Must have current State of Iowa Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification.
228193SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2308:00AM-03:00PMTRURBTBA Schooley, Wilson
SLL0108/21/23-12/14/23TBA URBTBA Schooley, Wilson
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is designed to prepare a student to function at the level of a National Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)-Paramedic. The Paramedic I Course is the first in a three-course series leading to Paramedic certification. The EMT-Paramedic Program prepares competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. The course is designed to provide the National Paramedic with the education and skills necessary to provide out-of-hospital emergency medical care at the advanced life support level of the highest quality with an EMS agency, Fire Service, or other specialized services.

EMS-817 Basic Cardiac Life Sup Instruc (1 cr.) P VT

228194SEH0110/24/23-10/26/2308:00AM-03:00PMTRURBTBA Schooley, Wilson
This course will provide the participant with the knowledge necessary to instruct the American Heart Association Basic Cardiac Life Support classes. It is designed to reinforce and expand BLS/AED/First Aid knowledge and skills, address teaching techniques and class formats, and cover record requirements and proper care of training manikins.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ ENG-105 Composition I (3 cr.) P AS

Prerequisite:Complete ENG-095 or minimum English placement score based on college assessment.
227616SLL1708/21/23-12/14/2308:00AM-09:00AMMWFURB325 Abboreno
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
Composition I introduces students to the college-level writing process. Students will develop critical reading and thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information from diverse viewpoints. The course introduces documentation practices and information literacy skills. Students will write and revise at least four formal assignments and produce a minimum of 20 pages. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Communications Area.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

HSC-172 Nurse Aide (3 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.
228625SLL0408/24/23-10/05/2303:45PM-08:15PMTRURB319 Fox, Knight, Ludvigsen
SLL0410/07/23-10/08/2306:00AM-02:00PMNSURB319 Fox, Knight, Ludvigsen
SLL0410/10/23-10/12/2303:30PM-09:00PMTWRURB319 Fox, Knight, Ludvigsen
228556SLL0309/18/23-11/27/2304:00PM-09:30PMMURB319 Boesch, Ludvigsen
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. This course is offered on-campus.
227436SLL0109/30/23-12/14/2309:00AM-02:30PMSURB319 Ludvigsen, Schreiner, Stratton
NOTE: This course is composed of 50 hours of classroom time and 30 hours of clinical experience. Student must complete the Nurse Aide Training form, pay $25 non-refundable background check fee, and register with a photo ID. No class on 11/25/23 This course is offered on-campus.
228631SLL0510/26/23-12/14/2303:30PM-08:00PMTRURB319 Fox, Ludvigsen
SLL0512/19/23-12/19/2303:30PM-09:00PMTURB319 Fox, Ludvigsen
SLL0501/04/24-01/09/2403:30PM-09:00PMTRURB319 Fox, Ludvigsen
SLL0501/06/24-01/07/2406:00AM-02:00PMNSURB319 Fox, Ludvigsen
This course meets the training of The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) for aides working in nursing facilities (NF) and skilled nursing facilities (SNF). Emphasis is placed on achieving a basic level of knowledge and the demonstration of skills to provide safe, effective resident/client care. Students must be 16 years of age to attend clinical.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

CIS-121 Intro to Programming Logic (3 cr.) VT

227246SLL8108/21/23-10/13/2304:00PM-08:00PMMWURB215 Warrier
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course introduces students to basic computer programming ideas and foundational principles such as problem decomposition and step-wise refinement. The course explores problem solving using well-developed programming logic derived with pseudo code, flow charts, and related techniques. The course focuses on translating student developed solutions into simple programs for testing using an instructor-selected, high-level programming, or scripting language.

CIS-189 Python (3 cr.) P VT

227247SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2305:30PM-07:30PMTRURB215 Arant
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course introduces core programming basics using the Python programming language. Basics include data types, control structures, algorithm development, and program design with functions. The course discusses the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing techniques. Students will problem solve, explore real-world software development challenges, and create practical and contemporary applications using graphical user interfaces, graphics, and network communications.

CIS-210 Web Development I (3 cr.) VT

227248SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2301:30PM-03:30PMMWURB215 Warrier
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course will teach students how to evaluate, design, construct, and maintain web pages and websites. Topics include: HyperText Markup Language (HTML5), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3), JavaScript,?graphics, and animation.

NET-159 Cisco Packet Tracer (1 cr.) VT

227252SLL8108/21/23-10/13/2302:30PM-04:00PMRURB227 Osmers
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
In this course, students will learn to use a cross-platform visual simulation tool to create network topologies and build modern computer networks. After learning the user interface, students will build and maintain a small network that includes routers, switches, and computers.

NET-166 Applied Computer Security (3 cr.) VT

228219SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2301:30PM-03:30PMMWURB227 Osmers
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course will discuss the basic concepts of?practical computer and Internet security:?passwords, firewalls, antivirus software, malware,?social networking, surfing the Internet, phishing,?and wireless networks. This class is intended for?students with little or no background in?information technology or security.

NET-167 Computer Sys & Troubleshooting (4 cr.) VT

227253SLL8108/21/23-10/13/2305:30PM-09:30PMMWURB227 La Posta
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course presents an in-depth exposure to computer hardware and operating systems. Students learn the functionality of hardware and software components as well as suggested best practices in maintenance and safety issues. Through hands on activities and labs, students learn how to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software and troubleshoot hardware and software problems.

NET-303 Windows Workstation Op Syst (3 cr.) VT

227257SLL0108/21/23-12/14/2312:30PM-02:30PMTRURB227 Morford
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
227259SLL9110/16/23-12/14/2305:30PM-09:00PMMWURB227 Schar
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course will prepare students to use and support Windows Operating Systems (OS) in a business setting. Topics include installation, administration of resources, troubleshooting, networking, optimization, virtualization, and security.

NET-679 TCP/IP and Subnetting (1 cr.) VT

227264SLL9110/16/23-12/14/2302:30PM-04:00PMRURB227 Osmers
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is intended to provide the necessary information to understand the TCP/IP protocol Suite as well as IP Addressing and Subnetting. This course includes a discussion on the structure and purpose of an IP Address and the purpose for Subnetting. A thorough discussion on Subnetting Class A, B, & C networks, as well as, Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM), and Supernetting (Classless Internet Domain Routing) of multiple Class C Addresses is provided. Finally, an introduction to Internet Protocol Version 6 is provided.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

MAT-053 Pre-Algebra (4 cr.) AS

227396SLL0208/21/23-12/14/2312:40PM-02:50PMTRURB211 Rickard
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is designed for students who need to review and improve their arithmetic skills. Topics include whole numbers, introduction to algebra, understanding variables and solving equations, solving application problems, rational numbers, ratios, proportions, geometric relationships, percents, measurements, graphs, exponents, and polynomials.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

MAP-136 Medical Office Management (5 cr.) VT

227916SEH0108/21/23-12/14/2304:30PM-06:30PMTRURB212 Knox
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online. The textbook for this class is embedded in your course in Canvas. Fees for access to this embedded material are included as part of course registration fees.
This course emphasizes administrative responsibilities in a medical office. Students will use critical thinking skills to incorporate knowledge in the performance of written communications, records management, bookkeeping, banking, emergency preparedness and protective practices.

MAP-138 Medical Office Procedures (5 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:Complete MAP-136 with a minimum grade C or above.; BIO-163 or BIO-157
227917SEH0108/21/23-12/14/2306:30PM-08:30PMTRURB212 Knox
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course is an introduction to medical office clinical skills. Students will use critical thinking skills to incorporate knowledge in the performance of patient communication, obtaining vitals, measurements, vision and hearing screening exams, pulmonary function testing, patient preparation, assisting the physician, patient histories, medical record documentation, medical and surgical asepsis, safety, sterilization techniques and minor surgical procedures.

MAP-149 Exam Preparation (2 cr.) VT

227920SEH8108/21/23-10/13/2306:00PM-08:00PMWURB308 Diveley-Wiedenmann
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course emphasizes group discussion and individual conferences on clinical experiences. The course includes preparation for the Medical Assistant certification exam through the use of practice tests. This course should be taken the last semester of the MA program.

MAP-614 Medical Assistant Externship (4 cr.) P VT

Prerequisite:A minimum grade of C in MAP-137 and MAP-512.; SPC-170, ENG-107, ENG-105, or SPC-112
227921SEH8108/21/23-10/13/2305:00PM-06:00PMWURB308 Diveley-Wiedenmann
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus, and a portion of the course material is also delivered online.
This course will assign each student to his or her externship at an approved health care facility or hospital under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Physician Assistant. The student will spend 160 hours practicing and applying the skills the student has learned. Hours at the extern site are determined by the working hours at the site.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ PHI-105 Intro to Ethics (3 cr.) AS

228202SLL0208/21/23-12/14/2311:20AM-12:50PMTRURB327 Girod
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is designed to give an introduction to ethics from a philosophical perspective. As with any philosophical activity, it will be an inquiry into the fundamental principles and basic concepts that are found at work in the ongoing determination of right and wrong in human life. This course satisfies a genearl education requirement in the Arts and Humanities Area.


Scott Community College - Urban Campus

✓ PSY-111 Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) AS

227127SLL0608/21/23-12/14/2305:30PM-08:45PMMURB324 Sheppeard
NOTE: This course is offered on-campus.
This course is an examination of the fundamentals of behavior. It is designed to familiarize students with human behavior, how it is studied, and the applications of the results of that study. Theoretical issues, comprehension of research findings, and research techniques will also be examined. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Social Sciences Area.