HNI Visiting Intern

Summer 2025 Nyweide-Scott Rental Application

Internship Information

Female       Male       Non-binary

(if applicable)
Yes       No


Yes       No

Intern Agreement

Summer rooms will be assigned in Nyweide-Scott Apartments. Nyweide-Scott rooms are single occupancy in a four person apartment.
  1. I agree to abide by all campus regulations as outlined in the Muscatine Community College Catalog, Student Handbook, and Housing Contract; this contract may be terminated due to a violation of this contract's terms and conditions. I understand a copy of the handbook is online at, and
  2. I agree during the check-out process with the Residential Life Coordinator, to turn in my key(s), key fob, and remove all my belongings on the last date of my contract.
  3. I hereby guarantee full and prompt payment of all sums payable by me to Muscatine Community College (including damages, lost keys and key fob, etc.).
  4. Housing on campus may begin on or after May 23, 2025, and must end by August 2, 2025.
Upon the completion of this Application and Contract, please additionally complete the Fitness Center Waiver found on the EICC housing webpage. Additionally please complete the background check that will be sent to you via email from an EICC staff member.

Roommate Matching Questionnaire

Very Private
Very Social
Messy - I drop my stuff right where I'm standing, and it stays there until I need it again.
Casual - My space is fairly clean with some clutter.
Neat - I am orderly, clean, and tidy.
Watch TV often
Listen to music often
Play video games often
Play a musical instrument
Average media habits
Rarely use media

Housing Contract

The purpose of this housing contract (this "Contract") is to establish the terms and conditions of all residents residing at the Nyweide-Scott Apartments (the "MCC Apartments") located on the Muscatine Community College ("MCC") campus. By moving into the MCC Apartments, you as a resident, agree to the Contract terms and conditions contained herein. Adherence to such Contract terms and conditions is required in order to reside in the MCC Apartments. All residents of the MCC Apartments are responsible for respecting the needs and rights of others and are expected to keep the MCC Apartments clean, safe, and quiet enough for sleep.

NOTE: MCC reserves the right to amend or change the Contract terms and conditions at any time at the sole discretion of MCC. If these Contract terms and conditions are amended or changed, residents will be notified in writing of the amendment or change. All residents are expected to have knowledge of the terms and conditions contained in this Contract.

Contractual Terms and Conditions

  1. Amenities/Security:
    • Secured building: Key fob entry & Surveillance
    • Community lounge, TV with basic cable, ping pong table, and study area
    • High Speed Internet
    • 24 Hour Fitness Center
    • Laundry facilities
    • On-site maintenance
    • FREE On-site parking
    • Utilities: electricity, water, sewage, trash removal

  2. Contact Information

    Nyweide-Scott Phone Number: (563) 288-6001
    Address: 156 Colorado Street, Muscatine, Iowa 52761

  3. Room Assignments; Check-In Procedures

    MCC Apartments reserves the right to make all final decisions concerning room assignments. Residents moving in must do all of the following in order to complete the check-in process:

    1. Obtain a move-in packet and pick up apartment keys.

    2. Complete all documents included in the move-in packet, including the apartment conditions checklist. This checklist will serve as a record of the inventory and condition of the resident's apartment when the resident checks out.

    3. Return all forms to the Residential Life Coordinator within 24 hours of moving in.

  4. Check-Out Procedures

    Residents moving out of an apartment must do all of the following:

    1. Remove all personal items from the premises.

    2. Clean the apartment and all apartment furniture and restore the apartment to the condition it was in at the time of the check-in.

    3. Schedule an appointment with the Residential Life Coordinator, who will inspect the apartment with the resident at the time of check-out. The Residential Life Coordinator will note any damages or charges for cleaning, and the resident will hand in key(s) and key fob to Residential Life Coordinator at time of check-out. A resident may be responsible for damage or cleaning charges.

    4. Payment for damages due at time of check-out.

  5. Maintenance

    Residents shall adhere to the following maintenance procedures and standards:
    1. If there is a maintenance issue in a resident's apartment, the resident must complete a maintenance request form located on line at If the request is an urgent issue (e.g. apartment flooding, etc.) please call the Emergency Housing Cell Phone immediately.

    2. For safety and pest control reasons, window screens are to remain on the windows at all times.

    3. Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their apartment. If the residents occupying an apartment let the cleanliness fall below the standard expected to be maintained at all times, they will be notified that they are to clean their apartment within 24 hours. The apartment will be re-inspected. Failure to meet cleanliness standards may result in disciplinary action.

    4. Residents and their roommates may be charged a fee for areas kept in poor physical condition and requiring non-routine service from maintenance and custodial staff.

  6. Utilities and Services

    Each apartment is served by sewer, water, electricity, trash removal, and basic internet services. A free internet connection is existing at check-in and requires no further action by the resident. If a resident desires to have upgraded internet, the resident shall call MPW at 563-263-2631 to set up a wireless connection, at cost to the resident. Residents are responsible for removing all trash from their apartments. A trash receptacle is located in the parking lot in front of the building. No exterior hanging objects are allowed outside of resident apartments, including, but not limited to, television antennae and satellite dishes. Personal grills of any kind are not allowed in resident apartments. A grill is located on the quad between Hansen Hall and the Nyweide-Scott Hall and available for resident use, provided however, that residents shall clean up any trash accumulated as a result of the use of the grill.

  7. Pets

    No pets of any kind are allowed in the MCC apartments at any time.

  8. Mail

    Each resident will have a mail box and mail service will be delivered to the MCC Apartments complex by the USPS. USPS packages that are larger than a residents' mailbox will be available for pickup at the post office located at 3100 Cedar Street. Packages arriving via FedEx or UPS will be placed on the table outside of unit 208. Residents will be notified via email by 5:30 p.m. of a package. Please note, campus operational hours are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  9. Parking

    Parking (ADA Compliant) is available, and each resident is required to register their vehicle with MCC Apartments. Guest parking is available in the parking lot across from Strahan Hall and the other student parking spaces on campus. Permit parking is only for residents, and each vehicle must have a parking permit for that year displayed on the rear view mirror. Tickets will be issued to those who park without a permit. Once a resident has received two tickets, the resident may be towed at his or her own expense.

  10. Guests

    Residents are responsible for making their guests adhere to, and be aware of, the terms and conditions contained in this Contract governing the MCC Apartments. Residents shall be financially responsible for any damage done by their guests to the MCC Apartments. Guests who plan to stay overnight must register with the MCC Apartments Residential Life Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance, and the roommates of the resident must be notified and the guest must sign the guest registration form. Guest registration forms are located on line at Residents may not prop open any of the MCC Apartment doors for guests and any resident caught propping open doors shall be charged a $40 fee.

  11. Overnight Guests

    All overnight guests must be 18 years of age or older. No guests under the age of 18 may be in Nyweide-Scott Apartments between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Guests may only be on campus for 2 consecutive days/nights per visit.

  12. Quiet Policy

    Quiet hours are 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday-Thursday, and 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Friday-Saturday. Violation of quiet hours may result in disciplinary action. Courtesy hours are 24/7.

  13. Alcohol; Tobacco; Other Drugs

    Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the MCC campus, including the MCC Apartments parking lot and premises regardless of age. Residents found with alcohol, or found to have consumed alcohol, will be subject to disciplinary action. MCC is a smoking free campus. Smoking is defined as burning or inhaling of tobacco or other matter that can be smoked or inhaled, or the inhaling of smoke or vapor from an electronic smoking device. Tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigar, pipes and smokeless tobacco, and the use of e-cigarettes are prohibited. This includes the MCC Apartments and vehicles parked on any MCC property.

    The use of narcotics or any controlled substance on MCC property is strictly prohibited. Illegal possession, sale, or use of controlled substances, as defined in the Iowa Code, can result in immediate eviction. All drug cases will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Residents found in possession of drugs will be evicted.

  14. Disciplinary Procedures

    All residents of the MCC Apartments are under the jurisdiction of MCC and subject to the guidelines published in the Eastern Iowa Community College Student Information Handbook, the MCC Code of Conduct, the MCC Housing Code of Conduct and any other policy and/or rules governing residents (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Code of Conduct"). Such Code of Conduct shall be incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Contract. Any sanctions imposed upon a resident by a Disciplinary Board or an official of the college are binding.

    If a resident is found responsible for violations of the Contract terms and conditions and/or the Code of Conduct, the resident is subject to disciplinary sanctions including eviction from the resident's apartment.

    If a resident receives a disciplinary sanction which warrants removal from their apartment, the resident must leave within the time frame stated.

    Under special circumstances, in order to provide for the safety and well-being of students and/or others, an administrative emergency removal and restriction from MCC and restriction from MCC property and facilities may be implemented.

    If a resident Contract is terminated due to judicial action, the resident's security deposit will be forfeited, and the resident will be charged for any outstanding balance owed on the Contract. A charge will also be assessed to the resident if damages are present in the apartment for which the resident is responsible.

  15. Payments

    Per the resident's internship with HNI Cooperation, HNI will be paying residents rent payments. Residents are responsible for all other charges (lock outs, damages, lost keys, lost key fobs, etc.).

    Resident shall pay by cash, check, ACH cashier's check, or money order, to the Residential Life Coordinator or the Business Office. If the resident submits a Non-Sufficient Fund check, Muscatine Community College, has the option to require resident to pay all future payments in cashier's check or money order. If left unpaid, after 30 days the resident will be sent to collections.

  16. Cancellation of Contract and Refund Policy

    This Contract may be terminated due to a violation of this Contract's terms and conditions, the Code of Conduct, or a judicial action of any kind at the sole discretion of MCC. In such event, the resident must evacuate the apartment, the resident's deposit will be forfeited, and the resident will remain responsible for the remaining portion of this Contact and any outstanding amounts owed pursuant thereto.

  17. Liability for Personal Property

    Although MCC will use all reasonable efforts to protect resident property, it is understood that MCC and/or EICC are not in any way liable for the loss or theft of, or damage to, any property belonging to a resident and residents shall not hold MCC and/or EICC responsible for damage or injury that may be sustained by a resident caused by breakage, leakage, or obstruction of pipes, and/or other latent defects not known to MCC and/or EICC. Each resident is advised to have renter's insurance.

  18. Lock Outs

    If you lock yourself out of your bedroom, apartments, or building after business hours, please call the housing cell phone, listed on the building entry doors. There is a $40 fee due at the time of service.

  19. Apartment Entry

    The resident agrees to permit MCC and/or EICC representatives to enter the resident's apartment without prior notice in the following cases:

    1. General Inspection and Maintenance (to provide apartment maintenance inspection, repair service, or safety inspection):

      1. Resident apartments may be inspected periodically for safety or building maintenance purposes. Residents will be notified at least 24 hours prior to the apartment maintenance inspection with a posting in the building. The reason for the inspection and/or the specific property to be inspected will be listed on the notice if the inspection is particular to an apartment or room in the building.

      2. For general inspections, maintenance issues and contract violations will be addressed. Contents of wardrobe, desk or dresser drawers, cupboards and refrigerators etc., may be inspected during an apartment maintenance inspection.

      3. Illegal materials (e.g., drugs, alcohol and alcohol containers, emptied or filled will be removed) or items that pose an immediate danger to the health or safety of residents will be communicated to the management staff for removal if they are noticed in the course of an apartment maintenance inspection. Residents will receive written notification of this action. If the resident is legally authorized to possess the removed item, the item will be returned to the resident, but it will not be allowed in the apartment.

      4. When a pest problem has been reported to the maintenance department, a notice will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the spraying or treatment so the resident will be able to cover or remove any items.

    2. Emergencies

      1. There may be entry without notice in emergencies where imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property (water leaks) is reasonably feared by residential staff or their agents (e.g., ambulance, fire safety, public safety personnel).

    3. Other Entries

      1. To maintain an environment that facilitates positive living environment of other residents and to enforce policies of the building, quiet hours, prohibition of parties, suspicion of drug or alcohol use.

      2. If the residents permanently vacate the apartment.

  20. Entry Procedures

    Discretion will be used by any staff member entering an apartment, and, when entry is necessary, a note will be left. Resident apartments will not be entered without knocking twice. A sufficient time lapse will be allowed to provide ample opportunity for the resident to open the door. If no response is received, the resident's apartment may be entered under the conditions listed above. Before entering an apartment with use of a key, residential staff/college officials will identify themselves. The resident's privacy with respect to other residents will be maintained when management personnel enter an apartment. In these cases, other residents will not be permitted to enter the apartment unless the resident is present and provides consent.

    The only authorized staff members or their agents that may enter an apartment are: (1) residential staff, (2) maintenance staff, (3) college officials on duty, and (4) administrative staff members for reasons of inspection and public safety.

  21. Search Warrants

    A MCC and/or EICC official may not consent to the search of a resident's apartment by the police or other government officials unless such official has a valid search warrant.

  22. No Landlord/Tenant Relationship; Residential Purposes Only

    Residents acknowledge that MCC is a not-for-profit institution operated exclusively for educational purposes and thereby understand and agree that housing accommodations provided under Contract do not establish a landlord-tenant relationship subject to Federal, State, or City rent stabilization laws or other regulations or laws associated with leases or the payment of rent. Residents further acknowledge that any occupancy of MCC Apartments is contingent upon maintaining an affiliation with MCC. Residents may not sublet, assign, or transfer this Contract or possession of a living space in the MCC Apartments and such living space may only be used for residential purposes and not for any type of commercial purpose.

I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Contract. I understand that the Contract terms and conditions may change during the term of this Contract and I will be notified in writing if alterations do occur.


By entering your name you are signing this document.

It is the policy of Eastern Iowa Community College District not to discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential family, parental or marital status, as required by the Iowa Code §§216.6 and 216.9, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d and 2000e), the Equal Pay Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 206, et seq.), Title IX (Educational Amendments, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1688), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794), and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.).

If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy, please contact EICC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Officer/Equity Coordinator, Eastern Iowa Community College District, 101 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52801, 563-336-5222, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-7204, Telephone: (312) 730-1560 Facsimile: (312) 730- 1576, TDD (800) 877-8339