For consideration for residency, you must complete and submit the following to Nyweide-Scott Apartments:
- Rental Application/Housing Contract
- Fitness Center Waiver
- Background Inquiry Form (Sent via email after payment of the $40 application fee)
- $40 Application Fee
- $300 Security Deposit
Nyweide-Scott Apartments Student Housing Contract 2025 - 2026
The purpose of this housing contract (this “Contract”) is to establish the terms and conditions of all residents residing at the Nyweide-Scott Apartments (the “MCC Apartments”) located on the Muscatine Community College (“MCC”) campus. By moving into the MCC Apartments, you as a resident, agree to the Contract terms and conditions contained herein. Adherence to such Contract terms and conditions is required in order to reside in the MCC Apartments. All residents of the MCC Apartments are responsible for respecting the needs and rights of others and are expected to keep the MCC Apartments clean, safe, and quiet enough for sleep and study.
MCC housing believes that an education is more than a means to an end, and consists of more than the classroom experience alone. MCC believes that education involves: (1) responsible citizenship, (2) personal enrichment, (3) experience and participation in community processes, and (4) the development of one’s self and lifelong relationships with ideas and people. The institution’s goal is to provide clean, comfortable, and safe housing facilities with stimulating educational and social programs which support the mission of MCC.
NOTE: MCC reserves the right to amend or change the Contract terms and conditions at any time at the sole discretion of MCC. If these Contract terms and conditions are amended or changed, residents will be notified in writing of the amendment or change. All residents are expected to have knowledge of the terms and conditions contained in this Contract.
Contractual Terms and Conditions
- Amenities/Security:
- 24 Hour Fitness Center
- Community lounge, TV with basic cable, ping pong table, and study area
- Professional & personal development experiences
- High-speed internet in housing units
- Secured building: Key fob entry & Surveillance
- Laundry facilities
- On-site maintenance
- FREE On-site parking
- Utilities: electricity, water, sewage, trash removal
- Contact Information
Residential Life Coordinator Nyweide-Scott Phone Number: 563-288-6001 Address: 156 Colorado Street, Muscatine, Iowa 52761 Email:
- Background Checks
To maintain the safety of our residents, we require applicants to submit to a background check. Applicants who are identified as a sexual offender will be denied occupancy. Most individuals who have a felony and/or murder conviction(s) are also denied occupancy. Other incidents or convictions identified through a background check are considered on a case-by-case basis, with student safety a primary concern. If denied occupancy, applicant will receive notification from the Dean of Students or designee.
- Room Assignments; Check-In Procedures
Students have the option to choose from a suite (2 bedrooms, private bathroom, & study room) at $2,425/semester* or a single (1 bedroom, shared bathroom) at $1,995/semester*. Residents who indicate suite style will be paired with another suite style resident unless designated otherwise. Single room requests will be paired with other single room request unless designated otherwise. Residents will indicate their room preference on the Application form. Move-in is August 22, 2025 for the Fall, and January 16, 2026 for Spring.
*Monthly Rental Fees are subject to board approval for the 2025-2026 academic year.
MCC Apartments reserves the right to make all final decisions concerning room assignments.
Residents moving in must complete all of the following in order to finalize the check-in process:
- Complete application process: rental application/housing contract, application fee ($40) and deposit ($300), and fitness center waiver.
- Obtain a move-in packet and pick up apartment keys and key fob.
- Complete all documents included in the move-in packet, including the apartment conditions checklist. This checklist will serve as a record of the inventory and condition of the resident’s apartment when the resident checks out.
- Return all forms to the Residential Life Coordinator within 48 hours of moving in. (Residents who do not return paperwork within the stated timeframe may be held liable for all damages at the time of check out since pre-existing damages were never noted by resident).
- Check-Out Procedures
Residents will perform their check-out at the end of their lease and no more than 48 hours after the completion of last final. The last day to check-out for each semester: December 19, 2025 for Fall, and May 18, 2026 for Spring.
Residents moving out of an apartment must complete all of the following:
- Schedule an appointment with the Residential Life Coordinator, who will inspect the apartment with the resident at the time of check-out. This appointment must be scheduled no more than 48 hours after the end of the final semester of the resident’s lease.
- Remove all personal items from the premises.
- Clean the apartment and all apartment furniture and restore the apartment to the condition it was in at the time of the check-in.
- During the check-out appointment, the Residential Life Coordinator will note any damages or charges for cleaning, and the resident will hand in keys and key fob to Residential Life Coordinator at time of check-out. Any damages or cleaning charges—in addition to unpaid tuition/fees—will be deducted from the security deposit being held on file. Charges may exceed the security deposit. If left unpaid, the resident will have a hold on their account, and MCC will take action to collect the unpaid amounts. In addition, the resident will not be able to request a transcript or register for future classes until charges have been paid. The security deposit will be issued to the resident with an explanation of charges within 60 days of moving out.
- Failure to comply with move-out procedures may result in a $50 fine.
- Maintenance and Cleanliness
Residents shall adhere to the following maintenance procedures and standards:
- If there is a maintenance issue in a resident’s apartment, the resident must complete a maintenance request form located at If the request is an urgent issue (e.g. apartment flooding, etc.) please call the housing phone number immediately in addition to submitting a maintenance request form.
- For safety and pest control reasons, window screens are to remain on the windows at all times.
- Residents are responsible for cleanliness of their apartment. Maintenance checks and cleanliness inspections will be completed regularly each semester. If the residents occupying an apartment let the cleanliness fall below the standard expected to be maintained at all times, they will be notified that they are to clean their apartment within 24 hours. The apartment will be re-inspected. Failure to meet cleanliness standards may result in disciplinary action.
- Residents and their roommates may be charged a fee for areas kept in poor physical condition and requiring non-routine service from maintenance and custodial staff.
- If a unit is left with any open rooms, common spaces should be kept in good condition at all times in case of a student moving into the space.
- Utilities and Services
Each apartment is served by sewer, water, electricity, and high-speed internet services. A free internet connection is existing at check-in and requires no further action by the resident. If a resident desires to have upgraded internet, the resident shall call Muscatine Power and Water (MPW) at 563-263-2631 to set up a wireless connection, at cost to the resident.
Residents are responsible for removing all trash from their apartments. A trash receptacle is located in the parking lot in front of the building. No exterior hanging objects are allowed outside of resident apartments, including, but not limited to, television antennae and satellite dishes. Personal grills of any kind are not allowed in resident apartments.
- Standard Academic Progress
Residents are expected to maintain academic progress while living in the MCC Apartments:
1. Maintain minimum of 2.0 GPA (Cumulative) 2. Enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester
If a resident drops below the previous two conditions, they will receive a written notice. Residents who do not maintain standard academic progress as outlined here for more than 1 (one) semester will no longer be eligible for housing with the MCC Apartments subject to appeal.
- Pets
No pets of any kind are allowed in the MCC Apartments at any time.
- Incense or Candles
Residents are not allowed to burn incense or candles in MCC Apartments.
- Mail
Each resident will have a mailbox, and mail service will be delivered to the MCC Apartments complex by the USPS. USPS packages that are larger than a resident’s mailbox will be available for pickup at the post office located at 3100 Cedar Street. Packages arriving via FedEx or UPS will be placed on the table outside the Residential Life Coordinator’s Office. If packages are delivered outside of the Residential Life Coordinator’s office hours, packages will be held at the Student Life Center. The college is open Monday through Friday.
- Parking
Parking is available, and each resident is required to register their vehicle with MCC Apartments. Guest parking is available in the parking lot across from Strahan Hall and the other student parking spaces on campus. Permit parking is only for residents, and each vehicle must have a parking permit for that year displayed on the front of their vehicle’s windshield. Tickets will be issued to those who park without a permit. Once a resident has received two tickets, the vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense.
- Guests and Overnight Guests:
Residents are responsible for making their guests adhere to, and be aware of, the terms and conditions contained in this Housing Contract governing the MCC Apartments. All guests must be with their host at all times. Residents shall be financially responsible for any damage done by their guests to the MCC Apartments and may be subject to disciplinary actions. Guests who plan to stay overnight must register with the MCC Apartments Residential Life Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance. The roommates of the resident must be notified of the overnight guests and sign the Guest Registration form. Guest Registration forms are located at
Residents may have overnight guests visit a maximum of twice per academic semester for the duration of up to two consecutive days/nights per visit and only one guest at a time. All overnight guests must be 18 years of age or older. No guests under the age of 18 may be in Nyweide-Scott Apartments between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. NO exceptions.
- Quiet Policy
Quiet hours are 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday-Thursday, and 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Friday-Saturday. Violation of quiet hours may result in disciplinary action. Courtesy hours are 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Alcohol; Tobacco; Other Drugs
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the MCC campus, including the MCC Apartments parking lot and premises regardless of age. Residents found with alcohol, or found to have consumed alcohol, will be subject to disciplinary action. MCC is a smoking-free campus. Smoking is defined as burning or inhaling of tobacco or other matter that can be smoked or inhaled, or the inhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device. Tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigar, pipes and smokeless tobacco, and the use of e-cigarettes are prohibited. This includes the MCC Apartments and vehicles parked on any MCC property.
The use of or possession of illegal drugs, narcotics, or hallucinatory agents and drug paraphernalia is prohibited on MCC property, including MCC Apartments. Residents and/or their guests found responsible for manufacturing, processing, selling, delivering, providing, using, purchasing, misusing or possessing any narcotic drug(s), marijuana or other addictive, dangerous, or controlled substance on college property will be disciplined according to Eastern Iowa Community Colleges Student Code of Conduct and the Housing Contract. All drug cases will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
A drug search conducted by a law enforcement Canine Unit and officer will be unannounced. If the dog indicates that a substance may be found in the room, the Dean of Students or the Residential Life Coordinator will knock and follow regular procedures with entering a room. If an illegal substance or paraphernalia is found, an arrest may be made and disciplinary procedures will follow.
- Disciplinary Procedures
All residents of the MCC Apartments are under the jurisdiction of MCC and subject to the guidelines published in the Eastern Iowa Community College Student Handbook, the MCC Code of Conduct, the MCC Housing Code of Conduct and any other policy and/or rules governing MCC students (collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Code of Conduct”). Such Code of Conduct shall be incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Contract. Any sanctions imposed upon a resident by a Disciplinary Board or an official of the college are binding.
If a resident is found responsible for violations of the Contract terms and conditions and/or the Code of Conduct, the resident is subject to disciplinary sanctions including eviction from the resident’s apartment and/or suspension from MCC.
If a resident receives a disciplinary sanction which warrants removal from their apartment, the resident must leave within the time frame stated in the judicial sanction letter. If the resident appeals the decision, the resident may be reassigned to another living space in the MCC Apartments, if available, pending the outcome of the appeal. The resident’s original space in the apartment will not be reassigned until the completion of the appeal process.
Under special circumstances, in order to provide for the safety and well-being of students and/or others, an administrative emergency removal and restriction from MCC and restriction from MCC property and facilities may be implemented before a judicial hearing takes place. This removal will remain in effect until the case has been adjudicated. In such a case, referral shall be made to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students shall adjudicate the case in a timely manner. For routine violations of housing policies, the alleged violations will be addressed through a disciplinary conference with the Residential Life Coordinator. Disciplinary conferences afford the residents due process and a chance for their voice to be heard. Sanctions may include: a change in disciplinary status, written reprimands, restitution, and community service, the completion of educational boards or papers, and fines which shall be charged to resident’s account. Sanctions will be determined by the Manager of Housing and Academic Advising and decisions may be appealed to the Dean of Students. In incidents where violations have occurred in the communal area and no person claims responsibility, all residents may be held accountable and sanctioned after disciplinary conferences have been held.
If a resident Contract is terminated due to judicial action, the resident’s security deposit will be forfeited, and the resident will be charged for any outstanding balance owed on the Contract. A charge will also be assessed to the resident if damages are present in the apartment for which the resident is responsible.
- Payments and Refunds
- Payment:
- Residents are required to pay a $40 application fee and a $300 security deposit upon submitting the rental application, housing contract, background inquiry, fitness center waiver, and vehicle registration form. Please see Check-Out Procedures regarding refunds of security deposit.
- Residents have three options for paying their semester rent:
- One-time payment
- NBS Payment Plan
- Financial Aid/Direct Loan application filed
- Residents are required to have rent paid in full, a completed payment plan through NBS Management, or a Direct Loan Application filed for the Fall 2025 semester by August 11, 2025, and Spring 2026 semester by January 5, 2026.
- Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee: If resident’s housing payment, or any resident funds, do not clear the bank, the resident is required to reimburse the amounts via certified funds. There will be a $5 non-sufficient fee applied to the resident’s charges.
- Late Payment
- A late payment fee of $50 will be applied to the student’s account 30 days past the rent due date; additionally, a late payment fee of $50 will be applied to the student’s account 60 days past the rent due date, and turned over to the EICC collection agency for accounts with outstanding balances that are more than 60 days outstanding.
- Payments made by the NBS Payment Plan that result with non-sufficient funds will be charged a late payment fee of $50 for accounts that are 30 days past the rent due date; additionally, a late payment fee of $50 will be applied for accounts that are 60 days past the rent due date, and turned over to the EICC collection agency for accounts with outstanding balances that are more than 60 days outstanding.
- Delinquent Housing Payments:
- If a resident has not paid their housing bill by the deadline date and the resident has not contacted MCC Residential Life Coordinator to make arrangements, MCC will consider the resident in breach of this Contract, and will take action to remove the student from housing, and change the locks to the unit. In such event, the resident shall move out of the apartment within 48 hours of receiving notice and shall be responsible for all costs, including but not limited to, costs associated with changing of the locks and the creation of new keys for the other residents in the apartment. An additional charge may be imposed for the transfer and/or storage of the evicted resident’s items. The evicted resident also will forfeit their deposit and be charged for the remaining term of the resident’s Contract. MCC shall not be responsible for lost or damaged items. All delinquent balances over 60 days will be sent to collections.
- Cancellation of Contract and Refund Policy
To cancel this Contract prior to checking into an apartment, residents must notify the Residential Life Coordinator. Fall semester contracts must be canceled by July 1, 2025 to avoid penalty, Spring only contracts must be cancelled by December 1, 2025 to avoid penalty. Should a resident’s Contract be cancelled later than these dates, the resident’s security deposit shall be forfeited.
If a resident moves out after having checked into the apartment, the resident shall be held responsible for the remaining portion of the Contract, any outstanding amounts owed pursuant thereto, and the resident’s security deposit shall be deemed forfeited.
This Contract may be terminated due to a violation of this Contract’s terms and conditions, the Code of Conduct, or a judicial action of any kind at the sole discretion of MCC. Please see our student code of conduct and student handbook here. In such event, the resident must evacuate the apartment, the resident’s deposit will be forfeited, and the resident will remain responsible for the remaining portion of this Contact and any outstanding amounts owed pursuant thereto.
- Liability for Personal Property
Although MCC will use all reasonable efforts to protect resident property, it is understood that MCC and/or EICC are not in any way liable for the loss or theft of, or damage to, any property belonging to a resident and residents shall not hold MCC and/or EICC responsible for damage or injury that may be sustained by a resident caused by breakage, leakage or obstruction of pipes, and/or other latent defects not known to MCC and/or EICC. Each resident is advised to have renter’s insurance.
- Lock Outs
If you lock yourself out of your bedroom, apartment, or building after business hours and cannot reach your roommate(s), please call the Housing Phone (563) 549-0203. There will be a $40 fee applied to the resident’s account.
- Entry Procedures
Discretion will be used by authorized staff member(s) entering an apartment, and, when entry is necessary. Resident apartments will not be entered without knocking twice. A sufficient time lapse will be allowed to provide ample opportunity for the resident to open the door. If no response is received, the resident’s apartment may be entered under the conditions listed in apartment entry. Before entering an apartment with use of a key, residential staff/college officials will identify themselves. The resident’s privacy with respect to other residents will be maintained when management personnel enter an apartment. In these cases, other residents will not be permitted to enter the apartment unless the resident is present and provides consent.
The only authorized staff members or their agents that may enter an apartment are: (1) residential staff, (2) maintenance staff, (3) college officials on duty, and (4) administrative staff members for reasons of inspection and public safety.
- Apartment Entry
The resident agrees to permit MCC and/or EICC representatives to enter the resident’s apartment without prior notice in the following cases:
1. General Inspection and Maintenance
(to provide apartment maintenance inspection, repair service, or safety inspection).
- Resident apartments may be inspected periodically for safety or building maintenance purposes. Residents will be notified at least 24 hours prior to the apartment maintenance inspection with a posting in the building. The reason for the inspection and/or the specific property to be inspected will be listed on the notice if the inspection is particular to an apartment or room in the building.
- For general inspections, maintenance issues and contract violations. Contents of wardrobe, desk or dresser drawers, cupboards and refrigerators etc., may be inspected during an apartment maintenance inspection.
- Illegal materials (e.g., drugs, tobacco, alcohol and alcohol containers, emptied or filled will be removed) or items that pose an immediate danger to the health or safety of residents will be communicated to the Residential Life Coordinator for removal if they are noticed in the course of an apartment inspection. Residents will receive written notification of this action. If the resident is legally authorized to possess the removed item, the item will be returned to the resident, but it will not be allowed in the apartment.
- When a pest problem has been reported to the maintenance department, a notice will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the spraying or treatment so the resident will be able to cover or remove any items.
- Emergencies
- There may be entry without notice in emergencies where imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property (water leaks) is reasonably feared by residential staff or their agents (e.g., ambulance, fire safety, public safety personnel).
- Other Entries
- To maintain an environment that facilitates academic success of other residents and to enforce policies of the building, quiet hours, prohibition of parties, suspicion of drug or alcohol use.
- If the residents permanently vacate the apartment.
- Furniture
To maintain the cleanliness and manage potential outside pests, bringing in outside furniture, including but not limited to sofas, chairs, tables, and bed frames, is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to utilize the furniture provided by the university within their assigned living spaces. Office chairs are exempt from this policy.
Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the housing administration. Requests for exceptions should be submitted in writing, detailing the reasons for the request and the specific furniture items involved.
- Search Warrants
An MCC and/or EICC official may not consent to the search of a resident’s apartment by the police or other government officials unless such official has a valid search warrant.
- No Landlord/Tenant Relationship; Residential Purposes Only
Residents acknowledge that MCC is a not-for-profit institution operated exclusively for educational purposes and thereby understand and agree that housing accommodations provided under Contract do not establish a landlord-tenant relationship subject to Federal, State, or City rent stabilization laws or other regulations or laws associated with leases or the payment of rent. Residents further acknowledge that any occupancy of MCC Apartments is contingent upon maintaining an affiliation with MCC and enrollment requirements. Residents may not sublet, assign, or transfer this Contract or possession of a living space in the MCC Apartments and such living space may only be used for residential purposes and not for any type of commercial purpose.
Code of Conduct violations shall include, but not be limited to, the following actions/behaviors and such violations will subject the resident to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, eviction, expulsion, disciplinary sanctions, or administration charges.
- Violating any provision of the Code of Conduct including, but not limited to, the policies on racial harassment, sexual harassment, campus disruption and drug or alcohol use.
- Violating federal, state, or local laws on an MCC or EICC premises or committing off-campus violations of federal, state, or local law that adversely affect the college and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
- Committing acts of sexual assault, sexual abuse, or other forms of coerced sexual activity.
- Engaging in disorderly conduct or fighting. For purposes of the Code of Conduct, “disorderly conduct” is defined to include, but is not limited to, acts which breach the peace or are lewd, indecent, or obscene.
- Violations of the Code of Conduct posted on public web sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and similar sites (e.g., harassing language, possible college alcohol or drug policy violations, etc.) are subject to investigation and sanction via the Code of Conduct, including but not limited to, the MCC/EICC computer use policy.
- Due to the safety hazards that flammable fluids and toxic chemicals present, the use or storage of flammable or toxic fluids and/or flammable or toxic chemicals (i.e. varnish, gasoline, lighter fluid, mercury) in the MCC Apartments is prohibited.
- Weapons: All campuses of MCC and EICC are school grounds. No person, except law enforcement or other public safety employees in the course of their duties shall possess or carry a firearm on any MCC or EICC property. Possession of firearms on campus by any individual other than law enforcement personnel is strictly prohibited. Engaging or participating in unauthorized possession of weapons, hazardous objects and/or explosives is prohibited. Anyone who uses, threatens to use, or is found in possession of a weapon will be removed from the MCC Apartments and the MCC campus immediately.
- Committing acts of arson, creating a fire hazard, initiating false alarms or possessing or using, without proper authorization, inflammable materials or hazardous substances on MCC or EICC property. The fire alarm system, fire extinguishers, fire department standpipes, and exit lights are installed for resident protection. Tampering with fire equipment, sprinklers, and glass box hammers, or removal of batteries in smoke alarms, is a violation of state law.
- Residents and their guests are required to evacuate the building when the building fire alarm is sounded and follow staff instruction regarding where to wait. Residents may re-enter the building only when fire department or college staff gives permission to do so. Failure to do so endangers not only the resident, but the fire department staff as well. If a resident (or resident guests) do not evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounds, or if a resident (or resident’s guests) re-enter before permission has been granted, the resident will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Committing acts which endanger the property of MCC or EICC (including but not limited to altering or misusing any fire department equipment, safety equipment, or emergency device). Residents are responsible for damages to apartment property that is caused by the resident or the resident’s guest(s). Willful destruction or defacing college, private, or public property is prohibited. If a resident is found responsible for damage to property, the resident will receive disciplinary/educational sanctions, as well as charges for replacement or repair of the damaged property.
- Committing acts of dishonesty, including, but not limited to the following: Furnishing false information to any EICC and/or MCC official, faculty member, or staff member, including a failure to disclose any history of conviction of a felony or criminal sexual crime.
- Using, possessing, or distributing cannabis (marijuana), narcotics or any state or federally controlled substance except as expressly permitted by law. Residents possessing drugs in the building are subject to eviction and all drug cases will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Residents in an apartment where a controlled substance, as defined in the Iowa Code, is knowingly being used, are condoning prohibited actions and will be sanctioned under the MCC/EICC disciplinary system.
- Using, possessing, or distributing alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers on MCC or EICC premises, this includes parking lots, yard areas, common areas, and apartments. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on MCC or EICC premises. Residents are ultimately responsible for their guest’s behavior. The MCC Apartment buildings are dry building and therefore even if a resident or guest is over 21, alcohol is still prohibited. Any resident caught with alcohol and under-aged guests present can be reported to the appropriate authorities and sanctions.
- MCC is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is defined as the burning or inhaling of tobacco or other matter that can be smoked or inhaled, or the inhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device. Tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco, and the use of e-cigarettes are prohibited. Violators are subject to eviction from housing. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on campus, including in vehicles parked on campus property. Smokers will need to leave campus grounds in order to smoke.
- Residents must properly display a permanently attached valid apartment parking sticker to the dashboard or vehicle’s windshield. Residents must ensure it is visible.
- Gathering of more than 10 people in any apartment without prior written approval of the Residential Life Coordinator is prohibited.
- Residents are responsible for making their guests adhere to, and be aware of, the terms and conditions contained in this Housing Contract governing the MCC Apartments. All guests must be with their host at all times. Residents shall be financially responsible for any damage done by their guests to the MCC Apartments and may be subject to disciplinary actions. Guests who plan to stay overnight must register with the MCC Apartments, Residential Life Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance. The roommates of the resident must be notified of the overnight guests and sign, the Guest Registration form. Guest Registration forms are located at
- Residents may have overnight guests visit a maximum of twice per academic semester for the duration of up to two consecutive days/nights per visit and only one guest at a time. All overnight guests must be 18 years of age or older. No guests under the age of 18 may be in Nyweide-Scott Apartments between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. NO exceptions.
I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Contract. I understand the Contract terms and conditions may change during the term of this Contract and I will be notified in writing if alterations do occur.
I, the UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT, affirm that the information contained in this application is true and correct, and I authorize MCC Nyweide-Scott Apartments to verify all information contained in this application. Misstatements, either false or incorrect, are reason for denial of occupancy. I understand that roommate preferences are filled based on availability and are not guaranteed. I agree to accept a room and roommates assigned by MCC. I understand a method of payment must be made in full by rent due dates.